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whenever you take a walk along a road or take part in a gathering, spare a few minute to observe people count happy face and you will be surprised that most face are care-worn with furrowed why do people Carry their burden of sorrow on their faces Do happy people have nothing bother about, Don't they have problem in they day-day life Hear This: no one is without problem, Everyone's would have suffered at one time or the others don't. But some people magnify their problem and suffer emotional stress . some have mental fortitude to remain calm and unruffled despite serious situation. They are people who smile even during trials and adversity Problem are not merely part of life but life itself would have become proasic and dull without problem whenever you see someone saying heir she has a problem in life, lt only means the person is idle all the time. only when you start working problem confront you, the more active one is the more problem one has to face. Human progress is possible only because people work, face your problem and solve them when confronted with problem don't feel depressed make effort to find a solution, if depressed you are confused and the problem get aggravated. God has created every man and woman to be worthy unless you discover your worth you can never be successful in life. no human life can be worthless xx all of us are born with potential talents and ability. if we fail that mean we don't realise them This world is a pleasant place to live and human being are endowed with opportunity to make life happier and meaningful. Whatever you demand from life you will get, it is the law of nature. you must learn to use your sensory faculties to your advantage. Two people who looks through the window do not see the same thing, one see graveyard and become melancholic thinking of Death while others see a tall tower and is inspired to achieve something big. life is a window what you see through it determine your outlook life is an opportunity and the harvest you reap determine what you sow life is what you make of it and is not what it is, no one but you are responsible for your life, unless you learn to love life you will never understand it's purpose and value. Suffering can never make a man weak, weakness is a state of mind By lamenting your misfortune you are not going to be free from them don't be cowed down by it The best way to solve the problem is to face it squarely When you are confused your thinking faculty become a clouded and block your mind from finding a solution. we all feel both pleasure and pain but we should never fill our hearts with only pain and see shut out pleasure. Animals and creatures live by instinct but human live by the reason. Human is endowed with differentiate power of good and bad Human alone has the capacity to change the environment to suit his need while others species of creatures have to adapt themselves to the environment in which they live, they have no choice in life But Human are different they can change the conditions of life to suit they need and live and live comfort This creative power is the result of human capacity for reasoning let not be threatened by our sorrow, they are like thunder cloud and will either pass away or pour down like rain most often we are not aware of what we are endowed with and what we are capable of. We fail to make use of the tools God has given used remain idle without exploiting the wealth around us.
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