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MICHAEL I was just sitting outside waiting patiently for them to come I just wish that she’ll be safe “Michael don’t worry brother everything is going to be fine.” I looked at Charl’s and just nod at him we were just waiting there when she came out “I wanted to tell you that.” There was sadness and regret in her eyes I stood up as I felt that something is definitely there “What is it is Olivia fine and my child?” “Don’t worry Michael Olivia has to be safe that’s the most important thing for us, you have my son Ethan he is yours only.” I nod at him “I know Charl’s but my child.” “Relax gentlemen’s, everyone is safe congratulations Michael you got a your descendant alpha.” I can’t describe my happiness my son I was standing there not saying anything just a smile on my face a lady came holding my son She hand over him to me holding him I felt a power something that I never felt before, what is he I acted infront of everyone as if nothing happened I played with him a little then went in to Olivia “How’s he.” I hand over him to her she felt the same but didn’t said anything After everyone was gone and celebration got over I was standing in the balcony when Olivia comes towards me “Michael what is he how come we can feel so much power.” I look at her “I don’t know it’s not something that’s normal we have to go and meet Christopher.” “Christopher but for what?” I looked at her and held her hand “He is the one who can tell us what is it that he have and what it can turn him into.” “Turn him into what you are talking like Michael he is our son.” I tried to relax her I make her sit in the bed side “Olivia he is our son he will be a good person but the power we felt we have to know what it is.” “Okay.” I try to make Olivia sleep and she eventually did but I was not able to sleep at all after what I felt I look at my son “What are you dear but your father gives you the promise that you will be the best alpha.” I said then slept off AFTER FEW DAYS As everything got a little cold the excitement of the tribe and everyone Olivia and I decided to take our son Sebastian to Christopher in the dark night so no one can know anything Olivia and I was walking towards his house we were standing outside when the door opens we went inside “I knew it that you both will come Michael.” “Christopher my son.” He came towards us and look at him he took him in his arms from Olivias hand “What did you named him?” “Sebastian.” “Sebastian nice name.” Christopher place him in the rock “What are you doing Christopher he is small.” He looked at Olivia “Nothing is going to happen to him what do you think Michael what is he what is it that he holds tell me Michael.” “He have some power that I felt even if he is so small that’s why we are here we are worried about him.” I said I know that my son is not ordinary “You’re absolutely right Michael here your son he is not just a werewolf, he is not a normal alpha Michael the power he holds he can destroy any thing just in a second any thing either it’s the whole tribe the whole pack of werewolf around the world or you Michael.” What he can destroy it all “Christopher he is just a child.” “Yes he is just a child but you bo try have to control his power you both have to control him so that he will not turn into a danger for the world.” I looked at Olivia who was already upset with everything “No he will not I will make sure of that.” “Great Olivia cause you both have to make sure of that, his fate is to rule the whole world from the power that holds he will be the superior alpha that no one has ever since who takes birth one in million years.” I went to Christopher “What do we have to do Christopher so that he will be a good alpha and will not turn into something dangerous.” TO BE CONTINUED…
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