No messing around

1675 Words
Melissa As we arrived I felt like it was my new home. Like I finally found my place. Coming back felt better than I thought. I still don't know why I was with him in his mansion but I was sure that it was the end of my boring life. No matter what it was going to take. I was free. Finally.  "Since you're living with me now, I'll tell you the rules." or not. I mean it wasn't that bad. What's so bad about some rules? It didn't even bother me that he said I was living with him from now on. It made me feels safe. I know that's weird. We were sitting in the room with the fireplace again. I liked that room. We were sitting in the same places and same position. That felt like a huge deja-vu. I nodded.  "You know the first rule. Follow me wherever I go. Do whatever I tell you to do." I nodded because I was waiting for the huge rules. That was something basic. Following him and doing what he wanted. Easy. Like a job.  »Don't embarrass me in front of my gang. You're daddy's girl, remember that.«  I have to be honest.. I liked how he called me 'daddy's girl'. It made me feel some good type of way that made me wanna melt. But besides that I had another feeling.. something suspicious..I raised a brow. I knew that something was going on.  "Gang?" as I asked raising a brow skeptically, he sighed. "Later." I nodded again accepting that but craving it into the back of my mind to not forget it. »Don't talk to anyone, except the maids since you won't have any other friends and you're girls so... do girls stuff.« he said like he'd be disgusted by that. I rolled my eyes. I had so many questions.  "If someone asks you something don't answer them as long as they're asking you something about you or me." that was simple.  "Of course no one's allowed to touch you because you're what...?" he raised his eyebrows. "Daddy's girl." I continued his sentence and he smirked leaning back totally pleased. Honestly I really wasn't complaining about being the girl of someone handsome, hot, powerful and attractive guy. It was way better than everything I've done until now..  "And if someone touches you or talks to you then I have to kill them because they're not allowed to come in contact with you." I looked at him eyes wide open.  "Kill them?"  "I'm a leader love cake. What did you think?"  When he said that I got goosebumps all over my body. First of all because he called me 'love cake' and second because he said that he's a leaser. I wasn't sure if he was serious or not but it made me worry. What kind of leader was he? I knew what a gang and all that stuff was but what were they doing..? "Don't leave this house until I tell you to."  I nodded.  "Do you have questions?" he asked. I was glad that his rules weren't extreme. They were pretty simple. I nodded again.  "So... you said gang. Can you explain that to me? And what was in that bag?"  Then he leaned in and furrowed his eyebrows a little angrily..  "Yeah we are a gang and you don't need to know what's in that bag."  I looked down at my hands which were laying in my lap. "You don't need to worry about anything. As long as you do what I tell you, you're safe. You won't have anything to do with what we're doing." That was good. The less I knew the better. I took a deep breath.   "Are you going to let me go one day?" He clenched his jaw. "I already told you that you're mine now. I won't let you go. Never." "What if I run away?" "I will find you. No matter where you go." "W-why am I even here?" "Every good leader needs a hot fuckbody that he can reduce stress with."  Finally I was sure that he was a creep. He was more than a creep. He was disgusting. Just like every other guy he only wanted one thing. He was literally only going to use me. I felt so offended and so mad that I knew I should overthink my decisions again. On one hand he tuned me on but on the other he just made me wanna puke.  Well I had to find the middle or take over control... but that was too late.. he already had control over me... he was hypnotizing me with his eyes... his body.. especially his arm.. these muscles.. the way he looked at me made me weak.. I was trying so much to resist and not fall for him because he was no good.. but it was so hard. Even tho he really only wanted to use me.. even tho he had such a disgusting character.. I just couldn't stop feeling this type of way towards him. It made my whole body tingle.. that desire that I felt when he looked straight into my eyes and how my heart started racing.. was dangerous.. He caught me looking at him.. "Do you like what you see?" he asked me smirking. I shook my head immediately totally disgusted. He was so narcissistic. "Uh. No. Definitely not."  "Oh come on. You were totally daydreaming about me."  My jaw dropped and I could feel the heat in my cheeks. That was so embarrassing..  "No I totally wasn't!" I said and he laughed which made me really mad so I had to do something and decided to turn the tables..  "But I know that you were daydreaming about me.." I said looking straight into his hazel eyes which literally showed that he had no emotions. I knew he was that really rude and heartless...  He leaned back again and looked down at me licking his lips. "Yeah.. I am." he admitted with a husky voice which made me shiver. I couldn't believe how honest he was. Since I loved teasing him I couldn't hold myself back. It's not like I was feeling something for him.. it was just.. desire.. lust.. "Tell me daddy... what do you see?" I asked with my seductive voice. Making him crazy was m new hobby.  "Oh babygirl... I see you tying up your hair.." he answered closing his eyes still smirking. The idea hit me like an arrow.. I looked at my wrist and I thanked god because I had a hair tie around it. I tied up my hair very fast hoping it wouldn't look too messy.  "You bend down.. on your knees.."  I slowly 'rushed' over to him and bent down in front of him between his legs really really quietly. Luckily I wasn't wearing shoes.. I changed my clothes after we arrived. I wanted to surprise him just to upset him so I prayed that he wouldn't open his eyes yet.. playing with him was beyond fun. "Then you slowly touch my legs up and down.."  I rolled my eyes. His husky voice made me crazy but his stupid daydream almost made me laugh. Did he really think I would make it that easy?  I slowly touched his legs just like he said it.  Then he opened his eyes and I this time I was the one who smirked. His jaw dropped at first.. but then he licked his lips and I kept giving him these looks...  He thought he could just use me like he wanted.. but that's not how it went. He was going to regret not respecting women. "I'd like to hear about what happens next."  He looked me in my eyes. "You know exactly what happens next."  "Not in this story, daddy." I said and stood slowly up. I could feel the confusion and his blood boiling. I was about to turn around and it back down totally pleased by how I gave him false hope but he grabbed my wrist pulled me back on his lap. Only inches were left between our faces.. we were close to each other. I could feel my body burning. He looked very angry but hot af.  "What did I tell you babygirl?"  I leaned my forehead against his when he asked that and he put his hand on my cheek and started running it through my hair slowly... "I don't know. What did you tell me?" I asked challenging.  He started pulling my hair lowly..  I gasped. "Don't tease me." I laughed. "Oh that's what you meant. But what if I keep doing it?" he pulled my hair harder but grabbed my waist with his other hand. I screamed as he did that and put my hands on his chest. I was literally whimpering and breathing heavily. I can't say I didn't like the pain he gave me.. "What's my name?"  Hid deep voice almost got me shaking. I swallowed and tried to breath. »Daddy..«  He laughed again totally pleased.  "What? Louder please." he pulled my hair harder and harder so I screamed "DADDY!"  "Come on, I know you can scream louder!" after he said that I screamed as loud as I could and he really seemed to enjoy that... "I love it when you scream. One day you will scream my name in pleasure.." He laughed again and let me go. I let my forehead fall onto his shoulder. He grabbed my butt and whispered "I hope that you know... that I can make you c*m without doing anything."  I hated how he always won.. how he crossed my plans.. how he was the bigger one and how dominant he was. I wanted to prove him wrong.. He began to stroke my head slowly while I was still trying to control my heartbeat. "Good girl.. now rest on daddy's shoulder.." I could feel him smirking.I hated how he loved having me in his hands..  I fell asleep without planning it..
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