2. Favor

1167 Words
CHAPTER TWO I know I was drinking something; some type of cocktail with the distant tangy taste of lemon. I didn’t mind. I wasn’t looking to getting wasted tonight for some reason. My gaze wandered over to Ken dancing with two girls on the dance floor and a smile unknowingly crept on my face but died almost immediately. He looked happy and carefree. What he said came back to me, playing around with me again. I found myself clenching my jaws, my hands balled into fists while trying to stop the thought from getting louder in my brain. Was it cold feet? Why was I suddenly getting petrified at the thought of getting married? “Red shirt or blue shirt?” I was cut off from my mental ranting by Dean who I had forgotten was sitting now next to me. He was sitting on the edge of seat, not bothering to hide the fact that he was checking out a couple of men. We were both sitting by the bar counter of some well, not overly lucrative bar. Ken had picked it, saying he had once been here and well, it was a good choice. “Hmm?” I questioned, a little confused. “What is up with you tonight? You seem distracted,” He frowned, finishing up whatever he was drinking and ordering a refill. “What do you mean?” I sighed, “You know what? I know what you mean. Do you think I’m making the right decision in marrying Darleen?” “Why are you letting Ken’s words get to you? He is probably just jealous. The guy has never settled down in his entire life and you have this beautiful thing going on with Darleen. Maybe he thinks once you get married, you two won’t be as close as you usually are,” he shrugged, then winked at a passing guy. “Maybe you are right,” I said. He had to be right. “Now if you are not going to help me choose someone hot to make out with, how about you scoot off and prevent them from thinking you and I are together?” “Fine. Good luck,” I said but then a naughty thought occurred. I noticed Dean sharing a very lingering gaze with a pretty hot guy and I smirked getting into action. I quickly parted Dean’s legs, standing in the middle and with his shocked face in between my palms, I bent down, making it look like we were kissing. It took him a moment to figure what I was doing but by then, I had moved away before he could hit me. “That was for chasing me away,” I ran off, feeling a little proud of myself. “I’m so going to kill you,” He said between clenched it but I was away from the danger zone. Here was the thing about me. I wasn’t gay and neither was I bisexual or queer. I liked women but my friendship with Ken and Dean had made people misunderstand me and Ken quite too many times. I didn’t mind it. It’s not like it was a crime to like men. Besides, both Ken and Dean matched my energy and it was why on random days we could just chose to accompany Dean to gay clubs. The guy did put up with us when we went to non-gay clubs after all. In addition, Ken and I had made it our mission to make sure Dean never felt uncomfortable with his sexuality ever since he came out. Being able to be silly around each other was what strengthened our friendship and boy, were we in for a long ride for the rest of our lives. With my cocktail in hand, I moved around the bar in search of a less crowded place and eventually found it but begrudgingly not far away from the bar counter where Dean was still glaring at me from. I just smirked, sitting down while pulling out my phone and going straight to the gallery. There were so many pictures of Darleen and I. Every memory we shared from the first moment our parents introduced us at a ball my parents hosted down to all the holidays and family events we attended together up to the moment I proposed to her. Well, my mum had suggested an extravagant, engagement ball would be perfect and the look on Darleen’s face had told me my mum was right. I grinned, remembering that fateful day. “Beautiful smile,” I looked away from my phone, staring into the green eyes of a man who had invited himself to sit next to me. I knew that look too well. When you visit gay bars with friends as much as I did, then you’d easily know when someone was trying flirt with you. Usually, we’d just go along with it so they don’t feel stupid about themselves or politely turn them down. “Thank you,” I went back to my phone, hoping he’d take the hint and let me be. “Alone huh?” He continued, his gaze very much not hiding his intentions were. “Actually, I’m not into-what the hell?” I was suddenly yanked up from my seat by a grip around my wrist and when I looked up, it was Dean. “He is not gay,” he said to the guy, already dragging me away, “So I think I’m going to get laid tonight and I need you to be gay,” “Hmm?” I asked, completely confused. “You know, just like how you and Ken do when we go to the gay clubs. I need you pretend to be gay for just a couple of minutes,” He had to be joking, right? “You are out of your mind,” I shook my head, completely amused. “I’m just trying to get laid here, man and he is with a friend. Besides, you owe me after me you chased my potential away,” Ugh! Why was he so good? “No touching, no any intimate thing happening. I’ll stay for a few minutes, entertain whoever it is and then I’ll text Ken, ask him to be my pretend boyfriend who has realized it was a mistake to leave me. Just like always,” I said. Don’t get me wrong. We didn’t do that with every gay guy we met. It was only when they were a complete jerk, especially to one of us. “Just like always,” he grinned, “I knew I could count on you,” “Oh, you will pay me for this. You owe me,” I said and I meant it. Dean had never asked me to pretend to be gay before. So whoever it was had to be some extremely good-looking guy but for my friend, I would do this one last favor while I’m still unmarried.
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