Chapter 5

2551 Words

Chapter 5 There were no dark corners to hide, here. I skirted the group of people gathering on the concrete slab and found a seat at a nearby picnic table. I recognised a couple of faces from Wednesday night, but nobody that I’d spoken to. As I glanced up from checking my watch for the seventh time, I saw Matt striding over. As our eyes met, his face broke into a grin. My heart leapt in my chest. Matt joined me on the concrete bench, his thigh pressing against mine as he leant over to place his sports bag on the ground. “Hey,” Matt said, “glad you could make it.” “Me too,” I replied, smiling back at him. “Where’s Nadiene?” “She had to work today.” We sat in comfortable silence. Music played through the large speaker set up on the edge of the concrete slab and I tapped my foot to the

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