CHAPTER 5. The Egotist Becomes a Personage-3

2000 Words

The smaller man was remarkable only for his complete submersion in the personality of the other. He was of that lower secretarial type who at forty have engraved upon their business cards: "Assistant to the President," and without a sigh consecrate the rest of their lives to second-hand mannerisms. "Going far?" asked the smaller man in a pleasant disinterested way. "Quite a stretch." "Hiking for exercise?" "No," responded Amory succinctly, "I'm walking because I can't afford to ride." "Oh." Then again: "Are you looking for work? Because there's lots of work," he continued rather testily. "All this talk of lack of work. The West is especially short of labor." He expressed the West with a sweeping, lateral gesture. Amory nodded politely. "Have you a trade?" No—Amory had no trade. "

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