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(Third Person POV) From the dawn of time, it has been said that a vampire's natural enemy is a witch, but it's also been said that enemies are best together in bed. The old and vengeful vampire, Heidi, learned that well in her Camelot – her Sanctum with no humans, so to speak. To Hell with them all, she would often shout at the night sky during her rare moments of solitude. By her own admission, when she'd first snapped herself away in that serpent-eyed fit of rage, she was broken; not only had she gambled with her sickeningly-devoted lover's life and lost it, she failed to rid herself of the courageous young problem that she, without a doubt, deemed completely unfit to be thrusted into the world of vampires. Five weeks -- a rather lengthy passage of time for both mortals and immortals alike -- had passed her by at an infuriating pace. Finding a new love interest was easy enough, though; she managed to cover that base by week two! Caius Malvern Wade was your typical tall and handsome mage who was relatively strong in his craft and blindly bent his knee to his blood-sucking queen's desires, much to the latter's twisted satisfaction. Twinkly Fingers did advise me to find myself a stronger mage next time, the vengeful woman would frequently recall, and heed his poor advice, she did indeed! ***** ~Present time~ In the privacy of her boudoir, Heidi and Caius shared a soft, affectionate kiss, then the handsome mage left his lover's embrace and approached the window to look out upon the gentle breaking of the waves against the not-so-far-off white, sandy shore, watching the tide roll in then get sucked back out again as nature intended for it to do. It was no wonder why the calculating woman had chosen this portal as her Camelot, for it was as pretty as a picture and far more serene than hiding out in a dumpy shack in the middle of the woods or elsewhere. Releasing a drawn-out sigh, the suddenly-impatient woman approached her lover and wrapped her arms around his waist, gently demanding his attention by nibbling on his left earlobe. In almost instant response to the vixen's near-t.orturous touch, Caius turned his face to her and placed another soft kiss upon her red lips, then she instructed him to prepare both himself and his elements to blindly do her bidding. He obliged without a single fuss, of course, and went about the preparations in haste, calling her over to him when he was finished to be a witness to whatever his floor-length magic mirror would soon reveal to them both. As Heidi handed over a small trinket of Dane's that she'd managed to convince a different mage to snag for her by his own supernatural mean before she'd even met Caius, she commanded her lover to 'get to work now', which he happily did without missing a beat. In no time at all, he brought his mirror to life and it revealed a rather interesting scene, one that would set Heidi's malevolence ablaze all over again. The mage, intrigued by the goings-on in real time in his mirror, stood at his vampire's side and looked on with fascination. "My, my, my ... what have we here?" purred the woman, surprised at the scene that was unfolding before them. From the confines and safety of her Sanctum, the pair witnessed a young, mildly-shaken Dane press his ear to his bold wife's belly and smile. "With child, I see," she bit out in addition, her voice as cold as a block of ice despite the fire in her words. "Well that is simply unacceptable!" As her once-sullen features brightened a hair and her striking blue irises turned red, malicious ideas began to buzz about her mind like a swarm of infuriated hornets, and her calculating smirk reflected such. Slowly at first, Caius moved behind her and wrapped his arms 'round her waist, then he pressed his lips to her neck and gently rotated between trailing tender kisses and light nips along her pale, flawless skin. "Tell me, Love," he rasped between nips, "what is it that your uncanny brain is so effortlessly piecing together now?" Oh so slowly, she turned her body to face him then gently gripped hold of his lower jaw. "You'll know soon, my Darling," she purred. Rest assured that I'll not stand back and have them embarrass me with an abomination like that! I'll bring each of their poor, unfortunate souls to their knees once I'm done ... but for now, I'm afraid I shall have to wait, her mind declared with ire, but she made sure to conceal those thoughts via the power of a mental blockage. None the wiser to her dastardly wiles, Caius flashed her a borderline-wicked smile in return (which she instantly reciprocated with one of her own), then they captured each other's lips as if it would be the last kiss they'd ever get to share.
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