2. Banging on the door?

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*edited* "Let me go" I hissed, when I couldn't get out of his grip. "Do you deny?" he asked me and I stared, not replying. "Do you deny walking out on me?" his voice sent shivers down my spine. "Walking out and cheating are two entirely different things! Just because I walked out on you doesn't mean I cheated get it?" I struggled harder than ever, finally being able to move back after he let me go. "Why?" that one word, full of hidden and suppressed emotions. I shook my head. I don't want to tell him, even If I did, what would I tell him? Your mother, who you love with all your heart asked me to or that she threatened to ruin my family if I was ever seen with you again?! Like he'd even believe that! I simply couldn't understand that woman. I don't know how people put up with her, but I wouldn't hesitate to show the woman her place if I ever got a chance.The look on his face when I had walked away from him, haunted me. And now he stood before me, with a change of heart and I couldn't help but blame myself. I knew he truly loved me and before we could it declare it to our families, his mother ensured that I left him alone. And he ended up like a caged animal on the inside. I could see the vulnerability and the pain in his eyes for a second before he shut me out. His voice, his words rang in my head even now, giving me nightmares. How he had pleaded for me to stay back and the way he kept asking me if it was something he had done. I had run out, not being able to look at him. How broken he had looked. Yes, I was a teenager, but I should have known better, done something. "Adrian" my voice was a mere whisper as tears threatened to spill. I blinked several times hoping that they wouldn't roll down my cheeks. I could see the fire in his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was angry or upset, but he was definitely trying not to show it. A lone tear made its way down my cheek and I was surprised to find concern showing on his face. He wiped my tear and shook his head. He still cared for me. I wanted do a happy dance, my heart kept thumping in my chest. "When you invested in my brother's company, he didn't ask for it. You did it because you wanted to, you had said" I started and he nodded slowly, urging me to go on. It gave me a sense of comfort and happiness that he was listening to me. He could have easily shut me out but he chose to hear me out instead. "I don't think you should ask him for the money now. You know, you know he's having difficulties. Why would you want to put him through all that? You both were the best of friends after all" my voice was urging him to see reason. "We were" he said, a small smile made way to his lips. "But everything changed, didn't it?" his eyes grew cold suddenly and he moved back. "It wasn't his fault. If anyone is to be blamed it's me" I said, going closer. "That's right. You have to pay, why him?" he smirked. I blinked, trying to contemplate what was going on in that mind of his. How on earth would I be able to pay him so much money. It'd be useless to ask him why he was doing all this, because I knew. Anyway, let's try. "What are you going to get out of all this?" I asked. "You" he smirked. Only then did I realise that one word had the capacity to make my world go topsy turvy. "Let's say I was waiting for a chance to get to you and this was just perfect. Victoria has got nothing to do with this I assure you" he smiled. Tori as we call her, is his younger sister, who is now married to my brother. She's more like a best friend! Dylan and Tori married about a year ago and I was surprised Adrian hadn't interfered then. It so happens that there is some conflict between Dylan and Tori and I'm sure they will settle it. Dyan is Twenty four after all! Dylan and Adrian shared a birthday, a class and a rank at college. They were born on the same day and that's what made them get along or at least that's what they said. "You shouldn't have walked out on me, Bets" he said, making me grit my teeth. I can't deny that I still love him but when he calls me that, it makes me want to murder him. "It's Elizabeth" I said and he smiled. A genuine smile. "You never liked it when I called you that, Liz" he chuckled and I joined, nodding. It had been quite a while since I had laughed. Four years ago I had managed to go away from him. From the man I loved the most. "Dylan.." I started and he shook his head. "He doesn't know. And he doesn't need to" he finished. I nodded. He was as understanding as ever! One more trait that makes me love him the way I do. No one knew how much I loved him. Though I had serious doubts about my father. He always seemed to see straight through my lies. If I told him I had to go meet a friend, he'd smile. 'More like your brother's friend' he would chuckle. "What do you want?" I asked Adrian. I know we'll be spending useless amount of time quarrelling until I got to the point. Why not cut the crap! He rose a brow. "What do you want?" I stressed on each word and he chuckled. "I want you" he replied as though he was asking for a pizza! "Specify" I said. I know the man in front of me very well to think he's innocent. His demands always and I mean always, blow my brains out. "Move in with me." Remind him he's freaking insane! "You are crazy if you think I'll do that." "I know. Hence, your brother pays." I am this close to losing my patience and smacking him in the head with the huge vase I see. Let's hope I'll be able to lift it up. "Be reasonable" I said. "And know your limits" I hissed. He chuckled. "I don't understand what ever the hell you're saying!" my voice rose. "In words you understand. You and me, together we stay stay else your brother will have to pay pay" he smirked. That's it! I held him by the collar and pulled him down to my height. You can't blame me if this guy is insanely tall. His smirk only grew. "You are crossing your limits" I said. He nodded. I huffed angrily, letting him go. I stood up on the couch and pulled him close. Better! Much better. Now we can talk, eye to eye. "You will not pull out" I said and he rose a brow. "I don't know what you're talking about" he said. "I know you're the main investor in the big deal that Dylan's been on about, though he doesn't know. You will not pull out, do you hear me?" I asked, I could hear my voice and was very proud of it I swear. So commanding! "Whatever you say ma'am" he winked, making me smile. I cleared my throat softly and pulled a straight face. "It's getting dark, I'll leave" I said and he shook his head, his hand encircling my waist. "I don't want you to leave" he said, his eyes begging me to stay. I almost gave in to his request. I shook my head as I managed to get down. "Stay else your brother will have to pay" he said, loud enough for me to hear my heartbeats in my ears. I turned around to find him unbuttoning his shirt, making me gasp and shut my eyes. His chuckle was all that was heard before I could sense him near me. Very very near. I turned back around and tried opening the door frantically but I failed. I gulped as I heard him laugh. "It's locked sweet heart. From the outside" he whispered seductively, making me bang on the door.
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