More pain

1722 Words
Sun I just screamed it out. Finally.. like I've been needing it for so long.. but he slammed the breaks out of nowhere and looked at me totally disappointed... he said nothing so I started looking out of the window instead of into his face because that would've killed me.. I was embarrassed and I regretted it.. I was still angry but I should've kept it to myself.. It was an uncomfortable silence when he started driving again.. The fact that they really thought every damn person would be dad's enemy was really annoying. We just couldn't act normally when people were entering our lives.. I felt his eyes on me until we arrived. "He already gave you a little bit of his behavior. I knew that he's a bad influence.." he turned the engine off with these words and and got out of the car. I took a deep breath and tried to be patient. Asking myself from where and how he knew him I got out of the car as well.. we walked in and saw mom and dad. They both smiled and dad walked towards us. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him so I walked straight up to my room and slammed the door as I heard him saying "Princess?!" after me. Elijah She looked so angry.. I knew something was wrong. Nothing was going right these days since that boy entered her life. I knew that boys were going to make problems. They were going to confuse her and it was making me crazy. "Why the hell is she so angry?" I asked Moon but he just scratched his neck. "I don't know.." Then I felt Melissa's hand on my shoulder. "Baby she's still mad because you grounded her.." Melissa I knew Moon was lying. I could see it in his eyes and the way he was moving. Like scratching his neck. Especially the way he let his head fall back after Elijah left. He was so bad at lying. I gave him a death stare and told him that we needed to talk. He put his backpack away and walked with me to the backyard. "Why is Sun so angry?" I asked him and he pressured his lips together. I crossed my arms on front of my chest. "Moon, I know that something is wrong." I was very serious and he knew that, so he told me. "It's that boy.." Moon She looked at me eyes wide open. I knew I could tell since she wouldn't tell dad. She was a good secret keeper when it came to things between us and we both know very well that he would freak out but she could talk to Sun about it. She took a deep breath. "I knew it.. she's acting so weird lately.." she looked so worried it broke my heart. I loved her so much.. she was everything for me and I couldn't take seeing her even a little bit sad. Even seeing her worried got my blood boiling. She was caring so much about us that making her worried or sad felt unfair and disrespectful. I came closer to her. "Mom.. there's no need to worry... I'll handle that." I said that because I didn't want her to worry or regret that I told her and besides that, I knew Dean. I already met him a few days before he came to our school. We had a little fight. Nothing important. Two rich kids who couldn't get along with. But I knew he was troubled. Like seriously troubled. I was troubled too but he was that kind of disrespectful, seriously dangerous troubled that shouldn't have anything to do with Sun or even come close to her.. And then I started asking myself why I didn't tell that bastard to stay away from my sister earlier. But I was going to do that very soon. He pissed me off so goddamn much and I've already been too late with that.. they already spent too much time together. I didn't say anything because I didn't want Sun to be mad at me but it was going to far.. I wasn't sure what they were doing together but there shouldn't be a 'they'. "Is he making her sad?" she asked me and I bit my lip. I knew that she would know it if I lie. But I did it anyway. "No mom.. don't worry he ain't even that close to her yet." Dean I was driving home extremely pissed and kinda afraid because I wasn't sure what was waiting for me.. I hated being afraid of him.. almost getting a heart attack because of him. When I arrived and walked into the mansion, Blake crossed my way with a wine glass filled with water in his hand. He was always drinking his water out of it and it annoyed me. He was just so goddamn stupid. Who did he think he was? Jesus? He laughed at me. "Dad is so pissed, I would leave before he gets to hear that you're back." he said and I clenched my jaw and swallowed. That made me even more nervous. I could feel my high pulse and how warm it was.. Why was he hating me that much? I knew it.. because my dad gave him everything.. so much love and appreciation. I sighed. "DAD, DEAN IS BACK HOME!" he screamed out of nowhere and I looked at him eyes wide open. I wanted to punch him in that moment.. I wanted to punch him so bad.. He just laughed again and I wanted to destroy his face. Just after he screamed I heard dad's voice... "DEAN!? GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" his voice came out of his office, so loud.. so hard.. and shaking. He definitely had anger issues.. I looked at Blake. He was smiling. "I hate you so goddamn much." I whispered angrily. "I love you too little brother." I walked towards the stairs and actually wanted to turn around and tell him to f**k himself but I didn't. I slowly walked up trying to stay cool... Either he was going to kill me or I was going to kill him. That was definitely how it was going to end one day. I couldn't take it anymore. Every step I took, felt too heavy.. so slow and heavy. I just wanted to turn around and run.. run as far as I could. But I found myself walking straight into his office. I kept my head up and my eyebrow raised. He was sitting on his table. He seemed really pissed.. with the glass of whiskey in his hand.. he looked at it and said "Come closer..." with a deep voice. I came closer just like he said it and suddenly he hit the glass against my head and it shattered into pieced.. the whiskey burned the wounds that it caused.. I didn't scream although it hurt a lot... I was used to it and I leaned to control myself. "You... aren't you tired of throwing things at my head?" I asked with a bleeding cheek and nose. He stood up and started breathing faster.. he came closer and grabbed my hair to pulled me down. "You think you're clever, huh?" he asked me while I was breathing heavily in pain. "Saying 'no' to me! You're really thirsty for life." he was shaking like a real psychopath. I grabbed his wrist but as I did that he kicked me right into my stomach with his knee. I fell to the ground on my knees. "I would.. rather to die than to... keep being your son.." I said coughing. That was really true. I was thirsty for life. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" he screamed at me but I felt so dizzy that his voice sounded like I was under water. "BLAKE!" he screamed and he walked in, in a second like he was already just waiting for it. I looked at the door and he came in with an iron rod.. I knew this was going to be the death of me. They both obviously already planned it.. they were supporting each other more than Bonny and Clyde. Blake handed him the iron rod and he laughed... all these voices in my head.. "You really think you're better than me?" dad asked me looking like he went crazy. He was already saying things that had nothing to do with it all.. "WELL YOU'RE NOT!" he screamed and hit me with the cold iron.. I screamed in pain... "AND YOU NEVER WILL BE!" he hit me again and I spit blood. My whole body was shaking and I felt like I was finally dying. Like all my bones were breaking.. Blake was watching us.. he was enjoying it because he never even touched him.. He only hit me twice and I already felt like he broke all my bones. "YOU NEED TO LISTEN!" he hit my arm and I screamed so loud that I couldn't even breathe. I thought it broke. "f**k" I screamed holding onto it.. "Or I'll punish you.." he said handing Blake the iron rod back, out of breath.. Three times... he hit me three times.. my whole body was hurting.. my face was bleeding and everything was moving while I was trying to stand up. I prayed to god that he would let me go and leave me alone. That he wouldn't say another word because my head couldn't take it... He let me go.. thank god he did.. I walked to my room.. I didn't even know how I did that by my own.. how I made it.. I promised myself so many times to be strong and fight against him but I always broke that promise. I've never been loyal to myself. I've always been weak and that wasn't going to change because he was always doing to break me... As soon I opened the door of my room I let myself fall on the ground immediately right after I closed the door. I couldn't move because every inch hurt. I was shaking, crying, tired and cold.. I fell asleep on the ground not minding that the blood that was running out of my mouth was going to ruin the ground..
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