City of White Sky.

1989 Words
Chapter 2. A city that is considered one of the best and kindest in the whole world. There is no malice and secrets here. Destruction and chaos. Enmity and violence. Only happiness, peace and love reign here. In fact, not what it seems at first glance. There is also a dark side of the world which is still hidden from the eyes of our heroes. They have yet to get acquainted with it. Tudukh. A blow from the whip rang out throughout the dungeon. Here people are forced to work and used as servants in the Gray City. Only, they are called slaves, without the right to choose. This place is known only to a small group of people who sit at the top of the whole world in Ornflix and the inhabitants of the city of White Sky. City of the Black Dungeon. This is the name given to this place. “Work. If you don’t collect enough gold for today, you will be left without food." Some here work tirelessly and just live out their days, doing various errands. Others, however, got rich and created a huge empire in this place. On the blood and labor of those who work tirelessly. The system is exactly the same as that of Edward Reinhard and the Black Vassals. Only here are people divided into masters and slaves. And the four most important people who rule everything. They are called Children of Gold. At the top of it all stands Johann Langar. The most terrible and terrible person with tremendous strength. In the past, he was the leader of an entire country. But, because of his cruel nature and not sharing common values with the world. They just kicked him out of Ornflix. “You heard the news. An atomic explosion occurred in the Gray City." Walking down the main street of Liventail. Everyone was just talking about what happened to the Gray City. Although this incident happened a few days ago, it was only today that people learned about the incident. Which the government made available to the public. "Yes. It is said that Edward Reinhard and the entire Human Market are dead. No one was left alive." These are all rich people who live in luxury and pleasure. Only they can be seen, on this street and without slaves. They can be in any other place, they can be taken with them. But on the main street, it was forbidden to do so. If someone with the stigma of being a slave is noticed. He will be immediately killed by snipers who are sitting in the tower and controlling this street, 24 by 7. “Well, who's to blame? What they decided to build: a city on the surface. If they did, like our head. Underground. This would never have happened." So wished, Mr. Johann. He did not want the foot of a vile slave to step on the road leading to his palace. Therefore, he issued this cruel decree. Even if the slave is by accident, he will step with at least one foot. It doesn't matter, they will kill him and they will not regret it. “And that's right. They were unlucky. What got it, such a stupid gentleman?" And various rich people here discussed and laughed at the whole situation that was happening in the Gray City. They didn't care about human life at all. They didn't give a damn. They only worried about their well-being and standard of living. As, indeed, the whole world in which they live. "So! Ladies and Gentlemen, come up and start playing the gold rush. There are not many places left. Hurry up to occupy it and become a member of this unforgettable, greatest entertainment of the Black Dungeon." The biggest and most exciting activity for the men was the game, which is called the gold rush. She's pretty simple. And the price per game is gold. Its principle is that each of the masters chooses his best slave and puts him as a participant in the battle. The tournament takes place once a year. And the one who wins gets all the gold that was at stake. The loser, however, simply loses the amount that he bet. A slave is usually killed and throws his body into a human landfill. After a large number of corpses have been collected, everything is disposed of by arson. "Finally. Started. I waited a whole year to place my slave and train him properly." This is the second end point, Liventail Streets. Langar always lives in his palace and almost never goes outside. Only once. The day the gold rush begins, to watch the tournament and slave fights. “Mine too, not weak. So it is unlikely it will simply lose to yours." Various gentlemen have already made their bets and put up slaves. Everyone was confident of their victory. And that his slave is the strongest. In almost every spectator seat, this topic was raised. After all, everyone wanted to be even richer and that he had even more gold. This is the common essence of people. “Chat as much as you like, but my slave will win. He's special." On the surface, the cities of the White Sky. Everything is quiet and calm. Our heroes do not even suspect that they have such a terrible place underground. Fel and Lale went to get food. Sarah, along with Jack, did a spring cleaning and cleaned out the whole house. Schultz, went all day to various vacancies and found out about the employment of good jobs for all the people. Only one, Tsutsu. For a day already, he has been lying in his room and has not left there. She can't forget the deceased Benny. It's clear. After all, it is very difficult to go after the loss of a loved one. But you need to continue to live on, no matter how difficult it is. "Crap. Forgot to buy cabbage. I'll go and run away now." Fel and Lale got so talked about on the road that they did not notice at all that they had not put the cabbage in the basket. Therefore, the guy decided to run to the store again and buy it. Since for Sarah's dish, she was really necessary. And so as not to change dinner. I had to go. "Good. Should I go with you? Expensive." Lale offered to walk along the road with him so that he would not be bored and keep company. After all, she, too, is partly to blame for forgetting about the ingredient. Only the girl was very tired and her legs were giving way. She would really, really like to relax, just sit and do nothing. "Not. Thank you, darling, rest. I'll run away myself." The beloved immediately, by just one expression, understood what his beloved was thinking about now. And left her at home. In the meantime, he dressed in street clothes and went to a new one, to the grocery store. “So unusual. I always had to. Live only in terrible places. And now, I have found myself in a place where there is no enmity and violence. I could not even think that such a thing exists on our planet. How glad I am that everything turned out so well." He could not, could not move away from the fact that this city. Well, straight, too clean. There is not a drop of dirt that he has seen up to now. People are good. No, these divisions into classes, strata of society, rich and poor. Etc. In general, all that usually happens now, around the world. "Help. Please help me." On the way, Fel met a child that was lying wounded and covered in blood in an alley between houses. And asked for help. There was no one around and he was the only one who was walking now. So this request was intended specifically for him. "What? Where is the little child there?" The guy, without hesitation, ran up and examined him. The wounds were very serious. If you do not provide him, urgently, with first aid and do not take him to the hospital, then he could die any minute. But who tried so hard with him, in such a quiet and peaceful place? It was very strange. "I urgently need your help." On his last gasp, barely supporting his consciousness. The child said these words. Fel took out his phone and started dialing numbers on the phone to call an ambulance. He could not leave him, in such a difficult condition, and leave him. His conscience would simply not allow him to do so. It has always been present, this desire to help people. “Wait, kid. I'll call an ambulance now." Child, passed out. The guy sharply, his pupils dilated and he was very frightened. I didn't want him to die. It was impossible to allow this. It is very sad when, at such a young age, people give up their lives. And also, it is difficult to transfer from the outside. This is the truth of life. “Hold on. Just don't die. Doctors will definitely save you." After 10 minutes, an ambulance arrived. Doctors got out of the car and went to Fel with the child. They immediately took a stretcher with them to put on them and take the patient to the hospital. Quite, quickly worked and responded to the challenge. At first glance, a very good team came. Because for now, there is still time and a chance to get the boy out of the other world. “Please help this child. He urgently needs medical help. He's in critical condition." Fel was glad of their arrival and immediately asked them to help this kid. Only when they saw who it was. The faces of these people instantly changed and they became, they did not look like themselves. The former servant remembers that horrible look of contempt he had just caught. "Why did you call us?" The doctors asked as if they were not going to help him now. Moreover, with such displeasure. As if this is not their job at all. "What?" Fel was terribly surprised at this attitude on the part of the brigade. He didn't understand. Why do they stand and do not help? Is the child dying? What's wrong with them? Why did they suddenly change their minds and turn away from a sick person? After all, doctors should save people's lives, and not abandon them and not leave people to the mercy of fate. "Look. There is a brand on it. He is a slave from the city of the Black Dungeon. We are forbidden to help them." Only people from the city of White Sky do not help slaves. Because that is their law. If they give him any help, they will be killed immediately, without trial or investigation. Therefore, the doctors could not do anything. Even if they wanted to. But these people did not even think about it. Because the slaves here are considered the dregs of society. "But he will die." "Spit. So so, his master wished. We are powerless here." The ambulance team just got into the car and drove away, back to the hospital, without a patient. And the child died a few minutes later. He could not survive such severe wounds and large blood loss. “What the hell is going on here? It was as if I was back in the Gray City." Fel was shocked. He still doesn't understand. What was it now? But everything is quite simple. This city was not as clean as they say about it and they have their skeletons in the closet. What had just arrived yesterday, now faced. There is also some kind of class system that our heroes have yet to get acquainted with.
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