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Sun My head felt really heavy when I woke up on the next day. I’ve never felt more tired and broken.. I wanted to disappearing my bed. I didn’t want Dean to be the first person I had to think of. But I couldn’t change it. He was like an arrow that hit me as soon as I woke up. I wanted to sat up but I heard noises.. that meant I wasn’t alone.. I thought it was Moon who was keeping an eye out on me. I turned my head around and looked where it was coming from. My vision was blurry but as soon as I recognized Deans silhouette, I screamed and jumped up as if a lightning hit me. He was putting some of my clothes into a back. My heart started racing and I started breathing heavily.. I almost got a heart attack. “Good Morning babygirl.” he said not even turning around to me. I felt like I landed in a parallel universe. He was here.. acting like nothing happened. Calling me ‘babygirl’ as if he had the right to.. what did he want to do with my stuff? I knew very well that Moon didn’t let him in. I knew very well that nobody knew that he was there. I only needed to scream. “What.. What are you doing here and how the hell did you come in?” I asked him trying to catch my breath with my shaking voice. He turned around to me. First I thought it was a dream. I took a step towards him... he was real. This all was real, no matter how unreal it seemed. He acted like what he was doing was normal. “Are you crazy?” I asked him when I was already too close. “Yes.” he answered and made my jaw drop. This was too much. I just woke up after a long night and this was way too much. This definitely had to be a dream. A stupid dream. “Now put your clothes on so we can go.” he handed me an outfit. Some ripped jeans, a white shirt and white converse. Did I miss a day or anything else? He turned back around to put my lingerie in there as well. I blushed but my blood started boiling. He couldn’t just touch my personal stuff like that. I looked at him eyes wide open. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked again and suddenly he turned around. I didn’t know why but I flinched. “Could you please stop asking me questions?’ he asked back like what he was doing didn’t require any questions. He was in a rush. “Uhm no?! Not when you're standing in my room, after everything that happened?! What do you think you are doing? Give me my stuff back and leave me alone. I need to get ready for school.” I was still holding the outfit still in my hands but crossed my arms in front of my chest. “f**k school there's no time for school.” he said and closed the bag. Then he looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows. He approached me and I took a step back. “Sun, either you'll put these on or I'll kidnap you in these 'd**k me down' shorts!” he said pointing at the clothes in my hands. “Kidnap me?” I’ve never been more confused. He sighed. “If you won't do it. I will.” he was avoiding my questions all the time. That didn’t help me. I had so many questions and I wanted to slap him because he just couldn’t understand it. What was he up to? He ripped the clothes out of my hands and threw them on my bed. Suddenly he came closer and I raised a brow. I started panicking a little bit. Why was he acting like that..? He came close.. too close and my heart started beating faster because I hated how my body started burning with his scent and his look.. I needed to hate him.. but I couldn’t stop him from getting closer. He grabbed my waist and picked me up to lay me down on my bed as if I couldn’t do it by myself. I could barely move.. I was too confused.. I couldn’t understand anything. He took my top off. I had to raise my arms to help him. I didn’t even know why I did that. It happened automatically. I needed to stop him but I couldn’t. He needed to tell me what was going on. I tried to cover my upper body as good as I could but he smirked when he grabbed the white shirt. “There's nothing I haven't seen before.” he winked and I blushed so hard that my body started burning again.. the thought of our first night gave me goosebumps and pain at the same time.. After ‘we’ put the shirt on he grabbed my ankles and pulled me a little bit towards himself. I hated how my body was reacting to him and his touch. I hated that I couldn’t hate him. “I told you, you're a baby.” he said and I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't because he was already pulling my shorts off. I was a little embarrassed and my heart was racing but his fingers that slid up my thighs made me feel like I couldn’t breathe. He grabbed the jeans and helped me to get in them.. “You're confusing the s**t out of me!” I finally said after he pulled me and and I could get myself back together and realize what was happening. He bent down to put my shoes on. First the right one. “How can you act like last night didn’t happen? You can't just come in here while I'm sleeping, like a creep and-..” he cut me off and looked up straight into my eyes.. “I'm your boyfriend.” he said and for a second my heart broke again. Then the left one. “Oh good that you remember that after you hooked up with another girl.” I said hoping he would remember what he’s done. I thought that he forgot it, hit his head somewhere and lost his memories or anything else. Then he got up again and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. Totally serious but also sad.. “You know exactly that I didn't do that.” he said quietly and turned around to hand me a jacket. This time I put it on by myself. He grabbed the bag and was speechless. “Do you need anything else?” he asked me looking around like we were going on vacation or somewhere else. I really needed to slap him. While I was trying to figure out what he was talking about he already walked to the door. “Dean I'm not going anywhere. Especially not with you.” I said totally serious. No matter what happened.. if he’s cheated or not.. a happened and I needed time. I needed space and a break to heal myself so I could at least listen to him but that wasn’t possible when he was acting like this. I wanted to believe and trust him because I was loving him, no matter if I wanted it or not.. but it was difficult. I couldn’t act like nothing happened. He turned around and took a deep breath. “Yes you are.” he said very dominantly. “No?! You know how exactly how much I hate you right now. I am never going to go anywhere with you again..” I was very serious. I wanted him.. wanted to be his, wanted him to dominate me but I was still heartbroken.. He raised his eyebrow. “I know. That's why I said kidnapping.” suddenly he walked towards me so quickly that I didn’t have enough time to take a step back. He picked me up with one hand and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed. He couldn't just do that. I couldn’t understand how it all happened. What was going through his damn brain? I needed to stop him but I didn’t know how. It wasn’t going to help anyway. If I knew him at least a little bit.. I knew that I couldn’t stop him when he had a goal. He walked down the stairs with me on his shoulder and he bag in his hand. I knew I couldn't get off him so I screamed for help. “MOON! SKYLAR! SAM!” I knew that Skylar stayed here last night.. and I hoped that one of them was awake and walking around or able to hear me. I was punching against his back, hoping he would let me down but of course he didn’t care. I started to panic more and more with every step that he took towards the door because it seemed like I really didn’t know him. I didn’t know what he was capable of or what he was planning... “I'M GETTING KIDNAPPED!” I screamed as he reached the end of the stairs. Why did nobody hear me? Where have they all been? “LET ME GO!” that was dedicated to him. “SUN SHUT UP!” he said loudly and I wanted to punch him again. He walked towards the front door. I needed to find a way to get free myself but I barely had time because before I could say a word we already reached his car. He put me in it although tried to defend myself as much as I could. He was too strong. He locked the door and put the bag into the trunk. I was breathing too fast.. I hoped that I wouldn’t get a panic attack because that would’ve made everything worse. As soon as he got in and turned the engine on screamed at him. “YOU KNOW VERY WELL THAT THEY WILL BE LOOKING FOR ME! WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING?!”. He drove down the street and I wanted to cry. It was really happening. It was so easy.. I should’ve ran out of my room as soon as he said that he wanted to kidnap me but I’ve been too stupid.. again. “You'll see.. I'll take you somewhere.. far away.. where no one will be able to find you.” the smirk on his face made me go crazy. My heart stopped beating and I couldn’t breathe. Was he serious or was this just a prank or something? I knew that he was not like every guy but I didn’t think that he was this crazy. “I'll never let you go again..” he added.. then he grabbed my hand and interlocked it with his.. he kissed the back of my hand and held it so tightly.. like he was afraid of loosing me.. Under other conditions I would’ve been melting in that moment. Actually he was making me weak but I couldn’t let him fool me.. what was going on was definitely not normal and kissing my hand wasn’t going to distract me of it. “I want to live every second.. every minute.. every hour and day that I've missed with you..” he said.. he sounded so smooth, happy and calm.. as if we were going on a nice trip. “Are you high?” I asked really seriously but I knew how serious he was. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I tried to spot sarcasm or anything that could make me understand this all.. but he was really kidnapping me. He was definitely not okay. And I was scared. I was really terrified at that point. I was afraid of what he was capable of.. so I needed to calm down. I needed to handle this maturely. Being hysterical was going to make things worse. I didn’t want to risk making him angry. “Are you at least going to explain this all to me..?”I asked after taking a deep breath. I was more calm but my voice was still shaking.. he could hear how much I was worrying and how scared I was. He looked at me and nodded... Moon I woke up with a major headache. I couldn’t remember how much we drank.. but I believed that it wasn’t that much.. Skylar was laying next to me. She was still sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. I kept looking at her for a while.. I played with her hair. She made me forget about everything.. I was really calm next to her. I loved her hair.. and her cute cheeks.. she was so beautiful. I leaned my forehead against hers. My smile came from the inside.. I kissed her cute little nose and stood up. I wanted to check on Sun. She was sleeping very tightly when I carried her to bed last night.. and I wanted to make sure that she was alright. I also wanted to check if she already woke up and how she was feeling, hoping she was finally ready to talk to me. So I walked to her room and knocked on the door. I slowly walked in. “Good Morning, lovely opposite of me!” I smiled but that smile faded as soon as I realized that her bed was empty.. I looked around. First I thought she went to school earlier but then I saw that her bed and closet was messed up.. the door of her balcony was open. My stomach dropped. I saw that she left her phone on her bed so I thought that she was somewhere in the house so I checked the other places but I couldn’t find her. Everything was quiet, clean and empty. Maybe she left in a rush.. I didn’t want to jump into conclusions too fast. She was that type of girl who made her bed and cleaned her room before she left the house every damn time. That’s why it made me worry.. and she forgot her phone. That was really weird... The first person I could think of was Blake, so I called him. He picked up immediately. “Bro.. I'm sorry if I woke you-..” Blake “No don't worry, I was already awake.” I winked at my dad. I pulled my sweater over my bulletproof vest. The whole team was standing in front of us. We were getting ready for the war. Our first part was kidnapping Sun and her mom. That was the easiest part. all “Okay so.. actually I just wanted to ask you if you know where Sun is..” he asked and my jaw dropped he should’ve been home. It should’ve been easy. Where the hell did she go this early?Where was she when she wasn't at home? Especially after such a long night? I looked at dad. He was putting his gloves on. He shook his head totally curious.. questioning me and what was going on. For a moment I wasn’t sure what to say... “Uh.. yeah of course, she's with me. Don't worry.” I lied. I had no clue where she was. I hoped she only went on a walk and was going to come back very soon.. Saying that she was with me was making it easier. He wasn’t going to notice anything.. “Okay that's good. She forgot her phone so.. just call me if something's wrong.” he said taking a deep breath. I rubbed my chin. “I will..” I hung up and told dad about it. He needed to know that she wasn't at home. He needed to know that our plans had to change. He started shaking. “Where is she..?” he asked me and I shrugged.. “I don't know..” the team was watching us... waiting.. he bit his thumb. Then he punched against the wall.. “That bastard..” he mumbled.. I raised my brow. “She's with him..” first I didn't understand who he meant but then I got it. He meant Dean. I sighed. “We”re going to find that boy!” he said loudly so everyone could hear him. “But first... I want her mother.” Melissa Elijah and I were taking a walk near a lake. It was such a beautiful day that I never wanted it to end.. I felt so good next to him, in this quiet place that I almost thought about asking him if we could move here. I never wanted it to end and I felt like the kids needed to be a part of this too. We walked around hand in hand like teens.. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked so cute with his beanie.. that I almost got emotional. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I’ve been getting emotional too fast lately. “What?” he asked me. I wrapped my arm hands around his arm and kissed his shoulder. “I love you.” I said and he laughed. He made me look up at him and cupped my face. “I love you too.” he said and I felt the butterflies in my stomach. These moments were very important to me. Saying I love you was very important. He leaned in to kiss me but I turned around because I spottet something. “Oh my god! Look!” I said while he was pissed because I didn’t kiss him. “Cotton candy!” I shouted and pulled him with me towards the man who was selling cotton candy, balloons and other sweets..
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