Chapter 2

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Yes, my cat talks. Well, he doesn't really talk since I'm the only one who can hear him. I think telepathically would be the right word. He's not at all a normal cat, but I guess that's easy to figure out. He jumped out of my arms, and walked a safe distance away. Suddenly, bright, sapphire blue lights flashed around him. I covered my eyes from the blinding lights. My black curls began to fly around as the winds that had formed gushed past me. When all had seemed to settle, I uncovered my eyes and looked at my, not so small, cat. My cute kitty turned into a majestic beast in mere seconds. He stood tall and looked just like any normal white tiger but he had sapphire blue stripes rather than black. His large, tiger form was his true form. He only changes into a cat so that he won't scare anyone. I bent down so that my face was right in front of his. "What were you up to?" I asked. 'Nothing.' He said in his deep voice. I traced the mark on his forehead with my finger. The sapphire blue crescent moon seemed to shine. Why can he talk? Well, I really don't know. He's been my cat and best friend since I was ten years old. I'm seventeen now, which means I've known him for quite a while. Kero was a very responsible, kind and protective cat. I actually consider him more like a tiger than a normal house cat because house cat's are pretty much lazy and stubborn. Kero is definitely not that. I held his face in my hands and kissed his nose. 'Is everything alright?' He asked. Smiling, I nodded. 'Did you eat?' "No." 'Well, go eat.' He tilted his head towards the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen, opened the cupboard and pulled out a box of chocolate chip cookies. I loved chocolate chip cookies. Kero frowned. 'Aathiray, are you serious? Is this really what you are going to eat? Why don't you get something more filling?' He put his right paw on one of the drawers, the one with the instant noodles in it. I sighed as I opened the drawer. I pulled out a box of instant noodles and turned on the kettle. Kero watched me as I pulled out a dish and fork. "Are you hungry too?" I asked. He shook his head. 'No, thank you.' He said. I decided to change while I waited for the water to boil. "Aathavan went out right?" I asked. Kero nodded. "Oh, okay." I turned around and walked towards the staircase. Kero followed. 'How was your day of socializing?' "It was good," I said, "until we got to the van." 'What happened?' "Well, first off, some ass hole put a dent in dad's van!" Kero frowned. 'Aathy,' he called me by the nickname everyone calls me, 'don't say ass hole. It's rude.' I frowned at him. "That's not the point." I said as I continued up the stairs. 'Well, maybe you should have been more careful.' I sighed. "Dad's going to kill me." There was a pause. 'Yes, he is.' I turned around and glared at Kero. He grinned, showing his beautifully sharp teeth. 'What else happened? I knew something was up but I don't think this is why you are upset.' "My friends brought up Chris..." I said right away, "I guess that upset me." Kero began to growl. 'Who's Chris?' He asked, angrily. I walked into my bedroom, without saying a word. My bedroom was a medium sized bedroom. Right across from the door was a large window. My desk sat at the corner on the left of the window with a bunch of papers and pencils on it. My queen sized bed was against the wall to the right of the window and my dresser, which had gigantic mirror with a beautifully designed frame, was against the wall across from my bed. On one side of my bed was a giant bookshelf, filled with books. Reading was something I loved to do. On the other side was a side table with my lamp and alarm clock. My wall was a light shade of purple, and the floor was hardwood with a large circle shaped mat in the center of the room. 'Well? Who is he, and why does he upset you?' I sighed. "Kero, I said Chris! The guy I've had a crush on for almost a year now!" Kero stopped growling. 'You mean the boy who likes the girl who likes to wear ripped clothing?' "Yes Kero. Thanks for rubbing it in." I said. Kero shrugged. 'I think that's a good thing. He's not worth your time.' "Yeah. Okay." I said, a little angrily as I pulled out my pajamas from my closet. "That's what you've said about every guy I've had a crush on." Kero sighed. "Aathy, I am serious. You know that this boy isn't good news." "Are you kidding me?" I asked as I turned around and stared at Kero. He shook his head. 'You should really forget about that boy. And stop talking to him.' I rolled my eyes and walked around him. "Yes dad." Kero blocked my way with his paw. 'I am serious. There are better boys out there.' I walked past him, into the washroom and turned around. He watched me with a look of... concern. "Kero. Don't worry about me and my love life. I can handle it myself." I smiled at him to make sure that he knew I wasn't trying to be mean. Kero didn't say a word. He just stared at me. I sighed and closed the washroom door. After changing into my pajamas, I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I had dark, dark brown eyes and chocolate coloured skin. I have always been tall and fairly thin (Though I wish I could be thinner). I picked up a brush and brushed through my curls, which bounced back into curls. I never straighten my hair unless there was something big going on and that's because Kero say's my curls are beautiful and straightening it isn't good for me. I tied my hair in a loose ponytail and walked out of the bathroom. I ran down the stairs, poured the boiling water into my instant noodles, covered it with a plate and then ran back up the stairs. When I walked into my room, I saw Kero lying on my bed. He didn't look at me when I walked in so I sighed. I walked up to my bad and sat beside him. "You aren't mad at me, are you?" I asked, petting him. Kero didn't say anything. "Kero! Please don't be mad." He opened his eyes sleepily, 'I am not mad, I am tired.' I smiled and hugged him, "Common, let's watch TV, my beautiful tiger!" He got up and walked out of the room. I followed right behind him, down the stairs and into the living room. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked as I slumped down onto the sofa next to Kero. Kero shrugged, 'What do you want to watch?' I turned on the TV and noticed that a movie was just starting. I smiled when I figured out what movie it was. "The Phantom of the Opera!" I squeaked. Kero rolled his eyes. "What?" 'You've watched that movie before.' "So? It's great!" I got up and rushed into the kitchen, grabbed my finished noodles and rushed back to the sofa. I watched in amazement as the introduction played, like always. The dust flew off the statues and the beautiful music played loudly. "This is the best intro ever." I said, just like I say every time I watch this movie. Kero sighed, just like he did every time he watched this movie. Kero and I spent the rest of the evening watching The Phantom of the Opera and as always, I cried at the end, even though I've seen the movie about a gazillion times. When I had finally stopped crying, Kero took a deep breath. 'You humans are strange.' I frowned. "Why is that?" 'You like this romance?' "It's amazing." I said as I nodded. 'I think it's insolent.' He said. 'You humans take love for granted.' I raised an eyebrow. "And you, my dear friend, are some saint who knows everything about love?" I asked. Kero ignored me. 'Where I come from, there is no such things as cheating on lovers, and two timing and accidental pregnancies and condoms and I didn't even know what a divorce was until I started interacting with humans.' "Well, yeah... you're a tiger. I don't think there are such things like courts and divorce. And I definitely think there's no such thing as condoms." Kero grimaced. 'Well, my people-' He paused, 'my... um, creatures...' I laughed. 'We never treated love as something so... cheap.' Sighing, I patted Kero's head. "Well I'm a human and if you're insulting humans then you're insulting me." 'I am not insulting humans, I am just saying...' I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, sure, you heartless monster." Kero lifted his head and stared at me. When I looked at him, I noticed that he looked totally insulted. "Hey, I'm kidding." Kero frowned, 'Heartless monster, huh? Is that what you call someone who cares about you?' "Kero, I was kidding. You aren't a heartless monster. Don't take that seriously! You know I didn't mean it." He sighed. 'Yes, I know. Sorry... I was just reminded of the times when people have called me that and meant it.' I frowned and hugged him. "Well, they don't know you. You're the sweetest thing in the world!" Kero licked my cheek. He was still in my arms when I heard the door open. Suddenly, I was thrown off the sofa by the fast, strong winds when Kero changed into his cat form. I frowned at Kero, who was grinning. "Aathy!" I heard my brother Aathavan call. "What the hell happened to the van?" I got up and ran to my brother, who was taking off his shoes. "I went shopping with my friends and then someone dented it and left. I don't know who!" He frowned, "Dad's going to be pissed." "But you're going to stick up for me... right?" I made the cute, puppy face, which he could never resist. "Oh god, Aathy. Don't make that face." My brother hesitated but then sighed. "Whatever." He said. "Thanks!" I said as I hugged him. He patted my head and sighed again, "I think I spoil you. I should just let you get punished." I looked up at him and frowned. My brother and I looked very alike, except his black hair was short and he was very tall. Not to mention very good looking. He makes all my friends and other girls drool. It's upsetting sometimes because we're siblings and he's a hundred time's more good looking than I'll ever be. Unfortunately for my friends he already had a girlfriend, Maya, who he was madly in love with. My parents have always had this 'no dating' policy, at least for me. Since he was twenty, and possibly because he's a guy, they let him do almost whatever he wanted. Aathavan was in his second year of university, he wanted to become a criminal lawyer. I thought he was crazy. To me, law was the most boring thing in the world. But hey, he loved it and if he's happy then I am too. "Where's Kero?" He asked. I turned around and saw Kero walk towards us. My brother picked him up, "What's up, bud?" He asked, petting him. 'Tell him that I agree with the fact that you should be punished.' Kero said, smiling at me. My brother can't hear Kero but he always knew about the fact that I can. I frowned. "He says he agrees with the fact that I should be punished." Aathavan laughed. He then handed Kero to me and walked towards the staircase. "Where have you been?" I asked. My brother shrugged. "With friends, just driving around." "You better not be doing anything dumb." I said, following him up the stairs. He turned around and grinned. "Dumb? Like?" He asked. "Drugs, smoking, screwing with police, messing with girls. Basically, you better not be doing anything you'll regret." I said. My brother rolled his eyes. "I don't need you to tell me that." I smiled. He was right. My brother had always been a responsible and good person. My parents have always been so proud of him, and so have I. The only reason I was allowed to stay here and not go to Australia with my parents was because my brother didn't want to go. Even though I was seventeen, they still thought I needed to have a guardian and my parents knew he would take care of me. "You left at noon, its eight now. 'Driving around' isn't something that people do for that long." I said. "Your right. We went over to my friends place. His mom made us lunch and dinner, she's a nice lady." He smiled. "I don't believe you." "Then don't." He grinned at me and shut his bedroom door. I frowned as I hugged Kero. 'I think he was with Maya.' Kero said. I nodded. "Me too." But of course, that wasn't a bad thing. It was a great thing. Maya was an amazing girl. She was a year younger than my brother and was studying to be a forensic scientist. She was one of the coolest girls I know. And she's beautiful and funny. I walked into my bedroom and placed Kero on my bed. "Let's finish reading Wuthering Heights." I said, as I walked to my bookshelf and picked it out. Kero scowled. Frowning, I sat on my bed and patted the seat beside me. He changed into his tiger form, smiling apologetically when I glared at him for making all my papers fly of my desk. He jumped up onto the bed and sat down next to me. The fact that a tiger was sitting on my bed never bothered me. He wasn't messy, he has never shed fur or spat out hairballs and he didn't smell funny either (actually, he smelled very good). That was one thing my parents loved about Kero. He was clean. Kero put his head on my lap and waited for me to start reading, and I did.
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