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every one has his own weakness, there is no point in sharping on them all the time, weakness work as ablock to progress and hold you back from your goal, it is quite necessary to get rid of them to enable us advance in our cherished ambition.. some weakness are harmless, some people have a retentive memory for certain things and some other don't, Generally what you consider important is retained in your memory and things you don't attach importance to slip away from your memory. Some people are noted for their absent mindedness, when the mind is engrossed in bigger problem sometimes you fail to comprehend simple things, such weakness are common in everyone to some degree or other, Geniuses may fail to register simple matter which may be important to ordinary people. These facts illustrate the point that you need not to magnify your weakness and worry about them, all weakness do not have negative impact on our activities but some weakness do not have a bearing on the progress of our life and we should certainly get rid of them, when someone draws your attention to your weakness we should not get upset, Generally we are not aware of our weakness as they become part of our very being, they get revealed in our activities and others are able to spot them. infact we should thank those who draw attention to our weakness some of our weakness are born with us others are the result of education. the question is which of the two give most trouble. even acquired weakness can be divided into two category, one type of WEAKNESS is due to hereditary factor while others is the result of influence of education and environment, the earlier we get rid of weakness the better we are equipped for life. many opportunities are missed because of our inability to overcome weakness, I have come across people who have lost entire benefits in their lives due to momentary weakness. To excuse our fault on the ground of our weakness is to quiet our fear at the expense of our hope. To be aware of weakness should not lead us to develop fear complex once we identify the weakness then it is easy to get rid of it by conscious effort. Let me clear what the WEAKNESS is, sometime we fail in spite of our best efforts and conclude that luck is not on our side, this is a very erroneous and misleading interpretation, instead of we should calmly analyse the cause of failure, our bad temper haste fear, feeling of inadequacy, all together might be responsible for failure, once we locate the cause,,we can avoid the recurrence of the weakness, once diagnosed is made the remedy become easy even what we indulge in with harmless pleasure May develop into a weakness some weakness are inherited, this kind of WEAKNESS could be a behavioral pattern that mar a smooth passage of our life. by analysing our character and with introspection, we can identify inherited weakness, some people are quick temper by nature. By losing their temper even at least provocation they create enemy around and in the process get isolated, such inherited weakness die hard and required a strong Will and conscious effort to get eliminated, May have to pay a price in terms of time and attention but it is worth it. Many people lose good thing in life because of temperamental incompatibility . Understanding one's weakness is as important as recognising one's strength, we fail to shed off weakness they will impose a counter balance influence on our capabilities, when this happens our achievement swindle and we lose self confidence. the evolution of any individual and so it should be our primary concern to get rid of all our weakness No weakness is too strong to be overcome, Self confidence is the panacea for all weakness and unless we have faith in our abilities even the smallest of weakness can have immense to damage our ambition
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