Chapter 3

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Samantha Landers   We had fifteen minutes to the start of the class, the teacher had not yet arrived. Cami was with the group of the popular ones, updating herself about the summer gossip of each one of the members. That's how she was, spending her summers with me, away from everyone, and then coming back to catch up. She loved attention, It was normal, and I was greatly surprised by her strong personality, when I, in her shoes, would have been more withdrawn than I already was. - Samantha, darling! –Ruth greeted me, a black girl with a model body that made her look extremely desirable in front the hormonal eyes of the boys-, how about that vacations? - I can't complain -I smiled at her-, what about you, Ruth? Cami kept watching us with her mischievous smile. Staring at her, I could guess what she was thinking, it was sure about Ruth and Ryan because Melody, by her side, glared at her. Melody was blonde with blue eyes, she didn't have Ruth's statuesque body, she was a bit chubby but she was much more flirtatious and elegant. - Oh, well, boring -she sighed-. Nor was it that I had news, with the fact that the rabble -she looked at Melody over her shoulder- is spreading things that do not concern them. - Oh, what a shame that -I smiled-, but you see how things are here. - Yes, but I'm not giving myself a bad life because of that, my dear -she moved closer to me-, I wanted to ask you: what will you do this weekend? - She will spend it with me, obviously –Camila interrupted, coming between us-, and you know that I don't like to share her, I already have a lot with she getting together with the group of nerds that we have here. - Yes, but she is not your pet, Di Salvo -Ruth nagged her, I looked at them amused, I felt like the tuna that incited two hungry cats to fight. - No, but she is M-I-N-E -she spitted- do you get it? Ruth snorted and went to her seat, the teacher was entering the classroom. Cami turned to look at me and I gave her a smile, she returned it to me and went to her seat at the back of the room. - Good morning, students -said the teacher. - Good morning, teacher -we greet. - This year we will have a new student with us, please, enter the classroom and introduce yourself to your classmates -he said. A boy burst into the room. He was tall with tan skin and amber eyes. All males had to wear short hair, so I couldn't say much about their hairstyles, anyway, his hair seemed to be dark brown. His muscles were well pronounced, you could see that he was exercising a lot. I hoped that he would also exercise his neurons and not be like the pile of "aspiring bodybuilders" we had in the room. They were gaps raised to infinity. - Good morning –he smiled and I heard many sighs from the girls-, my name is Aarón Noriega, I am 16 years old and I come from the Santa Bárbara School. - What brought you here, young man Aaron? -asked the professor. - I moved near here and because of my qualifications they accepted me -he replied with a shrug. - Okay, take a seat next to Landers. Samantha –he called me and I raised my face-, it's her –he pointed at me. The new boy smiled at me and took the empty spot next to me. Surely Sofi, one of my friends, would be upset when she arrived and saw her seat occupied. I smiled softly and pulled out my notebook. The two classes in the morning passed without any problem, in the break time, Aaron tried to strike up a conversation with me. - I have been told that the teachers are super strict in this school. - Not at all –I smiled-, that will be said by the one who leaves homework for the last minute. - Yeah, apparently you're not one of those. - No, I like to have my homework up to date, that way I can better enjoy my free time. - I do the same - he laughed - I really like basketball, so in order to go to practice I have to do my homework. Either that I have to bear a tug of ears by my mother -he pouted and I couldn't help but smile. - Good, but here we have basketball equipment, I suppose you will enter the team. - Of course! In fact... - Samantha, honey -Cami interrupted-, aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend? - Oh, yes -I smiled at her- Aaron she is my best friend. - Cassandra Di Salvo -she said, extending her hand-, and if you try to take my best friend away from me, you will die -she smiled as she glared at him. - Don't pay attention to her, she's crazy -I smiled as he relaxed the muscles of his features. - Well, I would say it is territorial. - Something like this, is because we have known each other from kindergarten and she is afraid that someone will come and take me away from her. But once you meet her, she is a lovely person. - Yes -he raised an eyebrow- I guess… While Cami had snack with her group of popular and talked, or rather criticized some girls, I just followed the conversation to Aaron. He was a funny boy, kind and passionate about his sport. Throughout the conversation, one other girl would come up to greet him and he would respond out of pure courtesy, then he would look at me all confused and I would just smile, making fun of him. - Is it that there are no men here? –Asked exasperated, as 15 girls had already greeted him and had been whispering at the door while looking at him. - Yes, but you are fresh meat, nobody has tasted you yet -I laughed. - You would do it? -he asked with a mischievous smile. - No, you're not really my type -I shrugged and he laughed out loud. Of course he was not, I had never had a boyfriend, I always felt that I could not fit in with any boy. I had a lot of love to give, no doubt, but they only had hormones to satisfy. So instead of hanging around like my classmates, praying for menstruation to come, I preferred to have a cool head and dedicate my free time to other things. A boyfriend would only take up my time and space. As it was the first day, today we would not have a reintegration to the clubs and teams, we would leave early; likewise all the meetings, at least in the tennis club, were on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Probably Wednesday would start our day. The hours of the next two classes passed quickly, in all of them, Aaron sat next to me. Occasionally I turned to watch Cami and she glared at him. I could not say if her jealousy was because I was "friends" with the new boy who did not seem to show interest in her or because he was trying to get into my life. Either idea seemed funny and even cute, although coming from her, everything seemed to be cute. When the last class ended, I started to collect all my things. They had left us a lot of homework and I had to get it done so it wouldn't accumulate. That way, I could be totally focused on tennis practice; There was nothing worse than playing with a head full of homework. - Well, Samy, it was a pleasure meeting you. See you tomorrow –Aaron said goodbye. When she went to kiss me on the cheek to finish saying goodbye, Casmi approached and threw him back to the desk, he looked at her bewildered and she just smiled at him machiavellically. - If you dare to fill her beautiful cheeks with germs, I will annihilate you -she threatened. - Enough, Cami –I hugged her from behind and put my face on her shoulder-, be nice to my new friend. He has done nothing wrong. - Fine -she snorted-, but after school she's mine, okay? - Okay, but leave your hysteria to use it with someone else -he replied disapprovingly-. Now, see you tomorrow, Samy. He kissed me on the cheek and left the classroom. Camila turned to look at me and with a satisfied smile she hugged me tightly. - Is it my imagination or has your possessive jealousy attack increased? - I just wanted to disturb you -she laughed-, I have to go to the modeling academy today. Should I stop by your house tonight to do my homework? - Sure, Cami, I'll wait for you there. We said goodbye with a double kiss on the cheeks and a hug. I walked towards the exit where the driver was waiting for me. When I was arriving I saw a dog lying on the sidewalk. It was a puppy, I assumed it would have scabies because it had reddish spots and in its place there was no trace of hair. I approached and stroked its head, the puppy got up subtly moving its tail and limping on one leg. I took it to review it and noticed that it had worms. - s**t… It smelled like hell. I took out half of my sandwich with ham and cheese, I hadn't finished eating it this morning so I gave it to him. He began to devour it and two young men approached us. - Oh, is that puppy yours? I looked at them as I embodied an eyebrow. Could someone be such a jerk? I mean, you see the stray dog in a bad state, and you still ask if it's mine? No, they had mental problems. - Of course! –I smiled-, I have taken its worms for a walk, don't you see? They looked at the puppy in disgust and I picked it up, wrapped it in my sweater and headed for the car. - John -I called the driver. - Yes, missy? - Take me to a vet clinic, please. This little boy needs medical help immediately. - Yes, miss, right away. He opened the car door for me and I entered with the puppy in my arms. I probably would never wear that sweater again; I really disgusts worms, but had no heart to leave it lying there. I placed it on my lap and uncapped the bottom to see what s*x it was. - A girl! -I smiled, she moved her tail and stuck out her tongue- well, since from now on you will be mine, let's see ... I don't know, later I’ll think a name for you. I shrugged and put her back on my lap. I took out my cell phone and dialed my father's number, I had to ask him for "permission" to have a pet. Calling my mother would be a waste of time, she always sending me directly to speak to him. - Sam, my life! -Dad answered euphoria. - Hi, dad, how was that trip? - All right, little one, tell me, do you need something? - Yes - I smiled -, dad, I want to stay with a little dog that I just found on a sidewalk. She needs care and is very cute. - Well -he hesitated-, I have no problem with you having a pet, little one, so it keeps you company. - But? - But ... why not buy a healthy puppy? - Because I want "this" puppy, dad. It will give me the same love and affection as any other and also, it is free. Love is not bought, you know? - Sure, daughter, well, do you have money in your account?, so you can take it to the vet. - Yes, actually I'm on my way, I just wanted your permission to have it. - Okay, little one, you can keep it. - Thank you dad! –I smiled-, you are the best. - You're welcome, my little one, whatever makes you happy. - See you later! Greetings to mom. I hung up the phone and looked at the puppy, she was looking at me with intense and deep brown eyes. Yes, it would be mine, my furry companion. I had nothing against race animals, on the contrary, they felt and suffered like any other. But they would have a safe home, while this little girl had the bad luck to end up on the street. Until this day. I did not notice if the animal was black, white, shaggy, rare, mongrel, breed, hairless or with physical defects, because they all deserved the same love and respect that I was willing to give them.   ☆.。.:*・゚☆.。.:*・゚☆.。.:*・゚☆.。.:*・゚☆.。.:*・゚☆.。.:*・゚☆.。.:*・゚☆     Camila Di Salvo   I was at the modeling academy, supposedly on the lookout for what's next for our next event. I wasn't really paying the slightest attention. I couldn't stop thinking about the amount of homework that had been left to us and the new child. Boy did I want to murder him! The way he got so close to Samantha and made fun with her. No, no, no, and no! He was not the type of boy she deserved, moreover, none deserved her; she was too much for them. They would only break her fragile heart and make her suffer. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing her cry, least of all because of that pile of idiots. I hoped that Sofia, her friend, would finally arrive tomorrow and thus not have to see that i***t sitting next to her with that slimy asshole look absorbed by her. My Sam was beautiful, she really was. I did not understand how she could think she was so normal, for me, she was the most beautiful girl in the entire institution. After me, obviously. I smiled. What modesty of mine. But yes, within everything, I adored her, she was a truly exceptional being. If you knew her, you would understand the degree of admiration and affection I feel for her. The instructor finished giving the guidelines and we got up to leave. I said goodbye to my classmates and went straight to Samy's house. Just thinking about doing homework in her company made everything seem more enjoyable. I didn't want to get home, it was hell to even think about having to run into my mother's alcoholic. I sighed. She was not always so bad; Since my father's departure everything just got worse. She immersed herself in alcoholism and her unbridled casual s*x. If she wasn't hanging around with some guy from a bar, she was soaking herself in liquor inside the apartment. It was tedious to live that ordeal. Yes, that's why Samy was my escape, my balance in so much s**t. I reached her door and sighed in relief that I was finally with my guardian angel.
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