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Justin look at Naina from top to bottom, Naina was right Police is searching Naina like hungry dogs. It's not safe to get out of this city without getting caught by the police. If Justin wants to take Naina with him, he has to make a solid plan.  Justin cursed under his breath and ran his fingers in his hair with so much frustration.  He doesn't want to send Naina back to the Chaudhary mansion, he is not comfortable seeing her with the Choudhary family. "I'm ready to come with you because I want to talk with your mother, I have so many questions and only she has the answers to all my questions," said Naina but Justin showed his finger to Naina in anger.  When Justin saw her expressions, he closed his eyes and cursed under his breath, From the day Nell has left India, Justin had seen Naina staying in Nell's room with his memories. She had seen her wearing his clothes and dancing with his shirts.  Justin open his eyes and look at Naina "I'll make a plan to take you from here but I can't let you go to Choudhary Mansion and that's final, " said Justin and turned his back towards Naina.  "I want to talk to your Mother, I am sure if I asked her, she'll never say no to me..." Said Naina but Justin twirl so fast and held Naina's neck so painfully, for a second Naina thought Justin will squeeze her neck and dumb her body into the sea.  "My mother is my biggest weakness Naina, she is my lifeline. I can bear anything but I can't see the pain in her eyes. I know you share a strong relationship with my mom because I had seen her crying looking at your photos, that's why I left all my work and came here to take you with me... And now when I finally have you, I can't let you go from here because of Nell and his family..." Said Justin and left her neck.  Naina stepped back with scared expressions, then she held her neck and look into Justin's eyes.  "Let me talk to your mother, I want to explain to her why I can't come. I am sure she'll understand..." Said Naina  Justin step towards her but before he hurt her, Naina hide her face with her arms.  Justin stopped, he don't know why but he don't want to hurt her.  "If mom didn't agree, I won't let you go..." Said, Justin  Justin called his mom and passed his cell phone to Naina.  Naina: Hello, " said Naina in a hesitant tone  Justin's mom: My baby, " that's the only word that escaped out of her mother.  Naina: Justin said you use to stare at my picture, he said he had seen you crying for me, " asked Naina  Justin's mother nodded her head with teary eyes.  Naina: Do you hate my Baba?" Asked Naina and noticed how Justin's mum's expressions changed.  Justin's mom changed the topic " When will you two leave from there?"  Naina: that's not the answer to my question? And I'll not come until I get my answer from you..."  "Yes, I hate that bastard who destroyed my life, because of that monster I lost my father, because of him I got separated from you. I won't lie to you but if I would have the power in my hand, So I would have surely come to India and killed that bastard." Said Justin's mother with so much loathe.  Naina's eyes welled up with tears because she had seen Billa crying for his wife, she had seen her father fighting with loneliness. Naina's aunt forced Billa to remarry several times but Billa always ignored his sister's words. It is painful for Naina to see the hatred for her father in her mother's eyes. "Don't cry my baby, I can't see tears in your eyes...." Said Justin's mother in a painful tone.  While expressing her hate towards Billa, Justin's mom completely forgot that Naina loves her father so much, and her hateful words would affect Naina',s, innocent heart.  Naina wiped her tears and licked her dry lips, "May I know the reason why you hate my Baba so much because Since childhood I am seeing him dying in your memories every day. Many people asked him to remarry but he did not because he loved you. The reason for your father's death was your sudden disappearance, not my Baba, so tell me the real reason? Why do you hate my baba so much? your Justin hurt my baba so mercilessly, no one does such a thing even with an enemy." Said Naina in a painful tone.  "Is he still alive...?" Asked Justin's mother.  Naina's whole body became cold after listening to her mother's harsh words about her father, new tears rolled down her cheeks and a painful sob escaped from her mouth.  "I am not coming....." Before Naina completes her words, Justin's mother cuts her words.  "Billa had abducted me, then he forcefully married me and when I tried to resist him, he forced himself on me...." said Justin's mom.  Naina put her palm on her mouth and shook her head in pure astonishment. She knew her father can't commit such sin, he can't force someone but the pain in Justin's mother's eyes seemed so real. "No......." Yelled Justin in pain and snatched his cell phone from Naina's hand.  "Tell me, mom, whatever I heard was wrong, " yelled Justin at his mother but you can hear in his scream.  When his mother didn't say anything, Justin stopped breathing, his face become all red due to rage and now he understood why his mother told him to kill Billa. Justin promised himself to give Billa the most painful death, he promised himself to hang Billa's life between life and death, where Billa Would beg every second for his death.  Naina read Justin's face, she understood what Justin is planning for Billa, her heart shivered in fear to see the rage on Justin's face.   Naina twirl and look at the sea, tears are flowing out of her eyes as if she is holding an ocean of tears in her eyes. It is not easy for Naina to believe that her father can force anyone, but her mother's eyes, not even her pain were false.  "Take the phone near her..." Said, Justin's mom to Justin  Justin did what his mother told him to do, "bebita..." Called Justin's mother to Naina and she twirl to look at her mother.  (Baby girl)  "I love my Baba so much, I don't know anything about your past with my baba but I had seen him crying in your memories, I had seen so much in his eyes for you. Give me one reason why should I trust you....?" Asked Naina in a painful tone.  Justin held Naina with so much rage, his eyes are blazing fire in Naina's direction. "So what do you want to say that my mother is lying, how dare you say such a thing" yelled Nell on her  Naina made a painful face, "Leave my hand.... (Naina tried to pull her hand out of Justin's grip but his grip is so hard over her hand) leave my hand Justin, you are hurting me..." Said Naina, moaning so hard in pain.  Before Justin yell at her once again, he heard his mother's words "Don't hurt her Justin, leave her hand..." She can't see what Justin is doing with Naina but she felt her pain in her tone.  Justin passed his cell phone back to Naina but he is staring at her with so much rage as if he'll kill her with his ferocious eyes.  Naina removes her gaze from Justin and looks at her mother, "He is my father, I love him very much. Please give me his life, I beg you for his life." Said Naina in a heart-piercing tone to her mother.  Her mother's heart also bleeds to hear Naina's words, More than her revenge she needs her daughter back so, she put a huge stone on her heart.   "Ok, I am ready to let that monster live his life. But in return I want you to break all your relationship with your father and come to me," said Justin's mom.  "Apart from my father, I have many relationships here, maybe you don't know but I have a fiance and soon I am going to marry him..." Said Naina. "Everyone can't get everything, some get sky so some receive land. You can't marry Nell, I had been waiting for you so long and if you marry Nell, I will lose you again, " said Justin's mom. "What are you saying? Nell is my life and I can't leave him for anyone not even for you. You had left me in my childhood and Baba, he has only been running away from me. Nell is my life, my salvation. Nell is the reason why I was living this meaningless life and you want to snatch him from me...." Asked Naina last word in a very loud tone.  Naina shook her head "no, I...I can't leave my Nell..." Said Naina in a very low tone, she Is lost In her past which she had spent with Nell and she don't realize when she closed her eyes.  Naina was about to fall into the water but once again Justin held her in his arms. " Why didn't you ever tell me that Naina is your daughter?" Asked Nell to his mother. "Because I had lost all hope of getting my daughter back, one day You suddenly came as a ray of light in my life, and today after years only because of you I was able to talk to my daughter." Said Justin's mom to Justin in a low tone and tears roll down from her eyes.  "I promise you, mom, I'll take her with me at any cost, " said Justin  "She is the heartbeat of the Choudhary family, it would be difficult for you to come out of that country..." Said Justin's mom in a worried tone.  "Trust me, mom, if I promise you that I'll take Naina with me then I promise I'll not break my promise..." Said Justin to his mother in assuring manner.  "I trust you my son, but you don't know how cruel Choudhary family is, and Nell Choudhary, he is obsessed with my baby girl," said Justin's mom.  "Nell isn't here and you are right Nell is the biggest problem but I'll find my way. You take care of yourself and Dad " said Justin  "Don't disappoint me Justin and take care of yourself and my baby girl..." Said His mother and cut the call.  Justin look at Naina, for a second he lost himself in her beauty, but he shook his head and take her towards the room.  "Boss because of heavy doss her father went into a coma..." Said one of the men to Justin and a very evil smile appeared on Justin's face.  "That bastard got what he deserves, " said Justin then he held Naina's hand and kissed her palm.  "Billa is important until we take her back with us, just try to keep him alive for a few days..." Said Justin to his men  "Are you developing feelings for her...?" Asked Justin Man to see affection in Justin's eyes for Naina.  "What do you think?" Asked Justin to his man  "I think you are already caged by her beauty but you are not ready to accept the truth..." Said the man  Justin smiled "that's true I am caged by her beauty, I fell in love with her face and I want her as mine so I can make her my model, " said Justin  Justin's secretary looks at Justin "But she is your Mom's daughter, and your mother will never allow you to take Naina your model against Naina's will..." Said, Justin Secretary.  "Nail Chaudhary will never let Naina go away from himself, he will unite the earth and sky but he will find Naina. But if Naina mixes poison for herself in Nell's mind, then Nella will never chase Naina" said Justin in a very evil tone.  "Are you planning to use her father?" Asked Justin's secretary "Boss, you heard what Naina said, Nell is her life, he is important for her more than anything. I don't think you should let her to go the Choudhary mansion..." Said The secretary because also had seen Naina and Nell's obsession with each other.  "I have a plan and I want you to help me with my plan, " said Justin, well his secretary has no other option so he nodded his head.  ..................................................... The next time when Naina opened her eyes, she found herself lying on the silky bed sheet. She look around and found herself in the penthouse.  She climbed down from the bed and look out of the window with a tense expression, she can see Choudhary's mansion from here, her chest filled with pain and that pain rolled out of her eyes.  "Everyone must be worried about me..." Said Naina then her father appeared in her mind and she shook her head.  Naina instantly turned around and found Justin standing at the door. He is not wearing his shirt and his body is looking extremely sexy in a black vest.  "Where is my Baba...?" Asked Naina to Nell is a very worried tone because Naina is extremely concerned for her Baba.  "You know what he had done with mother, still you are concerned for that fucker...?" Asked Justin and stepped into the room.  He put the food plate on the table then walk near Naina but Naina step back "Where is my Baba..." She asked in a hard tone.  "You are in no condition to talk to me in this manner... Now if you are done with your questions, let's have dinner together " Said Justin. "Justin if anything happens to my baba I'll....." Before Naina finished her words, Justin look at Naina with a sharp gaze.  Naina's words died in her mouth, she sat on the couch and start staring at her lap.  Justin passed Naina his iPad when Naina saw her father laying near the sharp blade, her heartbeat stopped and she instantly turned her gaze back to Justin.  She joined her hand in front of Justin "please...please...don't hurt him...please.Justin..." Naina begged Justin  "His life is in your hands Naina, only you can save his disgusting life by saying yes to me...." Said, Justin  Naina understood what Justin wants from her, but she can't give him what he want. She can't cheat her Nell, She can't marry anyone.  "Leave my Baba Justin, " said Naina looking into his eyes "Nell came back and he is searching for you like the wild animal, I must say he would be so heartbroken to hear about our wedding..." Said Justin and pushed the food plate towards Naina but Naina didn't touch the plate.  "He trusts me, he knew I'll embrace death before choosing someone else over him..." Said Naina in a sharp tone. "So much confidence on Nell, wooo... I am impressed..." Said Justin, in a taunting manner.  Naina noticed his smile and she knew there is something fishy, Naina wants to get out of this situation but her mind isn't working properly. She is occupied with many thoughts and right her father is her biggest problem. She wants to take her father out of Justin's custody as soon as possible but for that, she has to earn Justin's trust.  "What relationship you share with mother, I mean according to her public profile, she is still single...." Asked Naina and licked her lips.  Justin made a surprised face because he wasn't expecting this question from Naina.  "Anna Armstrong and Ava Willson are the same people with different faces. Ava Wilson is a Brand, she is the icon of the fashion industry, and Anna Armstrong is a housewife, a wife, and of course my mother... I mean our mother..." said Justin  Naina's mouth opened wide in shock,  "You mean...you mean Anna and Ava both are the same person but living two lives..." Asked Naina in an astonishing tone, she is looking so cute to Justin, his member is throbbing for her. Naina doesn't see the tent in his pant that's why he put the pillow in his lap.  "did I say in Chinese?" Asked Justin  Naina heard the sound of Justin's cell phone, it was Nell who is calling Justin.  "Nell is standing out of my door, go lay on the bed," said Justin and move out of the room.  Naina got confused but she did what Nell told her to do. She instantly move towards the bed and laid on it.  Naina doesn't know what games Justin is playing with her but right now she has to do everything that he told her because her father is in his custody.  Justin opened the door and saw Nell standing in front of him, he is looking very tired, his clothes are looking messy, his hair are looking like a bird's nest, and his shirt is untucked. It looks like Nell didn't sleep for a second.  "Where is she? How is she? Is everything ok with her...?" Asked Nell  "Relax man, she is fine and laying in the guest room, " said Justin.  Without thinking twice Nell run towards the guest room of Justin and found Naina laying on the bed with closed eyes. ( ok, this chapter is a little confusing. Naina and Justin share one mother but you'll understand this mother confusion in upcoming chapters, so stay tuned ) 
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