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Melissa Some of the girls looked worried like this was going to be my end. That made me worry too. I stood up and Miranda walked me to a room. Of course it was a pretty room... just like all the others. With a fireplace. It was very warm and comfortable... until I saw him waiting for me. "Come in." I heard him saying and walked slowly over to him. He was sitting in front of the fireplace on one of the two couches. I swallowed. Then I was standing in front of him. He looked down at me and I could see a smirk on his lips... Elijah I knew that she would look hot in her new clothes. Just like I've imagines. She made me hard as f**k but I guess that it was the Hennessy that Josh forced me to drink speaking out of me. She looked very.. scared and...strained. A little shy and fragile.. That was good. "Sit down." she did what I said. I know that I was in charge and I just loved how she was obeying me. Melissa I got lost in his eyes. They were reflecting the fire... he was looking so good... his defined face and his hair which was already a little messy distracted me.. somehow everything was perfect about him. his nose was perfectly edged, his lips were perfectly shaped and looked so kissable, his neck.. I don't even wanna talk about it, his eyebrows looked so naturally perfect that I needed to warn myself because otherwise I was going to stare at him like a fan forever and I had to concentrate. "I heard you have a lot of questions." Hearing his voice made my body tingle. I don't know if that was good or bad but I had to admit that I was attracted by him. His voice was doing something to me. He was talking without any emotion.. so cold.. so deep and raspy.. "I do." I answered still looking into his eyes. I could see that he liked how I kept my eyes fixed on his. He leaned back and kept looking at me. The fire in his eyes disappeared and turned into darkness while I felt a weird feeling in my stomach.. I slid my fingers over the soft and comfortable couch... I caught him looking at my legs. "Why do I have to wear this?" What a straight question right? "Because I like it." What a straight and honest answer. "Well I look like a slut." He scratched his chin. He was looking so serious, it scared me. I knew I shouldn't mess with him because it would get me in trouble but something was just forcing me to mess with him and I couldn't stop myself. "Just like I said. Don't try me. I'm not that kind and if I wouldn't be so kind then you would be walking around naked." What the hell? I definitely did not expect him to say this.. What a freak. Okay. There's nothing to do about it. He was in charge that was clear. Next question. "Why are your maids looking like..." "Because I like it." Again. Ugh. "You're a douchebag." He smiled. That made me freak out. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes. "When will I be allowed to go back home?" he leaned in as I asked that and clenched his teeth. "Never." he answered and I raised a brow. "What..do you mean with never?" My voice was shaking and I got nervous again. "You're mine now." he answered with a husky voice. "You're joking right? Well it's not funny." "Do I look like I'm joking?" He definitely didn't look like he was joking. That almost made me panic. "Yeah. You'll stay here and don't ask where we are because I won't tell you and we're far away from the city or any other civilization. Besides that you'll follow me wherever I go." I laughed. "Do I look like a dog?" I asked. He raised a brow. "Shut up. Now it's my turn.« I leaned back. I was curious. "What's your name?" "Melissa." He leaned back too after my answer.. "What a pretty name." He looked at the fire. "How old are you?" "Seventeen." He raised his eyebrows. "Aww underage? You're so young. That's cute." I knew he was joking so I sighed and besides that I was asking myself how old he was because he called seventeen 'so young' and that made me hella curious. "It's my turn." I said and leaned in. He laughed and looked impressed. "What's your real name? Daddy." he licked his lips slowly and bit his lower lip. He liked how I called him daddy.. that was doing something to him.. that was good to know.. "Elijah." "What a pretty name." I imitated him raising my eyebrows. Elijah She was playing. That turned me on and I liked how she was doing it.. Melissa "How old are you?" "Twenty five." My jaw dropped. "You look younger. Definitely." I said not belong him but it explained his adult manners and behavior.. He put a fake smile on and I did too. I hated him. I literally already hated him. What creep wold kidnap an underaged girl and act so kinky.. We kept staring at each other for a while. "You'll sleep with me." "Never." That freak. He leaned in even closer.. "You. Will. Sleep. In. My. Bed." He was looking so scary that I had no other choice than being scared.. If I would show him how afraid I was.. then I would loose again and he would win. And I wanted to be a savage right? Because from now on there was no room for cowards and I wasn't going to do the same mistakes again. This time I wasn't going to fight. I was going to handle it in a different way. I looked down at myself and remembered.. He leaned back again and I smirked. Then I stood up. He looked up at me. "But you can't touch me, right?" I came closer to him and slowly sat down on his lap testing if he would push me away but he didn't.. of course he didn't... "Because I'm underage.." I slid my finger over his sharp jaw and he placed his big hands on my waist. "Too bad daddy.." I touched his arms...up to his chest... and down his stomach.. ”That would be illegal, wouldn't it?" I was doing my best to seduce him with my voice and that was already enough to have an affect on him.. "if you would only know that 'illegal' is not even a word for me..“ he said and I could feel my body shiver.. So I got slowly off him teasing him and I could see how hard he was trying to keep calm. Elijah I was so close to choke her. She was so damn hot... she kept teasing me... that was a very dangerous combination. Her voice and her body.. the way she was calling me daddy.. Melissa I bit my finger. "You have to wait daddy.."
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