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After Amber woke up, she found her entire body aching as she moved. "Good morning," said a gentle male voice. The man was dressed in a nightgown, smoking by the window. It was Owen Lynch, her husband. "Are we going on a honeymoon today?" Amber rolled out of bed and opened the closet. She was dressed in a long-sleeved cotton nightgown with some faint bruises under the collar. All of this indicated that they had had wild s*x the night before. "Yes." Owen made a poker face at Amber. After a while, he put out the cigarette butt and smiled softly. Then he approached her and hugged her from behind. "Have you decided where you want to go on our honeymoon?" "Well, where would you like to go?" she asked back. "Let's travel abroad, shall we? Finally, we have a honeymoon. We should take the chance to go somewhere far away, I think," he answered in a husky voice. "Sure. It is entirely up to you." Amber grinned. She then noticed something was wrong with Owen, who kept staring at the TV. She looked at it with a puzzled expression and asked, "What are you looking at?" "The television appeared to be in the wrong place. Did it get moved before?" "No. It has never been moved since it was placed there." "Did you check it last night?" Amber shook her head and replied, "I didn't have time for it. You know, I was exhausted." She blushed at the thought of the wild s*x the previous night. Owen nodded and secretly sighed with relief. "I'll go out and make a phone call to book flight tickets," he said after a brief pause. "Okay!" Amber was about to pack her belongings when her father called and asked, "Amber, are you going on a honeymoon with Owen abroad?" "Yes!" Amber responded. "No way!" Her father snapped. "Stay at home and don't go anywhere. Do you hear what I'm saying?" "Why should I listen to you?" Amber scowled. "Because I'm your father." "My father? You're Emma's father as well. Don't pretend to be nice in front of me. Just go back and dote on her! She is always respectful to you." "Amber Laurel! How dare you!" Amber became enraged upon hearing her father's roar, and she yelled, "Wilson Laurel, since Emma moved into our home and my mother committed suicide, you've no longer been my father. I would have severed all ties with you if it weren't for Owen's sake." After a long pause, Wilson asked in a hoarse voice, "Is Owen really that important?" "Yes!" "Then, if I let you make a choice between him and Dad, who will you...?" he asked, his voice low, almost subdued. "I will choose him." Amber made a decision without any hesitation, even before Wilson could finish his sentence. There followed a long silence. She was aware that her father was upset, but she did not care. "Dad, have you ever loved my mom?" Amber had long wanted to ask her father this question. After a moment's hesitation, Wilson replied sadly, "Yes, I love her very much." Then why do I have a half-sister? Why did my mother kill herself? Amber questioned in her head. "I don't believe a word of it." With those words, she gritted her teeth and hung up the phone. Then tears streamed down her cheeks. She tried her hardest to forget those things, but she couldn't. That night, her mother hugged her and told her about her father's pursuit of her, saying that she was crazy about him. But never did she expect that he would actually have a child with another woman. "What should you do if I disappear from the world in the future, Amber? Please do not be dumped by men like me. I'm sorry I won't be able to see you grow up," her mother once said, voice full of sadness. Not long after that, Amber awoke and saw a dark shadow fall down from upstairs in a daze. "Mom!" she cried and yelled. Her mother, however, could no longer hear it. Amber then noticed her father running down the stairs in a panic, clutching his bloodied wife in his arms. In a sorrowful, affectionate tone, he repeatedly called her name. The next day, he returned with a child, which Amber found unacceptable. Wilson said he loved my mother a lot, but just the day following her death, he took another child home. Is this true love? Hah! Wilson, who had just been hung up, called Owen. "Hello, Dad!" Owen greeted politely. However, Wilson just yelled at him, "I'm not your dad, you selfish brat! I've been good to you for a long time. If you dare to take Amber abroad, I will murder you when you return." Amber heard her father's threat because Owen put Wilson on speaker. She dashed forward, grabbing Owen's phone. "You should assassinate me before you shoot him. Wilson, don't make me dislike you," snarled Amber. "It's better than putting you in danger," Wilson shouted, helpless. "Why would I be in danger? Only you will put me in danger!" Amber yelled again, her face crimson with anger. With that, she hung up, tears welling up in her eyes. Owen approached her and took her in his arms. His phone rang again at this point. Amber was about to hang up the phone when she noticed the caller ID. It was Emma. Owen had not expected Emma to call him at this time, so he picked up the phone with a straight face. "It's all about work," he explained. He then hugged Amber and entered the bedroom. "Go pack your things, honey. We'll leave town in the afternoon, or I'll be in big trouble if your father shows up." "Okay!" Amber replied with a smile. She was, however, distracted and wondered why Emma had called Owen. Owen entered the study and shut the door. He wasn't as gentle as he had been when he was in Amber's room just now. Instead, he maintained a poker face. "No. I double-checked it. Nothing is there," he said. "How is this even possible? That thing is extremely small. I placed it behind the television." Emma was obviously taken by surprise. "I found nothing, and I'm sure that Amber did not notice it," remarked Owen. "How peculiar!" Emma sighed. "Is it possible that the man took it away?" Owen asked impatiently. "No," Emma said emphatically. "He's just a male prostitute, not that capable of doing such a thing." "What should we do now?" asked Owen. "Don't worry." Emma comforted. Owen became agitated. "How can I not be worried? Wilson just called me, and he's already suspicious of me, and he's asked his men to keep an eye on me. I married Amber against his wishes. It was so inappropriate. He has now prevented me from traveling abroad. Obviously, he will take action. Emma, you must put the plan into action as soon as possible." "I see." "Cut the nonsense. You said everything would be ready on the wedding night, but what did you do? The items had vanished, and we had squandered so much time. This situation has caused me a lot of suffering." Owen was upset. He did not have s*x with the woman he married. Furthermore, the camera beneath the television had vanished. He couldn't force Wilson to give him Silver Laurel without the video. Emma was also nervous. Owen gradually calmed down after they talked for a while. He said in a soft tone, "Emma, you should know that it's not easy for us to get to where we are. Do you truly desire to die because of Amber?" "Impossible," Emma said, biting her lower lip. "That's great. Emma, I hope you won't disappoint me again." "But you and Amber are leaving. Are you really going on a honeymoon?" Emma asked, jealousy lacing her voice. "What the hell are you thinking?" Owen scowled. "I won't have feelings for such a dirty b***h. What are you worried about, Emma? Didn't we all agree that it was all a ruse? Are you concerned that I'll have s*x with Amber?" Emma responded with a pleading look after a long pause, " I love you, Owen. We would have married if it weren't for that bitch." Owen despised Emma's crying the most, but he still needed her help. "Emma, I know, and I love you as well. I went to your house on the wedding night and left your sister alone. Can't you even tell how much I care about you? In addition, I gave you permission to plot against her and record videos of her having s*x with another man. How is that possible that I have feelings for her? I'm a man, and there's absolutely no way that I'll let my beloved woman sleep with other men. So don't be concerned. I only care about you, and I promise that as long as I get the charge of Silver Laurel, I'll treat you well and torture Amber." His promise moved Emma deeply. "Okay. I trust you," she responded in a soft voice. Owen hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that women were a pain indeed. When he opened the door, he saw Amber standing outside, terrified. It caught Owen off guard. "Why are you here, Amber?"
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