Chapter 7 -Starting over.

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Anthony “Meg. Honey, are you sure about this leaving the three of those explosive personalities in that one house? We might have to build a new house once they are done making peace.” I frown. She looks at me with her “Are you really questioning me." look. Lifting my hands in defeat, I decide to go hide in my office where Christiaan is sitting in front of the chessboard looking at the pieces, concentrating. “What are you doing son?” He doesn’t dare take his eyes off the board while I hover above him. “Erik made a move, Dad, and I need to think carefully about how I’m going to beat him when we sit and play the next time.” They loved playing and trying to outsmart each other and I smile. “Oh, okay. Would it be okay if I sit at my desk and get some work done?” I try to get him to notice me, so he realizes he has to move. “I guess if you have to.” He shrugs but, still doesn’t look at me. Yes… It is in its element… Thinking teenagers can tell parents what is allowed and what not. I slowly move towards my desk, pretending to be creeping closer like a cartoon character. I need to try and get his attention somehow. He is in my office after all. He suddenly looks up at me. “Dad.” He shoots me a look, catching me halfway through an evil step. My one foot in the air and my other hand in the air, I am almost standing on tiptoes. “Yes?” I grin, keeping my pose. “What are you doing?” Christiaan frowns. “Walking slowly, so I don’t bug you.” I grin proudly. He gets up from his chair, shakes his head, and leaves my office. Thank the goddess! Now I can walk like a normal wolf again. I almost fall on the chair behind my desk when Megan walks in. “Hi, sweetie…” She wants something… “Yes, honey…” I grin at her, my chin on my hands, resting on my elbows on my desk, I flutter my eyes. “Stop that!” She looks slightly agitated. “Sorry.” I grin, pulling at my shirt and sitting upright. “What can I do for you baby?” “We need new couches in the game room.” See… I knew it… She wanted something… “Okay… why do you need me?” I grinned. Megan “My darling husband, if I could wring your neck right now, I would be doing it!” But I remind myself that I love him, so I won’t do it. “I need you and the boys to go to town and fetch them with the trucks, of course.” I shrug. “Of course.” He rolls his eyes at me. “You bought them already?” He sighs. “Well duh…” I pretend to study my nails as if the conversation is boring me. “And they couldn’t deliver?” He asks, waving his hand around like an i***t. “Do you think I would…” Feeling agitated that he would even think to ask. “Nope, nope you won’t, I will make work of it immediately.” He gets up from his seat, interrupting me mid-sentence. He kisses me on my cheek, and is out of his office before I can even say another word. There is a knock on the back door, and I wonder who could be there so early in the morning. I hear Ant greet a young voice, and it dawns on me that it can only be Erik. I walk to the kitchen, finding him there with his backpack and a book in his hand, looking agitated. “Hey Erik, how are things going at home? How’s your mom doing?” I smile. “Oh, just great! I don’t know, she has a short fuse.” He says with a bit of a bite that I’ve grown used to over the years. It’s a typical Fiona reaction when they are upset. Christiaan comes running down the stairs, and before I can even ask about breakfast, the two of them are out the door and off to school. “Well, that was fast. Usually, I would have to threaten with murder…” I shrug and sigh. Matt I check in on Fiona, and she is still sleeping. Leaving a note on the bedside table that I have gone to town with the guys to pick up a delivery, I also tell her that breakfast is in the oven, ready to just be warmed up and there is fresh orange juice in the fridge, just as she likes it. She stirs when I’m on my way out and in a half-dazed, half-asleep motion. “I love you babe, have a good day.” She mumbles and my heart skips two beats. I turn around only to see that she has gone back to sleep. For a split-second, things almost feel like they had gone back in time. Until I see a room to my right where the clothes are strewn all over the floor and the bed is unmade. There was no, bye mom, bye dad… He must have left early for school. Anthony phoned and told me we have an errand to run for Megan, but he gave me no details, which means it’s not going to be a good one. Leaving the house, I wonder if I should be leaving her alone, but I guess we have to start somewhere. Fiona I wait until I hear the lock on the front click. What is wrong with me? I was half asleep, okay, but what the f@ck?! I open the note he left and read it, deciding to take a shower first. I think I prefer to be alone in the house. It’s quiet. I get up slowly, wincing, still feeling some of my injuries. Dr. M said I will heal in time. Apparently, due to my malnourishment, the injuries didn’t heal as fast and properly as they should have. Walking into the bathroom alone, everything smells of Matt. A scent I breathe in that makes me feel at home. Suddenly making me shiver. I love him, I just can’t stand him… Oh, what fun. There is a new shower curtain up, and it is not something I would have chosen, but then it’s been so long, I don’t know what his taste is like. Opening the water, I hold my hand underneath it to get used to the cold when I feel the heat coming through and my eyes grow wide… Hot water. I can take a hot shower for the first time in I can’t remember how long. I strip out of my clothes as fast as my body will allow me and climb into the shower. There are a couple of different shower gels and I pick the one that smells like coconut. I’ve always loved the smell. Standing in the shower, I lather my body with the soap, breathing in the amazing smell and enjoying the warm water soaking in the feeling… When I hear someone walk into the bedroom. “Fiona!” Megan calls out. “Uhm, I’m in the shower. I’ll be right out.” I freeze for a second. I’m not sure which way to turn now. What do I do? Is she going to wait for me in my bedroom? What if she walks into the bathroom? I stand dead still listening for any noises in the bedroom, but I hear nothing. Rinsing the soap off myself, I turn off the water and listen carefully again. I hear mugs in the kitchen and breathe a sigh of relief. Jumping out of the shower, I grab a towel, dry myself, and put on the dress I had on earlier. Grabbing the first body spray I can get my hands on, which is NOT what I like, I aim for the bin and hit my mark. Brushing my long red hair that is now wet, I pull it into a bun and tie it quickly. Walking back into the bedroom, I walk to my closet to see if there are any shoes and find an old pair of flip-flops that are left. I almost run into the kitchen. “Hi,” I say almost out of breath. “Hey sweetie, how did you sleep?” She smiles at me, walking over with two mugs of coffee and my breakfast. She has already heated it up. I look around our house. Everything looks so faded. Nothing like it did when we lived here. It’s all clean, but I guess it will all have to wait until I can make a plan to earn a bit of cash. “I slept okay. Wait… How…” I’m not sure what she is doing here so early or how to ask her. “Ah, I’m here, my darling Beta, because I never found another and, seeing as I’m now officially Luna… well, I’ve been for a while. Oh hell, my best friend is back after I thought she had died! I missed you! Can’t a girl miss her friend?” She sits at the table with sadness in her eyes and I feel her pain. “Yeah. I know what you mean. But… I” I sigh deeply. “Sweetie, if you want to talk about things, we talk openly like we used to. Even if you are angry, disappointed… We sort it out. If you feel you don’t want to see me for a while, it will break my heart, but I understand. I am here today, while your boys are out, so you and I can talk about what happened. But only if you want.” She tries to put me at ease. I move the plate of food forward, having lost my appetite. “Oh hell, Anthony told me to leave you alone, and now I’ve gone and spoiled your appetite. I’m so sorry Fiona. I’m such an i***t!” She gets up, walking to the kitchen to wash her mug. Grabbing her bag, ready to leave. “Megan… I… please stay. I don’t know where to start. I don’t know if I want to, but I know I have to. Besides, I can’t walk around in the same old dress and flip-flops for the rest of my life. I guess I need to find a job.” I shrug my shoulders, not sure if I did the right thing by asking her. I would have much preferred doing it on my own and not depending on her for it. “Honey! You have one. As my Beta, that is also one of the reasons why I came. I wanted to take you shopping. Can’t have you walking around in rags if we go to the city.” She waves her hands around in a dramatic manner like she did that first time she wanted to take me shopping for business suits. I can’t help but smile at the memory. “Thank you.” I still feel unsure though. “It’s the least I can do, Fiona. None of us know how to say we are sorry to accept to just carry on as normal as possible and replace what we think you need.” She walks back to the table, leaning on the back of the chair. “We don’t have the words to say how sorry we are.” She looks down at the seat of the chair with incredible sadness in her eyes as tears start forming. “I know. I guess it will take time for all of us.” I look down at my hands that I have knotted on my lap. “But we have to start somewhere, and I would like to start putting what happened to me behind me as fast as possible?” I shrug in an almost question manner, looking up at her. “That we can do. Forward! Shopping!” She shouts, making me laugh out loud. “Okay, so some things haven’t changed!” I laugh when she grabs my hand and we leave the house. “Oh, this is yours.” When we leave the house, she hands me my old set of house keys. “I used them to make sure the house was at least clean. I couldn’t stand the idea that Matt would never come back. I always hoped he would.” “So, you were the one who bought the soaps and body sprays and stuff?” I laughed. “Yes, I rushed to the shops when we found you. When you are the Luna, they open for you at all hours of the night.” She grins at me. “Ant dropped the stuff late last night. I hope you can use some of them. If you can’t, just dump it. We will buy you new ones now.” “Megan! I can’t just dump everything! Still the extravagant author I see. Thank you. I can use all of it.” I’m not going to tell her I’ve already dumped one. We drive up to the town square, park the car, and she drags me into the first shop. Making me wear the first outfit and put the old dress and shoes in a bag. It feels a bit unnerving wearing bright pink capri pants with a white lace camisole and white high-heeled sandals. “It feels like everyone is looking at me,” I whisper. “They are because you are so beautiful.” She whispers back, making me even more nervous.
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