Cool mom

1443 Words
Moon After we arrived at home we sat down in the living room. I threw myself onto the couch and Sun sat down across from me right next to mom. I let my head fall back and the awkward silence started to annoy me so I decided to start first. "Mom.. you can't blame me for what I did." I said. she looked at me and Sun raised her eyebrow not understanding what was going on. Of course she didn't hear about it yet.. "I won't." she said and I leaned in immediately like I couldn't believe my ears or wanted to make sure that it was her who said it.. "Wait I'm confused." I said shaking my head.. "For what should I blame you? Because you protected that girl?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows. I clenched my jaw first not knowing what to say but then she smiled. "Moon I'm proud. You did the right thing in the right time like always." she continued and I couldn't help but smile. "Do you know how much this probably meant to her?" she asked me looking very proud. "But you looked so angry at school." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Yes, because of your stupid ass principal." she said totally angry again. I laughed because of what she said. She was a cool mom. I knew that she didn't want to make a scene.. otherwise she would've defended me. "I know you and I can trust you." she added and she seemed pretty proud. That made kinda feel good. She stood up and walked straight to the kitchen.. more like straight to the refrigerator. Sun was trying to understand what was going on. I wanted to tell her what happened but mom continued talking. "If I would be you, I would've killed him." I laughed and I was glad that she wasn't mad. I loved how she was on my side. She filled two glasses with apple juice and put some cookies on a plate. "Okay, what are you both talking about? Who did you beat up again?" Sun asked me and mom came back and put the things on the table. "I'll tell you later." I answered smiling. She sat back down and Sun chuckled. "Yaay! Cookies!" she said already about to eat one of them. I sighed. "Mom I'm not a kid anymore! I can't drink apple juice!" she gave me a death stare and stood up. She came closer and bent down. "You might be a man for your dad but in my eyes you're still my little Moon." she said smiling and running her hand trough my hair. "Mom! No! My hair! Don't ruin it!" I said backing off totally serious. Sun laughed at me and I gave her a death stare. I hated it when people touched my hair. Especially when I styled it before. "And we all know how much you love apple juice so just shut up and drink it!". After that she told us that she still had a lot to do and that she needed to leave. She left and after I was sure that she couldn't see us anymore I bent down and grabbed that glass of apple juice. I drank it and Sun laughed at me. "You're so childish." she said and I gave her another death stare. *** On the next day I was planning to talk to her. Skylar... To be honest I was extremely curious about that guy and what the matter between her and him was. I also wanted to know what happened to him and how she was feeling. I couldn't believe how much I was caring. Just as I walked past the principals office and looked in, to give him a death stare, I saw that Skylar was in there.. she was sitting across from him with her parents. Well I guesses that these people were her parents. They shook the principal's hand and walked towards the door so I rushed to hide. It shouldn't look like I was waiting for her... even if I was.. They walked out and her mom looked very worried. So did her dad. Her mom stroke her hair and she hugged her dad... then she said something but I couldn't hear it since I was too far away. After her dad said something as well they left and I walked towards her immediately. As she turned around she flinched totally scared. She looked terrified. I clenched my jaw and she swallowed. Then she looked down. "You scared me.." she said very shyly as if she couldn't look into my eyes.. "I didn't mean to scare you.." I said and shook my head. She looked up and seemed really nervous. "Are you finally going to tell me who he is and what happened between you?" I came straight to the point and my question came out more serious than I wanted it. She knew exactly who I was talking about, so she nodded. "Actually I wanted to talk to you too...". That surprised me. Asking myself what she wanted to tell me, I took a deep breath. She was literally trying to look everywhere instead of my eyes.. but she just couldn't... "Well then.." Sun I was very happy because I could see Dean again.. I felt like I was in a different world when I was with him. Like completely out of my own world. That was good because I needed some distraction and a huge break of my little planet... of course I didn't like him only because of that. I wasn't using him for my own needs.. I felt good when I was with him. When he walked in, I stood up... He didn't even look at me. He seemed distracted. So I walked towards him and smiled when he finally looked at me. I felt so much euphoric when I saw him, it was crazy.. "Good Morning.." I said trying to be as positive as I could because he didn't seem really happy.. He didn't say anything... just furrowed his eyebrows and looked away... I was confused.. "Is everything alright?" I asked gently touching his arm but he didn't even react properly. His straight face seemed like he wasn't even aware of anything.. like he was dead on the inner... Then he finally nodded but I knew he was lying. Nothing seemed alright. I wasn't sure what to say because I didn't want to pressure him.. I didn't want to know how to handle that mood of him.. he leaned against his table while I thought of how I could break this awkward silence that made me worry a little bit.. I couldn't tell if he was angry or not.. he seemed like he wouldn't care at all... "The rest of the class is already in the gym but we can stay if you want.." I said quietly and carefully like he would be a ticking bomb. I didn't know why I was so scared that he would be mad.. I guessed that I was just afraid to see someone like him angry.. He shrugged and said "Sure, why not?" with a raised eyebrow. The bell rang and I took a deep breath.. Dean I had a huge argument with my brother and my dad... it felt like they both were fighting against me and I had enough. It felt like all they wanted was to see me fall.. like they wanted me to die.. Life could've been so easy.. we had all the money, all the time, all these unnecessary things but no love.. no happiness or even a bit of family. No support, no holding onto each other, no respect, nothing. I didn't even want love anymore. I only wanted them to leave me alone but it seemed really hard for them.. It was all fake and I knew very well that I was only a project to him.. nothing that he really needed because he wanted it.. he needed me because he had no other choice.. He couldn't handle things by his own so he got my brother and me.. his name Blake. I thought that he would be on my side but he just loved working with my dad.. they loved torturing me. They loved being one with the devil. And I couldn't help myself.. no matter how much I wanted to be nice.. wanted to do the right things and not mind them.. I was just so mad and angry at the whole world that I already forgot how it is to care.. so I was mean and broke her heart.
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