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The grey clouds had covered the night sky by the time I came out of the café. Clutching the cell phone tightly in my palms I hurried to the parking space where I remembered parking my car as I tried to talk to Sonia. The faint roars of thunders were echoing in the background as if sending off a warning over Massachusetts to hurried to the safety of our homes before it starts pouring, making it a little difficult for me to concentrate.  I smiled in glee when a splash of cold air hit my face, awakening the fragrance of being close to nature within had calmed my nerves. It was peaceful and soothing yet my heart declined to beat at a normal pace. I was in a daze; beyond the universe as if, I was going to experience something serene. The thrill offered by nature cannot be expressed in words. It just overwhelms the human as and when it starts to please and I was not an exception to it.  “Hello, Surya? Is that you?” The voice on the phone spoke, snatching my attention from the glaring clouds ready to drench the surface to it. It appeared soft and smooth like velvet so was the voice, whispering soothing lullaby in my ears. It was ringing like a thousand bells jingling together to make a melodious song upon which the soul of the universe dancing. “Are you there? Is it you, Surya? Hello?” It spoke again and I wished it to speak repeatedly. I was so dumbfounded that every inch of my body had rinsed with goosebumps.  It was not the first time I was listening to a feminine voice and I knew, it would not be the last yet it felt like the ‘only’ one. She felt like my only one. Her voice laced in thick Indian accent had hypnotized me to the edge where I felt numb. The impact was beyond fathomable and I was not too concerned if I would be honest. On anything, I wanted to lose my sanity in it.  “Yes.” I huffed, as if out of breath when in reality I was standing on the same spot for more than ten minutes. One hand clutching the phone and others turning the door open I was waiting for her to speak further. What is wrong with me? “Suzann asked me to wait for you at subway. Where would you meet me?” Questioned Sonia, straight to the point whereas I was dying to talk about everything to nothing to ensure the polite voice keeps on ringing in my ears.    “Umm…you heard me?” She questioned when I did not respond and more than a minute had passed by. I nodded my head like a moron, but upon realizing that the woman on line could not see me, I spoke. “It will take around a quarter for me to make it till there. I am at the café. Would you mind waiting a bit? I mean if it is okay with you.” I replied as politely as I can. A blurred image of a fragile Sonia standing all alone in the subway flashed through the vision, making me quiver my lips.   “I am waiting for you, Surya. Please, hurry up! The weather is…” her voice trailed off for I spoke. “Oh, I know! I am sorry for keeping you hanging and I promise I will drop you home safely.” I said I heard her breathing silently as if forming a reply, but not letting her speak the part, I told her that she was taking something that belonged to me and that it was my duty to protect her.  “Relax! I will be there before you know it.” I added. Indeed, she was taking my heart away! Somebody stop her. I want to make a fair trade. At least give yours in exchange. The voice in my head twirled.  “Yes. I will be waiting, Surya. Please, hurry up!” Her voice was laced in panic as I heard the thunderous sound of the clouds roaring in the background. I imagined her shaking her head, waiting for my response while looking at the sky to see the lightening.   “You do! It goes the same with me, sweetheart. I am waiting.” I flirted. If she were even a bit alert, she would have noticed the smile in my voice. Perchance, my tone had made her uncomfortable as she replied with an “I will be at Mc Donald’s. Don’t take forever. I am already past my curfew. See you!” promptly and disconnected the call, making me chuckle.    I cursed under my breath when a drop from heaven fell on my face and hopped in the car. I started the ignition while turning on the radio as I read the text from Dad who had instructed me to abandon the meeting and make it home as early as possible. The weather broadcasting had put the city on high alert with a prediction of heavy rainfall for a couple of days. ____   The drive to the Mc Donald’s near subway was soothing with steamy music playing on the radio as the pouring clouds made the experience all the more delightful.  I parked my car at the first vacant spot I spotted and made a call to Sonia that went unanswered. I tried a couple of times again only to hear an automated voice stating the phone to be switched off.   A sense of panic had started to erupt deep within by the time I attempted ninth unanswered called as multiple horrifying images had started to cloud my brain. I had imagined the worse scenarios that could have happened to an alone girl walking up from the subway in pouring night and with each passing second, the image darkened. After three more failed attempts of call, a series of profanities muttered under the breath, I jumped out of my car not caring about the pouring clouds, roaring thunders and weaseling lights as I started my search mission for a damsel in distress might be yelling my name loudly down an alley when a burglar was trying to rob her.  I searched throughout the parking space and enquired a teenage couple who shrugged off citing they had no clue of Sonia’s whereabouts and continued talking as if I did not exist.    I ran to the entrance leading to the only route to the subway, but thinking otherwise, I decided to check the Mc Donald’s first.    Maybe, she is inside enjoying a happy meal. The unanswered phone call not always indicates trouble. The brain spoke and I chose to follow it.   Fortunately, my brain was right for I spotted a girl with the familiar pink glasses and a cute face standing near the counter of Mc Donald’s in a queue waiting for her turn to order. She was hugging the file to her chest tightly as it’s the most important thing on the planet, looking both sizzling and adorable at the same time.  I saw the queue moving and soon it was her turn to order, eyes searching for something or someone she voiced her order and paid for it. There was a cute frown plastered across her forehead as she managed the file in one hand and the plate in another. She was shivering, I observed, with a cold for she had become partially wet not soaking, but wet enough to catch a cold. Her silky hairs were dripping water, giving her more enthralling look as ever. I walked to her not taking my eyes off her because I probably could not. My eyes were raking up and down, down, and up repeatedly taking in as much of her as I can. Neither I was a pervert or a lewd for my thoughts was pure and innocent nor was I lusty. It was out of admiration and a magnetic pull that my eyes found pleasure being glued at her.  I was only a few feet away from her when our eyes met―heart picking up speed, I found my whole world spinning. I stood in front of her, not speaking, not blinking. I was frozen.    She is gorgeous. The brain spoke.  Oh, she is divine. She is the one, Sur. I want you to embrace her. I want to feel her warmth. The heart agreed.  Don’t do anything stupid. It is your first encounter. She would report you. Wanna go in the block list straight away? The brain rationale. Breath normally and speak, you dumbass. Don’t mess up the chance.  Yes, say something. I want to hear her voice. The heart demanded and I made up my mind to speak.  “It is yours!” Sonia beat me off as she handed me the file without any word of acknowledgment.   What? No pleasantries? No exchange of formal greetings? No, how are you? How was the drive? You are soaked. You might catch a cold. I love you. Nothing. Absolutely, nothing. Great! Just Great!  “Thank you and I am sorry for keeping you hanging. I hope I did not create much trouble.” I apologized to start a conversation, politely.  “Your welcome. Make sure you don’t drop it off. It seems important. I did not read it.” Sonia replied curtly, ending the conversation as soon as it started.  God girl, nothing just the end as soon as it began. Let me court you, vow you, love you!    “Umm…yeah! I am sorry.” I replied, scratching the back of my neck. Her stern face was evaporating confidence. “Umm…you are wet. Come, I will drop you home.” I offered her a ride. I did not want to let her go. Her presence was tempting, overpowering the sanity. My heart was somersaulting, anticipating a high fly in the sky filled with love.     “Not as much as you are. You are soaking. You should hurry home, don’t want to catch a cold. Do we? Besides,” She added. “I think I will manage. My apartment is just ten minutes' walk away. You can go.” She dismissed me looking at her shoes. Even though we had been sharing the same classes for two years, but it was for the first time I was talking to her and I was feeling glitters all over my body. I was enjoying every second of it. Just looking at her, gave me unknown happiness―and I craved more of it.     “No, I can’t let you walk all alone in such bad weather. Come, I will drop you. I am no harm. I promise.” I said in a bit commanding tone, turned to walk out of the Mc D, but stopped when I found her standing still at the same spot lost in thoughts. She seemed reluctant as if contemplating something.        Do I look like trouble? I would not let an ant hurt her if only, she trusts me and let me protect her. Does she not trust me? Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Surya. You have just met her. Don't jump on conclusions so soon. Yeah, she is probably unsure and is not decisive.     “Look, just trust me too okay! I am no harm I promise. I will drop you home and leave immediately. The weather is getting worse and it is because of me you have missed the train. I feel responsible,” I said give her my best assuring look. “If something happens…I am doing it for safety. Trust me!”   “But.”   “But? I told you that it is out of the sense of responsibility that I am offering. There are no hidden intentions. I am not that kind of person, Sonia. You have my details to sue me.” I was irritated.  “It is not the matter, Surya. You are taking it all wrong.” Sonia said nervously looking at her shoes. “It is just…”    What is there to be nervous about?    “It is what?” I asked, calmly as I can.   “It is just that I am not allowed to ride with just any boy. My family is very concerned about the people with whom I hang out. If they ever come to know about me having random rides home. That would be the end of it. I will be dead sooner than you can pronounce ‘Sonia’.” Explained Sonia, still playing with her fingers.    Are her parents sane? Who does that? In which era they think they are living to control their daughter and how can Sonia let them control her? It is not acceptable.  “I hope you understand. Thank you for the offering. I think I should get going. I am already late.” She thanked me and walked off, whereas I tried to gather my thoughts. I quickly thought about it and started to walk with her, matching her pace. It was still pouring, but thankfully Sonia had an umbrella to shield her from hammering water droplets, and I was more than ready to share it with her. She stopped after a step or two when she saw me walking alongside and with her; I stopped too.    “Why are you walking with me? Aren't you late to deliver that file? You said it was urgent. She asked. I nodded my head and told her that it was indeed urgent; nonetheless, I was choosing to walk her home. I could not afford to take the risk of her walking to any uninvited trouble.   Sonia scowled at my explanation and grunted. “Have I not told you that it is your presence that would lead me to trouble? Do you want me to be grounded? Is it your way of thanking me?”  “No, I am not trying anything like that and we would both save each other’s asses if you drop in your stubborn attitude and just hop in my car. I will drop you at a safe distance. Your family wouldn’t know it. Look, your family has forbidden you to ride with random strangers. Right? They wouldn’t mind taking help from acquaintances. If you still want to walk, I will walk with you and in that sense, we would not be riding, so technically and logically I can accompany you. I am sticking around either way. The choice is yours.” I said giving her my best innocent look.  “Very smart, Einstein, but you are not tailing after me.” Sonia tried to shoo me away, but I followed after.  “Stop, Surya!” “Only if you let me drop you. Come with me.”   _________________
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