Surprise Visit

2747 Words
                              Daisy’s POV             ‘I miss Boreas,’ Aurora, my wolf, whimpered in my head.  I agreed with her.  I missed Dominic and his wolf Boreas also.  It has been about a month since I last some them.  He has been back in his kingdom assisting his father in quelling groups of rebels.             I was in my closet wearing only a bra and panties, trying to decide what to wear.  I was getting ready to go shopping with my mother and sisters. I needed to do a final fitting for my dress for the big party.  Three days from now, I was turning eighteen, and then I would be moving to the vampire kingdom to be with Dominic full time while learning how to be the queen of the vampires.  ‘I miss them too, Aurora.  We will see them in two days, though.  Just hold tight.’ I replied sadly to her.                        My heart ached as my wolf sulked.  I wanted my handsome mate in my arms with his lips on mine.  Most wolves don’t know who their mate is until they turn eighteen.  But I have had the privilege of knowing who my mate was my whole life.  Dominic knew I was his mate while I was still in my mother’s womb.              Our fathers weren’t entirely thrilled that we were mates at first  Luckily, both of our mothers talked sense into them, and agreements were made.  Dominic and I took turns spending time in our respective kingdoms. We started as best friends, and as we grew older and the concept of mates was explained, we fell madly in love.              My wolf flashed images of Dominic in my mind. His pale skin glistened as we were locked in a hot kiss.  His hands roamed my body while I ran my hands through his fiery red hair.  I closed my eyes and breathed heavily as I felt my body heat up as the thoughts became more explicit.  His heavenly cedar scent entered my senses, and I let out a moan.  Strong hands grasped my shoulders, and I jumped with fright.             “Are you dreaming about me?” Dominic’s husky voice breathed into my ear.             I opened my eyes to see my handsome mate standing behind me. Stormy grey eyes looked at me full of lust and need.  I leaned into him and nodded.  His teeth grazed the skin of my neck, making me shudder with pleasure.  The closer I got to my birthday, the more I felt the tingles and sparks of our bond.  His cedar scent was also becoming stronger.             “Three more days until I can mark you and make you mine forever,” He whispered, filling me with warmth and desire.             I turned myself in his arms and looked into his eyes.  “I have always been yours,” I whispered back.  He smashed his lips on mine, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.  He nibbled my bottom lip, and I granted his tongue entrance to my mouth.  Our kiss became hotter, and he pushed me back until I hit the wall. His hands slid up my body and gently grasped my breasts.  He began to massage them while burying his face in the crook of my neck and inhaling.              “Goddess, you smell so good,” He breathed out.  He had told me that I smelled like honeysuckle to him.  “Boreas and I couldn’t bear to be away from you any longer, so we came early.”             I ran my hand up and down his tailored black three-piece suit.  As the crown prince of the vampires, Dominic always looked sharp.  I rarely ever saw him dressed in anything other than suits.  He even dressed formally for our casual outings, and I loved that about him.  He walked with dignity as a king should.  “Aurora was about to go feral while missing you both.”             “Daisy?” I heard my mother call from my bedroom.              “Oh shoot,” I tried wiggling my way out of Dominic’s embrace. “We are supposed to go to the mall for a final dress fitting,”  I explained to him.  “I’m almost ready, Mom,” I shouted to her.              “Can you cancel and stay here with me?” Dominic whispered.  “I need my mate.”             “Dominic, I can smell you in there,” My mother said from the bedroom.  “And I heard what you just said.”             I let out a laugh.  “There is getting past my mother,” I pushed Dominic back, and a whimper fell out of his mouth.  I touched his lips.  “I will be all yours later, Bori,” I said to his wolf.             My mother was now in the doorway of my closet.  “Your sisters and I have been ready to go for twenty minutes.”  She folded her arms.             “Look, Mom, Dominic came a couple of days early.” I smiled at her.             “I see that,” She wrinkled her nose.  “Oh Goddess, don’t let your father catch what you two were about to do.”             “Dad is aware that I am not a virgin, Mom,” I told her.             Dominic chuckled, “And he nearly neutered me because of it,”             My mother stepped forward and touched Dominic’s shoulder.  “It's good to see you, Dominic.  I know you and Daisy want to have time to get reacquainted, but we have an appointment.  You can have the evening to yourselves.”             “Thank you, Jemma,” Dominic kissed her cheek. “May I take her out to dinner later?”             My mother smirked and glanced at me.  “I don’t know.  You would have to consult my daughter.”             Dominic looked at me.  “Daisy, would you let me take you to dinner tonight?”             I tapped my chin and looked at my mother.  “What do you think, Mom? Should I let him take me to dinner?”             She laughed and shrugged.  “Well, he did come all the way here just for you.”             “Take me someplace nice,” I finally said to Dominic.  He embraced me once again and smashed his lips on mine, forgetting my mother was standing a few feet away.             “I don’t need to see that.” She scoffed.  “Be downstairs in ten minutes, Daisy.  We still have to find a dress that Piper will wear.”             “Okay, Mom,” I said to her as she walked out of my room.  I let Dominic kiss me for a little longer before I pushed him away.  “I have to get dressed.  Maybe you can hang out with Malcolm and Lincoln until I get back.”             He sighed.  “I have to talk to your father.”             I rummaged through my drawers.  I was tempted to dress up, but it was just a dress fitting. So I chose a pair of white cotton pants and a blouse with flowers and butterflies on it.  I ran a brush through my long platinum blonde hair and pulled it into a ponytail.  “What do you have to talk to my father about?” I felt nervous for some reason.             My father and Dominic had a somewhat contentious relationship.  Most of the time, they got along.  But whenever my father saw Dominic touch me, he would growl and become protective.  Things only got worse when my father figured out that I was no longer a virgin.  He had promised Dominic not to go all the way with me until I turned eighteen, but that promise was broken shortly after I turned sixteen.  My father nearly tore Dominic to pieces upon finding out about it.             “Oh, it's nothing serious,” He replied.  I could tell that he was holding back, but I brushed it aside.             “Is it about me going to the vampire kingdom permanently?” I asked him.             He nodded.  “Yes, that’s it.”             I could tell he was lying, but I didn’t feel like asking him about it now.  My focus was on the dress I had custom-made for the party.  My birthday was the same day as my father and four of my siblings.  My twin brother, Malcolm, and I were turning eighteen.  There would be many alphas from the kingdom parading their unmated daughters in hopes that they would be my brother’s mate. I knew Malcolm was nervous about it.  He both wanted and didn’t want his mate right now.  I hoped whoever it was a good mate.  My eldest brother Nick was blessed with a good mate even though she is a fairy.             A long time ago, the moon goddess, Selene, told my parents that their children would be mated to species other than wolves.  Nick was mated to the Queen of Fairies.  I was mated to a vampire hybrid.  Who knows what species the rest of my siblings would be mated to.  Selene wanted to unite the supernatural world to fight off the rising demons many years from now.  That part scared me. I didn’t like the idea of going to war with a powerful species like the demons.   But Selene assured us that united the species of this world could defeat the demons.             I walked out of the closet with Dominic on my heels.  I grabbed my purse and my phone.  “Want to walk me down?”             He smirked. “Of course,” He kissed my cheek and clasped my hand.              We walked out of my room and down the hall towards the elevators.  “Hey, Dom,” My younger brother Lincoln called out.  He ran up to us with a smile.  “I didn’t know you were already here.”             Dominic kissed the top of my hand.  “I really missed Daisy and couldn’t bear to be away from her any longer, so I came a couple of days early.”             Lincoln wrinkled his nose.  “Gross,” He mumbled.  “Anyways, do you want to play ball with Malcolm and me?”             Dominic nodded.  “Only if you promise not to cry when I beat you again.”             My brother snorted.  “You only beat me once.”             “Just once? I could have sworn it was like five or six times.” Dominic laughed.             Lincoln play boxed with Dominic while bouncing on the balls of his feet.  “We could always box instead.”             The elevator doors opened, and we all got on.  “I would have to change my clothes first.  This suit cost more than some people’s houses.”             My brother rolled his eyes.  “It's not my fault you always have to dress like pretty boy fancy pants.”             “I am the crown prince of the vampire kingdom.  I have to look and act a certain way,” Dominic told my brother.             “Malcolm is the crown prince of the wolves, and he dresses in board shorts and tank tops all of the time,” Lincoln countered.             “Well, Malcolm is special,” Dominic patted the top of Lincoln’s head.             The elevator hit the bottom floor, and we exited.  My mother was standing in the hallway with my sisters, Piper and Raina.  My father was also standing with them and trained his dark blue eyes on Dominic.  He folded his arms and narrowed his eyes at me, my mate.             “You can’t just sneak into my palace, Dominic,” He snarled.             Dominic laughed, causing my father to growl.  “I didn’t sneak in, Cassius.  I walked in through a door.”             “Which door?” My father stepped towards him.             “Dad,” I complained and stepped between him and Dominic. “You told Dominic he could come here anytime.”             “With permission, Daisy.  You weren’t supposed to be here until Friday,” My father scowled.             My mother smacked his chest. “Chill out, Cass.  Dominic missed Daisy, so he came here a couple of days early.  I think it’s cute,” She stated with a smile at Dominic.             My father started to say something but stopped when my mother glared at him.  He let out a sigh.  “Next time, let someone know you are coming early.  Some of my guards were riled up and worried someone had breached the palace.”             “Oh, for crying out loud, Cassius.  Do they not know me by now?” Dominic rolled his eyes.              “Just do as I say.  Would your father appreciate Daisy sneaking into his palace?” My father countered.             Dominic slid an arm around my waist and pulled me close.  “My father loves Daisy.  So he wouldn’t be angry at all.” He then kissed my cheek, and his lips lingered.             My father growls again, and I pull away from Dominic. “We have to get going, Dom,” I said to him.  “I’ll see you later for our date,” I smiled sweetly and pecked his lips.”             Reluctantly he releases me and sighs.  “I look forward to it, my Queen.”             Blushing, I look away from him and at my mother and sisters.  My mother nods with approval while Piper makes a fake gagging noise. “So, gross,” Piper mumbles.             My mother elbowed her.  “Oh, in a few years, you will be begging to have your mate be that affectionate.”             Piper rolled her eyes.  “I don’t think so.”             “So, are we playing ball or not, Dom?” Lincoln asked my mate.  “Malcolm said he would meet us out there.”             Dominic sighed.  “I need to talk to your father first,” He replied, and my father lifted an eyebrow. “How about I meet you out there in an hour?”             Lincoln nodded. “That’s fine.”             “I am busy, Dominic.  Can it wait?” My father replied.  His anger was replaced with mild concern.             “Well, it’s kind of important, Cassius,”  My mate sounded a little desperate.  There was something else in his tone I couldn’t quite figure out.             My father let out another sigh.  “If it’s that important, Dominic.  I can spare a few minutes.  Come on,” He beckoned my mate towards the office.             “Thank you, Cassius,” Dominic looked at me.  He kissed my forehead.  “I love you, Daisy.  I will see you later.”             “I love you too,” I smiled at him and hugged him.  Aurora whimpered while watching her mate walk away down the hall with my father.  My mother touched my arm.              “Come on, girls.  Let’s get going,” My mother urged us towards the door.  Piper groaned while Raina jumped up and down happily.              We walked outside where the royal limo and two SUVs full of warriors were waiting for us.  The limo driver Bruce stood beside the door and bowed to my mother as we approached.  “Good morning, your majesty.”             My mother touched his arm.  “Good morning, Bruce.  How was your vacation?”             Bruce smiled broadly at her.  “It was great, your majesty.  My mate was ecstatic to finally see the Eiffel Tower.”             “Glad she loved it.  I want to see pictures,” My mother mentioned and then climbed into the limo, followed by my sisters and me.             “Will do,” Bruce said before closing the door behind us, and within a minute, we were pulling away from the palace.             I watched the palace get smaller in the back window of the limo, and I missed Dominic already.  My mother laughed when I let out another sad sigh.  She placed her hand on my knee.  “You will see Dominic in a few hours, Daisy.”             “I know, Mom.  It's just I haven't seen him in a month, and I really missed him,” I glanced in the back window.  The palace was still visible but kept getting smaller the further we got.             “I know, sweetie.  I feel like that about your father whenever we are apart,” She patted my knee.  “And trust me, it will only get worse when you finally feel the full effects of the bond.”             “You aren’t helping,” I grumbled.             She laughed. “I know.”             I settled into my seat and closed my eyes.  Images of Dominic flashed through my mind, and I found myself impatient to be near him again.                                                              
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