
1939 Words
When I walk out of the room Charlotte is standing there with him, the stranger, he says something and she giggles, then he moves his hand to her face and tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. Is it just me or they seem to know each other in a rather different way? One of them is flirting with the other, or maybe both of them are flirting with each other. "Charlotte?" She turns to look at me and takes a step back from the rude stranger, he is rude, that's not arguable. "Pascale? This is Mr Trevor he is..." "We've already met." I'm still pissed off at her for letting him in but I won't tell her in front of him. "Can I talk to you?" I turn to look at Trevor with a raised brow? I expect he will read between the eyes but he is still standing there. " Alone." His lips form a smirk and he takes a step away from us. "I'll be on my way, Charlotte will give you my card and so you know I don't understand sign language." He says and walks away still with the smirk on his lips. He is too handsome for that attitude. Wait what did he mean by he doesn't understand sign language? Did he just? Jerk. I hate him, I just met him today but he irritates me, I hope I never see his handsome face again. But damn that face is too good looking. And I need to get myself together. "Charlotte how much to you love your job?" That guy has made me feel weird and there's no way I'm letting that go so I turn to the only person next to me. "So much, you know that." "Good, then why is it so hard for you to follow a simple instruction?" "I don't understand." I really don't know why I'm being mad at her, she has always been good at her job but as I said before I need to get this anger of being embarrassed out. "Charlotte, apart from the fact that you're my PR officer you're my friend and you know I care about you but I've told you so many times before, when I'm alone you should never let a stranger come into the room and in fact I sent you a text message telling you the same, then you let in this intimidating guy who has been nothing but rude towards me." "I'm sorry Mona my phone is off." I was intending to stay mad at her longer but her chubby and cute cheeks make me let it go. She's not that close of a friend because dad was the one that brought her here and she is a little older than me but she's the closest I have to a female friend. We hang out at times, we just don't talk about personal stuff and I guess that's why I have no idea if she's having something with that guy, I even don't know if she had a boyfriend, Trevor looks a little older just like her so they may be dating. And I don't know why I'm thinking if that right now. "Trevor said he had a proposition for you regarding the rumors but he said you didn't give him a chance to explain." I take everything back, I'm still mad at her. "I don't understand why you would bring someone else to do the work that you're being paid to do." "It's just that he's really good at what he does." I've never seen anyone who's so helm bound on losing their job like Charlotte. "So what you're trying to say is that I should fire you and employ him because trust me I can do that in a snap of a finger." That totally shakes her. "Please don't, I promise I won't talk about him ever again." She says and I nod dismissing her. "Charlotte?" I call and she turns to look at me. "A lot of people are going to take advantage of the fact that I'm down right now to extort money from me, so just be careful." She nods and walks away, I know I was a little too harsh on her but I'm not the type that quickly apologizes so I pretend I didn't do anything wrong. Joe walks in just when I'm about to leave. He's dressed casual which is quite good looking. "Hey you?" "Hey." I hug him tightly and he holds me by the shoulder to lead me outside. "You don't look happy, did you have a fight with Charlotte? Again?" He noticed, he always notices. "I'm never happy Joe, you know that and yes we had a small fight, again." We always have unnecessary fights but it's not something both of us aren't used to. He squeezes me gently on the shoulder. "Hey, don't say that, you're one of the happiest person I've ever met." Yea, that's totally not going to work on me and he knows that. It's gotten dark so fast, I didn't even realize that. "So, where are we going?" I ask him to avoid the awkward topic that was about to start. "We can grab something at the restaurant across then  go for a party." Okay, that's a no. "I'm not hungry and you know so well I don't go to parties." He opens the car door and I get in. "You know if you don't eat there's no way you're going to gain back the weight you lost." He says as he gets in and buckles his seat belt. He is right so I agree mainly because he's basically going to force me to eat if I say no and Joe is quite good at doing that. "One more thing, we are going to that party, my friends from school sort of organised a welcome party for me and it would be weird if I went alone." He knows very well I don't go to college parties, well because I don't go to college and not just that, I don't go to any parties, the last times I was at a party it didn't end that well so I'll pass that. "Find a girlfriend Joe, you know my dad will be pissed if he found out I'm going to college parties." Let's just say I've never gone to a college party before, I was underage and at eighteen I was dating a mature guy the next two years we all know what happened. "Fine." He grunts and starts the car. I don't know where we are going to because he said we would go at the restaurant across my dad's office. "You said we would go to the restaurant across." "Yea, I sort of changed my mind, there's this new place it has really nice food and a lot of people go there." Trust Joe to always know of new restaurants. I lean back on the chair to rest just when he parks the car, I didn't know it wasn't that far away.I'm sure it wasn't here two years ago. A lot seems to have happened, a lot of development. We walk into the restaurant and I must admit, it's quite a fancy place, they have this seats that are African themed artistic wall paintings and let's just say its not your regular restaurant. My thoughts are proven when i spot one of the famous artists seated in one of the tables. There are a few well known people and I'm actually surprised that Joe would bring me to this place, he's always hated this kind of places, he prefers ordinary places. "Joe, you brought me to a place that has famous people, this is unlike you." He pulls out a chair for me and I sit down. First of all, I think I'm under dressed for such a place, I'm in a pair of jeans and a chiffon top yet everyone here is in a dinner attire. "I thought it was an ordinary restaurant, but I guess it's good for you to interact with some of your old colleagues, it will you get your life back on track." This sounds so unlike him. "Joe did anyone put you to this." He is avoiding to look at me and I know this wasn't his idea. A beautiful waitress comes to our table and we give our orders, I still don't feel like eating anything but since I don't want Joe to force me to eat, I order fries he orders the same. I turn to look at him awaiting the answer for my previous question. "No one put me to this, I just didn't know this are the type of guests that come here." His eyes flicker. "Joseph!" "Fine, your dad said I should bring you here, he said you needed to start interacting with your fellow actors." "Seriously Joe?" I never expected he would plan something with my dad without telling me, those two don't even get along. "I'm sorry, okay? You need to stop shutting yourself in and blaming yourself for your ex's death, he died and you went to jail for it, yet you were innocent, stop thinking everyone hates you just because a bunch of idle losers on social media can't get over the fact that you're innocent, interact with people in your world get your life back to normal." I don't even know what to tell him, I push my chair back and stand up to leave just when the waitress walks back with our orders. "Mona I'm sorry where are you going?" He also stands up. "To the washroom, I need some air." I wish they would understand it's not as easy as they think. I don't know if I'm imagining my own things but I swear I hear someone whisper the word murderer behind me, maybe I'm so used to the word but the stares from the people tell me it might be true. I walk hurriedly towards the washrooms which I'm pretty sure I don't know where they are when I stumble into someone and their drink spills on my top. She cusses  and when my eyes lock with hers I know the remainder of my day is totally ruined. Janelle, Ronald's ex girlfriend, who hates me by the way. "I'm so sorry." I don't know why I'm even apologizing when I was the receiver of the contents in her glass. "Look what we have here, the murderer." She says in a high pitched voice that I'm sure attracts everyone's attention. "He left me for you just to get himself killed by you, isn't that just so amazing, yet I thought I was the wicked one." I don't want to argue with her, she has always made my life miserable so the best way is to walk away. "You deserved to rot in jail." She shouts at my back as I walk away. I'll make Joe pay for bringing me to this place. This is the main reason why I have been staying indoors, less drama and hate. I'm glad when I locate the washrooms, I walk towards the door and before I can unlock it i feel someone tap me on the back. I hope it's not another person that thinks I should have stayed in jail. If it's one I'm not going to let them make me feel worse than I already am. I switch to b***h mode and turn to look at the person. My bitchy mode automatically switches off once I look at that face. "Trevor? ==========
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