Chapter 4

1011 Words
Rome, Italy. Souline's pov: I awoke and looked at the alarm clock on the hotel's frame; it was already eleven. The flight from Ontario to Rome was so exhausting that my body ached from sitting in the seat for so long. To top it all off, Alliana and I haven't eaten anything. We didn't eat anything on the plane because it was only made for prisoners. We planned to go eat around two o'clock because we thought it would be a good time, and then we'd meet up with Kai and Carlos. I had to call Kai first and let them know we were in Rome and to discuss a meeting location. I sat up on the bed and stretched as I'd never stretched before, my back cracking as I stretched. I took the phone from the pillow next to me and called Kai. I yawned before calling him to avoid yawning on the phone with him, which would be embarrassing. "Hello?" Kai asked. "Hello, Kai, this is Souline," I said. "How are you, Souline?" Kai asked. "I'm fine; what about you?" I inquired. "I'm pleased. Just finishing up some files here," Kai explained. "Wow, this must be exhausting, huh?" I remarked sarcastically. "You've got no idea," Kai said. "Of course I do; after all, I am Alliana's assistant," I joked. "I forgot," Kai admitted. "Anyway, I was calling to let you know that Alliana and I are in Rome and would like to meet at four o'clock," I explained. "How was your flight?" Kai inquired. "It was horrible; we couldn't even sleep, and the food was horrid, so we didn't eat," I explained. "That's tragic," Kai said. "As if you didn't know how a plane functions," I remarked. "You're right, I don't fly on public planes, but rather on private jets," Kai c****d. I rolled my eyes. "Do you consider yourself a billionaire?" I inquired. "No, my brother is a mafia, and I work for him," Kai explained. My face turned bright red. Carlos is a mafia member? What the f**k is going on? Has Alliana ever collaborated with the mafia? Perhaps, perhaps not. "Mafia, you say?" I inquired. "You seemed terrified," Kai observed. "Not really, but some mafias startle me," I said. "Oh, I'm sorry, but Carlos isn't the type of mafia member who would kill people unless he were in a position to do so," Kai explained. "Oh, right," I admitted. "Besides, we're well-liked here in Rome; I'm sure you'll hear people mention us when you go out to eat," c****d Kai. "So egocentric," I remarked. "Nope, just telling you so you'd believe me," Kai explained. "Look at us talking about this when we're supposed to be talking about where to meet," I pointed out. "That's simple; why not at our place?" Kai inquired. "Uh, your house?" I inquired. "Mansion," Kai explained. "All right, Mr. Show Off," I said. "Not at all," Kai replied. "Yes, you could have said yes instead of a mansion," I explained. "What kind of mafia family do you think we are?" Kai inquired. "The brokers," I chuckled before hanging up the phone. I texted him about the location because I forgot to ask for the address, but hey, teasing Kai is both hilarious and terrifying because I don't want to be murdered for being disrespectful. Kai sent me the address minutes later. Honestly, I can't wait to meet him. I looked to my right and saw that Alliana was waking up. "Good morning," I said. "Morning," said Alliana as she yawned. The entire flight to Italy was so exhausting that Alliana and I barely slept. We left around midnight and arrived at eight a.m., which isn't bad, but we've lost our energy. The plan is to stay in a hotel, eat, and then meet up with Kai and Carlos. We're already in a hotel, so the next step is to rest. I'd say we'll leave for lunch around two o'clock and meet up with Kai and Carlos around four o'clock. Alliana stretched and got out of bed. "I'm going to the bathroom," said Alliana. "I'll order something to eat," I said as I leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed the phone. I dialed room service and ordered some pancakes for Alliana and me. 35 minutes pass by, and Alliana comes out of the bathroom with a towel. "Did you order something?" asked Alliana. I nodded as I grabbed my things. "I'm going to go take a shower; keep an eye on the door, please," I said. "Alright," Alliana said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carlos's pov: BANG! I slammed a vase onto the ground. BANG! And another one. THUD! I threw my furniture over. That's how pissed I was. The maids were terrified to do anything, and Kai watched me from the door frame. I was enraged, but my knuckles were stinging because of the cuts from the vase pieces. After I returned from errands, the feds showed up at the bank and found me; I have no idea where they came from or how they found me. They gave me a warning the last time I saw them before I went on probation for the first arrest. I thought I'd never see them again, but after learning about my recent legal case, they tried to find me but failed because Kai installed something that prevented them from finding me. But somehow they hacked into it and found our location. The feds warned me that I could face serious consequences for what I did earlier. The case for which I was summoned was the second one. I guess the family of the man who murdered my parents found out who I was despite my efforts to remain anonymous. Because I'm well-known in Rome, that's how the feds tracked me down to the mansion. Fuck. I could have been used fifty times by each family member, and none of the feds would have found me. The clock is ticking away, and I need this girl to assist me with my legal matters; otherwise, I'll be f****d.
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