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Ten minutes later, I excused myself to go to the men’s room. Washing, first my hands, then my face before staring at my reflection. I unzipped my jeans pants, going to the old but clean urinal just as Damian walked in. “Hey man,” he called out to me as he unzipped and opened his legs, bending his knees a bit. I ignored him and I relieved myself. “Look at your own man,” he mocked me and I felt weird for I had been ogling. Feeling, my cheeks and my face growing warm from the embarrassment, he mumbled, “Why not take a picture while you’re there?” Why was I even staring there? It’s not like I’ve never seen a p*nis before. The gym was surrounded by them plus the guys and I always looked at each other and even had a piss fight a couple of times. So why did I feel uncomfortable now? Insecure. The way my friends acted had me feeling some type of way… inferior to him. Finished, I zip up and wash my hands while he joined me by the sink. He held his hand out to me and I frown slightly for he had not washed up. “Happy birthday man. Sorry for crashing.” “You didn’t crash it. You were invited and secondly, wash your hands,” I say as I inspected his outstretched hands and yes, I did turn up my eyes a bit for that was disgusting. His urine stains were there. Utterly revolting. “Yeah sorry,” he mumbled as he holds his hand out beneath the automated soap dispenser. “I don’t see you out on the field. Were you injured or something?” 'As if?' “Don’t you see me around school? Do I look injured to you?” I return, almost nastily. “Sorry. I meant like if you had some other unseen- forget it. Whatever,” he replied and raised his soapy hands in mock surrender before turning back around to wash them off. Staring at his blue blazer-covered back, I see him looking at me in the mirrored glass. “Did I annoy you in some way?” Glancing at my reflection, I realized that I did indeed look vexed. Hmm, I’m usually good at concealing my emotions. “Nat.” “What? She’s free, besides you have a girlfriend, remember?” Damian squints his eyes, pursing his lips at the same time, eyeballing me, somewhat. “That’s not the point,” I hear my voice go up a notch and Damian closes the tap and straightens up, staring at me. “You like Natalie?” he frowns as he gawked at me in the mirror. “What- Why? Your girlfriend is perfect for you." So now he was looking at Mel too? “Stay away from me and my friends,” I almost scream and his eyes widened. A few seconds go by and I can tell he’s doing some major thinking of his own. “Chill, I’ll leave, geez,” he twisted his mouth before I walk out to re-join my friends. Making an excuse about having a headache, I leave my protesting friends behind. Mel leaves with me as I have to drop her home. She didn’t ask a question but simply asked if I wanted her to stay over. “I might be charged now- legally an adult,” I joked with her for Mel was still seventeen but I take her to my home. I know she would ask Nat or Gail to cover for her, with a sleepover excuse to her parents for we have done it for each other, a few times before. “Are you okay?” Mel asked me later that night as I pound into her. “Sure baby,” I groan out, for my brain cells were fading away with each thrust. “You seem so- oh yes- rough- umm- to- grunt-night.” ‘That stupid i***t is trying to take over my friends.’ “Want me to stop,” I grunt as I slow my pace looking down at her pink cheeks. She shook her head no as she bit her bottom lip. Bringing my eyebrows together, I lean down and kissed her almost violently as I move myself in her. I can understand her concern, for the few times, we did have s*x I was always gentle- for I was still not used to it. Tonight, I felt a change in me, however. Raising myself back up I stare into her hooded eyes as I place both her legs over my shoulders, “Shh,” I mumble as I cover her mouth with my hand and continue on. *** The next day I meet Damian in class. He walked in as I took my seat and was in the process of taking my book out of my bag. I clenched my jaw and stare at him with my nostril flared as he walked up to me. Dressed in his typical t-shirt shirt and jeans with his blue vans, he stops in front of me and mumbled, “Dude, sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to ruin-” “It’s fine. You didn’t ruin it. It was me,” I hear myself say much to my own surprise for I did blame him for ruining my night. “Oh, are you sure? You seemed pretty upset-” “Can you forget it?” I pleaded as I looked ahead. “Ugh- sure for now. But I think I should-” “Dude- we have class now,” I say looking up at him for he was standing while I was sitting and his d*ck area was in front of my face. “Meet me after gym, today.” “Sure- whatever,” I say and he looks away. “So, you’re coming for practice?” I ignore him and he takes his seat because the teacher walked in then. Today is Friday, so I figured I would skip football today too for I had the past few days and just start fresh on Monday. After school, I head straight home, as my parents were waiting for me. I have a late birthday dinner party to attend. Mum already picked up my suit from the cleaners. No, my parents aren’t the typical snooty-nosed type that acts like invalids. Saturday night, I had just dropped Mel home from the Home of the elderly when I noticed a slouched figure on a park bench as I made the turn around the bend to head back to my house. I didn’t pay much attention to it but I saw the man was covered with our school jacket, so I slowed down as I passed by. I saw him raise his head and shout at the sky before he threw the jacket off as he released a frustrated cry and dropped his head. “Sh*t,” I cussed when I noticed it was Damian and his head was bleeding. How the heck did I even notice the blood when the rain was pouring? “F*ck,” I pulled sharply to the side and got out running towards him not even bothering to switch off or even grab the umbrella that was in the backseat. I noticed a wallet on the ground by his feet and I hope he wasn’t mugged but seeing his condition I knew he was. Grabbing his jaw, I raised his hung head and saw why I had noticed the blood. His entire face was covered in red, which was pretty hard to miss. I picked up the wallet and put it in my pocket and threw the jacket over my shoulder then pulled at his arm for him to stand. “Leave me the f*ck alone, assh*le!” Damian yells as he stands up quickly and pushes me back with such force that I stumble to the ground backward. Luckily, thanks to years of football training, I brace properly and only graze my palm. “Why didn’t you do that when you were being attacked?” I snap at him and his face shows his shock on seeing me. I got up and handed him his wallet. “I found this on the floor just now. I was just trying to help you-” “Uh, thanks.” “You need a lift?” I queried as I wiped my dirty, street water-soaked hands against my sweats which I now felt were also wet. “To where?” he slicked back his wet hair with his hands as he looked around him nodding at nothing in particular and the blood unsettled me. “Where? Home? The hospital? I’m cold man- hurry up and make up your mind,” I rumbled on for the thought of the filth on my skin from my stumble was unnerving me. I could feel the germs penetrating my skin. “It’s fine, I’m good. " My eyes strain in the distance through the drizzling rain, trying to see if I could see who the muggers were and I realize how my words would have sounded to him and I mutter, “It’s not- you- It’s me- this mud- the rats- the diseases. I’ll take you home- maybe you have first aid? I can’t just leave you here.” Damian smiled at my words and even released a little snicker at my expense. I wanted him to go to the hospital for the blood scared me- the amount I was seeing could mean something serious. “I understand what you mean. Ah, look at you, in all your goodness and your high-class self, mingling with the help.” ‘What the hell did that even mean? That he was poor? What does that have to do with him being injured now? Or me giving assistance?’ “Leave me alone, you little punk,” he manages to say but slurs. His mouth is swelling for his speech to be that way. “I just wanted to apologize to you properly for your birthday as you made it clear as day that I ruined it. And you acted like I was scum and now the hospital?” he sniffs, blinking slowly. The blood was actually draining from his head into his eyes. What a freaking horror show. “You’re seriously injured, man. Beat me up afterward if you want,” cringe my facial features when he combs his blood-streaked hair back and I see him better. Nodding, I grab him and we ran to the car, drenched now and I start the engine. “You want to uh- go home and shower first, Frenchie?” he joked as I drive to the nearest one which is ten minutes away. Imagine the gay was calling me girl.
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