The decision to meet and the decision to run away.

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Chapter 7. Children of gold. These are people who were once close, during the reign of Yogan Langar. He ruled a small country in the southwest. But with a very huge amount of precious materials. And she was one of the richest five countries in the entire world. Only because of this, was he taken to Ornfliks. And they also let him go to the table of omnipotence. After the rule, he was expelled from his country and from the ranks of Ornflix. Three of his followers followed him and left the country. They were so strong, loyal to their master. And now, they are all the ones who rule the city of the Black Dungeon and White Sky. Bale ran into the mistress's chambers with good news. He found an article about the new residents and evidence that they used to be from Gray City. At last. A lot of work, it took him to do it. But still, he went through this torment. “Madam. Here, take a look. I found information about the people you need. " He began to chatter like a madman that you could hardly understand his words. On emotions, everyone was very happy with the result. He thought that he had to stay there for at least another day, but the necessary newspaper had come to hand earlier. As if by the will of fate, she fell into his clutches. "I know this man. He used to be a servant of Maeby Cullen. His real name is Fel. " Nialla, when she looked at Lale and Fel, immediately recognized the guy. Because once, she managed to visit Maibie Cullen's mansion already and it was there that she saw him. Yes, for life, I remembered this face. “And what do you want to do with them? How are we going to act further? " “You, nothing. I want to personally meet with him. He intrigues me very much. What's so special about him, Miss Cullen? " Rin is very interested in this guy. Because he used to be the most important servant of the aristocrat and Maeby often talked about him. More precisely, the whole of their meeting, then she only chatted to him. All their free time when they were not discussing matters. That is precisely why she really wanted to meet with him in person. “But, madam. It is dangerous for you to go to the surface in this situation. Your presence now is needed here. " Bale did not like such a harsh decision of the mistress and he objected to her. This slave was the only one who was allowed to open his mouth and nothing would happen to him because of that. Well, if, of course, he does not overstep the bar. Also, Nialla has a lot to do now and going to the surface is quite risky. “Well, I have you. My dear, Bale. I know. That you are wonderful. You can handle anything without my presence. " But Rin just took all her business and threw it onto her precious slave. She greatly, greatly appreciated him and could not worry that something would go wrong. Because I was sure that Bale would do everything possible to prevent this from happening. Even more than the lady herself. So much so, he was devoted to her. “But suddenly what will happen? You do, you understand ... " The slave wanted to merge and try to argue more so that Nila would not leave. But one of the gentlemen, on the floor, interrupted him and did not allow him to really finish. Thus, putting on his shoulders all current affairs. For a day. While she will be in the city of White Sky. “Not words, more. I completely trust you. You are my special boy. You yourself, you know that very well. " This woman came up to him and began to caress him gently. And Bale just took it and gave up. He could not refuse her, nothing. When she is, she becomes like that. In this playful state, this woman can do anything. Even kill everyone who comes to hand. But only, not him. For a slave, this meant one thing, that she would pay off with him, then. At night, in bed. "Yes Milady. I will do everything that you just ordered. " Lale and Fel returned home and got together to discuss all the information that they had gathered during the day. We settled down comfortably in the hall and sat down. Just by this moment, everyone else was already ready to talk. “Well, in general. Our threads are small. Everyone is constantly idolizing some kind of Yogan Langar. And they pretend that they are doing well. But actually it is not. And they are obviously trying to hide something. Fel began to recount how their day had gone and what they were able to find out during their walk through the city of White Sky. It was not very thick. But here, everywhere, one name flashes. And that's the name. Johan Langar. And also that people are hiding some details and, all in one voice, they do not provide some information. But they still did not manage to find out what exactly. "What about you?" Lale asked, with sparkling eyes and great curiosity. She started up and went into the taste of adventure. She was beginning to like their new game of heroes. “We have a fairly abundant amount of information. We covered a lot of things, interesting and frightening at the same time. " The Norton brothers were able to get a lot more data. They knew almost everything except the location of the Black Dungeon city. And so they have a complete picture of what is happening in this place and what, in fact, is so terrible that Langar has done. Which leads the guys to horror. "We are listening to you." It all started 10 years ago. When Langar was stripped of his ruler status and expelled from his country, Ornflix did not want to let him go and leave him unattended. Because he could have caused a lot of problems and problems. But the murder, too, was not part of their plans. After all, he was still useful to them. In order to adjust everything for yourself, for the better. Ornflix gave him the city of the White Sky and made him the main one here. Then Johan began to create another city underground, in secret from the world and the government. And the city of the Black Dungeon was born. Where inequality and violence flourished. Just like in the human market. Its an exact analogue. But this is not the most important thing. He was also so strong that he could command a squad against praecipua sunt and he had it. And that means. That he is in no way inferior to Edward Reinhard. And in cruelty, and even worse, it is several times worse. “In general, these are the things. We are stuck in a very dangerous business with you. Guys. Before us we can say, a man equal in strength to Reinhard. " Jake finished his story and he was not very pleasant at all. Having learned the true situation of affairs that is happening here, they were terrified to hear how powerful their enemy was. Especially Lale. All her enthusiasm was abruptly lost. And now, it is necessary to decide. Are they ready to fight such a dangerous enemy, or will they just flee? “We refuse! We refused to help them. Let's just run away. Anyone but this. I couldn't stand another battle with such a strong man. I really tried, but I couldn't. Sorry." No one even had time to think about it. As Lale cried out, a negative answer came from her mouth. She was not ready to endure once again all the horrors and the pain that was happening in the human market. For her, this is the most painful thing. Because more than once, she went crazy and lost her mind. Thanks to Fel, she managed to bring herself back to normal. But it is not a fact that, the second time, she will be able to do it. “We thought so. Therefore, we decided that the decision would be yours. Lale. Whatever, it was not. We will accept it. " Sarah affectionately supported the girl and reassured her. Because she began to get very nervous. Everyone has already agreed to leave. They did not want to endanger their friend and could not leave him. Better, they'll leave the city. After all, they suffer a lot and all of them are impossible to save. And Lale, they have one. "Any objections, Fel?" Jake asked ahead of time, just in case. He would not care, took the side of his wife, even if he was against it. But it's better to try to talk. Then to disperse. They were even ready to disperse and go their own ways. If it is required. "No. Once such, the desire of the beloved. I will no longer go nasty to her. I understand how hard it is for her. But then we need to leave this city. I can't look at all this and do nothing. " Fel was surprisingly calm and took everything for granted. He completely agreed with Lale's opinion and did not contradict her. Because I decided for myself that he would always be on the side of his wife. Even if it is, against his principles. He would not leave her. Moreover, he also knew. How hard it was for her, the last battle. "Good. Tomorrow, let's pack up and leave. We have nothing else to do here. " On this, their dialogue ended. Nobody else raised this topic. Tomorrow the whole team will start packing and getting out of this city. They do not intend to get into the dangerous things that are happening here and look at all this horror. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that you just need to leave here, forever and not return, never again.
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