Fel against the Child of Gold.

2371 Words

Chapter 26. Fel was already on the fourth floor and overcame all the others. It remains now, to bypass Shinta and further awaits him, only Billy. From blood and corpses, the guy just, everything boiled inside. He really wanted to make him feel pain and experience the same thing that Gint had done to others. But he cannot. Because, his principle remains unchanged, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not develop in himself the thirst for murder. Only once was it only once. In the human market. "Everyone says that. What? Can they defeat me? And, look. What happened to all of them? They are dead. " The approximate did not notice the difference in strength. And pointed to the corpses. Thus, hinting to the guy that he cannot defeat Shinta. And he will face exactly the same

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