nine - speaker

3910 Words
The ride back to the safe house had felt different. I felt different. The exhilaration of the bike had dulled, bringing with it a sense of uneasy calm. I was in the eye of my own storm and I was well aware of the second wind building deep inside. We could hear laughter coming from the lounge as we hung up the motorbike gear in the garage. “On Mondays Seth and Megan get us all pizza…I could bring you some if you don’t want to join us?” Adam eyed me cautiously, I was aware my eyes were puffy and red-rimmed. “You guys have a pizza night?” I gave a meek smile that Adam returned with more enthusiasm. “Yes, and it's awesome.” “Assassins like pizzas… who knew” I made my way to the living room. Adam followed close behind.  The very minimal living room had a new warmth to it, filled with all the house members. Seth and Megan were snuggled in an armchair, Bryce had the other, and Alessia was relaxed on the couch. A few boxes of pizza were spread out on the floor and the group was engulfed in a laughing fit, as we made our way in. “What did I miss?” Adam asked. “Just the usual Bryce misadventures” Seth explained wiping a tear from his eye. “Ah” Adam smiled. Megan gave me a gentle smile as I sat down on the floor leaning against the couch. I grabbed a piece of pizza and picked at it. I hadn’t eaten all day but my appetite was gone. Adam grabbed a slice then flopped on the couch next to Alessia who lifted her legs and laid them on him, the movement seemed so natural. I felt a twinge of something I couldn’t quite understand but they looked good together, I couldn’t deny that. “So, what was it this time then Bryce?” Adam enquired taking a bite of his pizza. Bryce’s gaze fell on me... “Oh let's not subject Ivy to that. Let her settle in first” I gulped and felt the color drain from my face as I thought of all the gruesome assassin possibilities, Bryce raised his hands realizing what went through my mind. “Oh no no! it's not like that Ivy” The rest of the group roared into laughter. “Bryce here fancies himself a bit of a ladies man and seems to always find himself in compromising positions” Adam explained. “Oh,” I gave Bryce a forgiving smile and relaxed a little. “Don’t hold back for me.” “Well if that’s the case then ill fill you in on the biochemist I met at your Dads shindig we crashed” “And burned” I added. The group roared with laugher again and I found myself laughing too, Alessia, however, I noticed was not laughing. Bryce was about to speak when the group fell silent as my mobile buzzed in my pocket. One look at the speed dial and I knew it was Evan. “Evan, Hey” I greeted in an overly cheery tone, highly aware that all eyes were now on me. “Hey, beautiful. What are you up to?” “Oh not much, just having some pizza with Jess…how about you?” I twisted the truth. “I’m working late but I couldn’t stop thinking about you…so I was just wondering if maybe you’d like to go out on a proper date Friday night?” I looked around, the crew was hanging on the edge of every word, and Adam moved Alessia’s legs from him and shuffled closer to hear. He gave me an encouraging nod. “Yeah, that would be… nice. Where are we going?” “That’s a surprise. I'll pick you up at 5.30” “I’ll see you then.” “I can’t wait” Evan ended the call, his genuine excitement ringing in my ear. I put my phone back in my pocket and took a bite of pizza trying to ignore the lingering gazes on me. “Well?” Adam glared at me. “I’m going on a date on Friday night with Evan,” I said matter of fact before shoving my mouth full of pizza to avoid talking more on the matter. I watched Adam, he was thinking, but his expression told me he wasn’t impressed with this. “I’ll do your hair… if you like” Megan chimed in before Adam could present his argument. I swallowed, and smiled at Megan “Thank you” Seth “Sooo I’m thinking about another tattoo!” perked up and bought the conversation back and away from my date. I gave him a small thank you smile. I really wasn’t in the mood to discuss it. I sat and listened in on the conversations, I even smiled and enjoyed myself. The group of them was a mixed bag, but their personalities bounced off one another and I couldn’t help but relax with every round of laughter. When the pizza was done, Megan started collecting the boxes and I went to help her. She got the hint and I followed her out to the rubbish bins. The wet weather had continued into the night and the rain was drizzling down bringing with it a cool evening mist.   “Hey, You okay? You looked kind of sick when you got back” Megan asked me as we reached the bins. “It’s all just a lot to take in, you know?” I shrug, I’m not sure how much I can talk to her about with specifics, but she at least might understand this. She pulled me in and hugged me. “It is. But when you step back from looking at them for what they do, they are still just people.” Just people. If only she knew that wasn’t what I was referring to. The order, although capturing me, are proving more on my side than anyone else in my life. “And Adam seems to really like you. You can trust him, Ivy, he’s hard to know and rightly so but he’s a good guy really. He even helped me once.” I don’t press Megan for details on Adam helping her, I figure if she ever wants me to know she will tell me. I am thankful though that she’s given me some reassurance on him. When we got back inside, Megan left straight for Seth’s room. Bryce, Adam, and Alessia were in the tech room, arguing. They were arguing about me. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing Alessia” it was Adam. His tone was scathing, someone Alessia had said had clearly ticked him off. “No, I’m not. Do you honestly think we can trust her? How do you know she isn’t just going to relay everything to that boyfriend of hers… or her father?” “He’s not her boyfriend, she’s signed the NDA and has a tracker” Bryce chimed in sounding like he was trying to keep the peace. “No the little w***e is just f*****g him for the hell of it and of course, she will agree to that what other choice did she have” Alessia hissed at Adam. “Alessia that’s enough! She’s signed a contract. She has her own reasons to be involved. I say she can do this.” Adam raised voice sends shivers down my spine. “And what does H think of this?” she retorts. “Doesn’t matter what H thinks.” “I’ve gone along with a lot of your idiotic ideas Adam, but I’m not getting involved in this one” “Maybe she has a point, Adam, it is a bit reckless, I mean we barely have any info on this girl” Bryce seemed caught between them. “Both of you need to shut the hell up.” “What the hell did you two even get up to today Adam? What did she f**k you to get what she wants too- Alessia was silenced by a loud bang against the door, which swung open, revealing me in the doorway. Alessia was fuming, Bryce was taken aback and Adam instantly changed face. “Ivy! Are you up for a little bit of investigating?” Adam was startled by my appearance in the Tec room, clearly hoping I hadn’t heard their heated conversation. I can see Alessia glaring at Adam and then at me. I shifted uncomfortably; I don’t know how much of their conversation I missed. “Not tonight. I’m tired. I’m just going to get some sleep...” I bite my lip. Alessia smirks at me before slinking away from Adam, running her fingers over his shoulder, he shrugs off her touch then looks at Bryce who gives him such a subtle nod, I wasn’t sure I even saw it. “Goodnight Ivy” Adams's voice is flat, serious once more. I feel his eyes on me as I make my way back down the hallway to my little wardrobe room. To my relief, Adam didn’t follow me. I changed into my pajamas and curled up on the mattress shoving my headphones in my ears hoping the music could take me from this room, and the calm I had gained during dinner was gone, and the suffocating feeling of the loss of control came flooding back in. I tossed and turned but eventually, my music lulled me into a restless sleep. “Come with me, don't resist" I jot awake, to Adam's face hovering over me, his hand covering my mouth. Adam presses his finger to my lips and then thrusts a pile of black clothing in my arms. Stumbling in the dark I start changing, Adam appears to not be looking, but still, I feel awkward changing, despite the darkness.  The pants he's given me are tight-fitting but stretch. There is no top so I slip on the jacket over my own plain tank top, and then zip the jacket up, it's tight fitted right up to my neck. I pull on my Chelsea boots before I slip the device into my pocket, after earlier today I never want to be without it. I follow Adam back into his room where Bryce stood waiting for us. Adams's bedside lamp, illuminated the room enough for me to realize the both of them were now dressed the same way they were the night they grabbed me and I now matched. Adam stared at me, taking me in. Bryce gave me a warm smile. “Ready Rookie?” Bryce Whispers. “Ready” I yawn back hiding the nervousness stirring inside. I follow both of them out of Adam's room; only to find Alessia waiting for us. “f*****g hell Alessia!” Adam snaps. “I know you too well Adam,” she says calmly, eyes locked on Adam. “then you will know I’m taking her” “This is idiotic and you know it” she cautions. “She can handle herself” Adam grunts, slipping by her. She grabs his jacket and hisses something aggressive in Italian. Then to my amazement, Adam pushes her hand away and roars at her in Italian, sending shivers down my spine. She purses her lips. “You better not get them killed” she snaps at me. I look to Bryce for guidance who just nods at Adam. Unsure of what I just witnessed and what to say, I nod and head to the garage. The SUV is parked and I assume given it’s the three of us that we’d be taking that. I get in the back and clip myself in, as Bryce and Adam join. Adam slips into the driver's seat and Bryce jumps in the front passenger. I glance at the clock on the dash, it is only eight-thirty, I hadn’t slept that long. We stay silent as Adam drives us to the edge of the city, into a tree dense area. Pulling off the road and into the darkness of the trees he parks the SUV. The two of them turn to face me.  “Think of this as a training exercise, follow everything we tell you to do, and stick with us at all times unless we tell you otherwise” Adam is firm, but his eyes are almost smiling at me. I nod, suddenly nervous. “Don’t be nervous… just pay attention to your gut, intuition is a powerful tool” “I’m not nervous” I lie my voice trembling. The two of them give each other a knowing look before getting out of the car. I look around taking in the surroundings, we are in a dense mass of trees, which seems to back onto an outdoor area. I follow Adam and Bryce as they move swiftly and silently in the dark. I don’t know how they can see so well, I struggle to make them out in the dark. We come to a high brick fence. Swiftly, Bryce takes a few strides and hurls himself up and over, landing almost silently on the other side. I grabbed Adam's arm “I can't do that!” I whisper. “Yes you can, it's not that high. Just run, jump to grab the top, then pull yourself up” I take a few steps back giving myself some more lead up. I take a deep breath, before charging at the fence, as I reached it, I placed my leading foot as high as I could and tried to keep the momentum. Grabbing the top of the fence was rough against my hands, losing my grip I swung into the brick on just one hand. I scrambled to grab hold with my other hand and pull myself up. Sitting on top of the fence, I could see a large illuminated building off in the distance, the sound of jazz music and banter echoed out through the vast fields. Below I see Bryce waiting for me. I jump down, my feet hitting the soft earth hard. I stumbled and he steadied me. Adam lands gracefully next to me a moment later. “Told you” he grins. Bryce and Adam lead the way along the fence perimeter ducking us behind various patches of shrubs until the building is a few dozen meters closer. “Where are we?” I whisper, trying to make out the building. “Newton University, your father is a chair member, and so is Katherine. Apparently, both are here this evening.” Bryce whispers as Adam gazes at the surroundings. “How did you guys know I’d actually come?” Bryce smirks at me. “Simple” “You have no choice.” Adam's voice is serious. Bryce and Adam both suddenly looked back towards the trees. Squinting I couldn’t make out anything, or hear anything other than the gathering at the building in the distance. “Wait here,” Adam ordered then disappeared into the darkness leaving me with Bryce who shuffled himself a bit behind me, sandwiching me between him and the bush. “Where did he go? I don’t see him anywhere.” “That’s kind of the point of our job Ivy. We are only seen when we want to be.” “Oh” I frown biting my lip. I wonder how long all of them had followed me for, without me ever seeing them. I stay sitting in silence with Bryce in the dark. The night air is icy on my cheeks. Adam had been gone for a while and it’s making me nervous. “He’s okay Ivy, relax” Bryce whispers. “How do you know?” “I know Adam.” I bite my lip, hesitating to ask but Bryce doesn’t hold back. “About earlier, what you may have heard…” “It's fine I get it, I’m the evil scientist's daughter, Alessia doesn’t trust me and doesn’t trust me with Adam… it is fair” “Alessia and Adam have been like that for years, That’s not about you.” “It sounded like it was about me.” I pick at the grass as I try to not sound upset. “Okay, it was about you… but don’t take it personally, Alessia is just projecting her own unhappiness.” “Why would she be unhappy?” “This isn’t an easy life to live… I don’t expect you to understand, you’ve only had a tiny glimpse, you don’t know nor realize the extent of what we do.” “Adam doesn’t exactly tell me much, well none of you have” “For good reason. The less you learn about the real happenings of the world, the less afraid you will be and the less… heartless.” “What is any of that meant to mean?” “All in good time ivy, we are just trying to get you through this without…” Bryce's attention altered he became alert, he whispered a few things I could just make out. “How many… where…” “Have you got your conductor?” he turned to me, eyes wide and voice sharp. “My what?” “The black thing Adam gave you.” “Yes,” I pull it from my jacket and hold out. “Keep that ready and stay here. No matter what do not move from this spot,” he ordered. “Where are you going?” Then Bryce was gone. I scanned around but nothing seemed to have changed. But the air felt different colder and uneasy. The unease grew until I couldn’t do what Bryce said. I had to move, I needed to find them or at least get somewhere that felt safer. I looked back at the wall, the car seemed a good option but I didn’t have the keys nor did I think id find my way back to it without them. I weaved my way closer to the university building, ducking in and out of bushes heading towards the car park adjoining the building. As I get closer, I realize there’s an event on, a sign out front, totes the name of visiting professor speaking. A group of students, come walking close by and I dart out and walk behind them, far enough for them not to notice me but close enough to look as if I’m with them. The hall is loud, busy with chatter and jazz music in the background. Along the walls, were photos of famous university chair members and donors, my father was the only one I recognized, reminding me that he would be here. Quickly I scanned the room, I soon realised that I missed the speaker's talk, however, he now stands surrounded by students hanging on his every word; Just aside from him I see my father and Katherine together, his hand is wrapped tightly around her waist. Panic floods through me and I look around but there is no sign of Adam or Bryce. I back away from my father, shielding myself behind the crowd of students. "Professor, Do you think we will be able to crack the code so to speak of regenerative cells?" A wiry brown-haired man with glasses, clutching a tablet asked, his voice trembling slightly, intimidated by the professor. "I do. I think it is entirely possible to perfect the human genome, would that be ethical, absolutely not." The professor's voice was husky but warm, it tugged at my mind, I had heard it before but I could not think of where. "ethical?" The man asked shuffling on the spot, looking for reassurance from the students around him. "We cannot play god. There will always be natural occurring anomalies, to rid the world of that, would disrupt the already fragile balance of life" I watch my father, taking in the words of the speaking professor. He wore a scowl and whispered something to Katherine who nodded in agreement. Perhaps my father took it personally that he couldn't play god, since he clearly had intended to do so with me. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a figure dressed in black. It had to be Adam or Bryce. I watch, hoping to catch their gaze but they disappear just as quickly as I noticed them. "Apologies students, but I must steal Professor Stone from you" My father announced patting the professor on the back. The students let out a collective sigh and began disbanding, my father, Katherine, and the professor made their leave into an adjoining room. Surely, Adam or Bryce would be following him. I ducked my way through the students, keeping my head down, I grabbed a pamphlet off the trestle table as I made my way to the door. Leaning up against the door, I pretended to read the handout whilst I pressed my ear back trying to hear my father inside. "Let me stop you there Nicholas, I know the real reason you invited me to speak tonight, and as I have told you before I am not interested" The calm demeanor Professor Stone just had as he addressed the students were gone, there was only the feigned politeness in his voice. "And I maintain that if you just came to the lab, seen the developments I have made you will change your mind" My father coached, I knew that voice, it was the voice he used when he was preaching to potential investors at his events, something told me that Professor Stone was not falling for it. "Perhaps if those developments were in the ethics of your practices then I would be interested." "I wasn't aware the ethics of my studies was ever in question?" "Not to your face, but people talk, there were rumors of your daughter" People spoke about me, the rumors. Perhaps that's how the order found me, through rumors. "Those rumors were false, people gossip, unfortunately, my estranged wife kept my daughter from me, but Ivy, my darling Ivy has returned to me here in Melbourne for her studies." I bit my tongue. The audacity of him. "for her studies... or to be studied?" Silence. I felt the acid rise in my chest. I couldn't listen anymore. I spotted a ladies' room and rushed to the door. Thankfully it was empty. I fanned myself, gasping. Panic was rising through my body, the same alertness I felt in the field was building and I couldn't slow it. Professor Stone knows. He knows what my father did, and my father is trying to get him. Somehow I need to meet with him of my own accord. But doing so would tie me even closer to my father. I splash cool water on myself calming myself. I should have stayed where Bryce told me. I have no idea how I will find them; I just hope they find me soon. I take a few deep breaths hunched over the sink, trying to slow my breathing but the unease I felt in the field is at fever pitch. "Should have done what you were told" I jolt upright, at the sound of an unfamiliar male voice. I see him in the mirror. The figure is here. "Don't scream" He commands before throwing himself at me.
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