Thirty - The Summoning

1305 Words

When I spoke, my lips trembled. “How could we possibly defeat those Legionnaires? We are nothing but ordinary humans! We may have two of the Angel’s weapons, but I don’t think they would not be enough to vanquish the creatures you speak of.” Amias turned his back unto us and started forward. “Being human is your strength, Sh’muel. Only humans among all of Creation possess free will. Use that gift, and I know we will not be defeated.” Magat and Lyana started to follow the robed man’s footsteps. I hesitated for a moment, looking at the Angel’s sword in my hand. Magat’s leather holster was crumpled here and there where I used it to tie a knot around the Angel’s sword. I sure am glad Magat did not notice the wrinkles on his holster that I borrowed, I thought, distracting myself from the swir

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