A Careful Deliberation

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All four of them were seated inside the principal's office, in the order of Bragi, Loki, Rose, and Psyche, with Hades staring down on all of them sitting behind his desk. His eyes radiated blue fire as he flipped through the pages of the binder on his hands. He glared at them while Albedo was on his left side, hands behind her back, her feet only inches apart like a soldier told to be at ease. Hades: You were given one task.  He said with a restrained voice. It was apparent that he was moments away from ripping these four a new one. The white knuckles, the smoldering blue flames smoking out of his blazer says it all. But then, he took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders. Hades: Take care of the pest. Instead, you brought in a bigger monster to fight it, which led to the destruction of millions of drachmas worth of infrastructure, which only piled up after you tried to clean up the mess you made.  Loki tried to speak up but stopped himself. The whole situation was a screw-up from the start. The four of them would be held responsible for the destruction of school property, for starters. Everyone stayed silent as Hades plopped the binder on his desk. Hades: Well, at least now, the school will have three fewer delinquents. Albedo, hold the door for them. Albedo cracked her neck and bared her fangs as her wings started to expand from her back. Rose, Bragi, and Loki stood up in protest. But before she could take a step closer, Psyche shot up from her seat. Psyche: Wait.  Hades arches his eyebrows in confusion. Hades: You have something to say? Psyche looks at the three, then at Hades. Psyche: Okay, yes, they screwed up,- Rose frowns at the statement as Psyche continued. Psyche: But they got the job done. The cat is gone, the Foo Dog is neutralized, the students are safe, and most of all, um, no casualties? Hades looks at Albedo, in which she slightly bows. Albedo: All students are accounted for. No injuries, no deaths. Bragi: And, judging on how we contained the threat, things could've gotten worse. Bragi mutters. Hades glares at Bragi, then continues. Hades: At any rate, you will still be taking orders from me. Just count yourselves lucky you don't have to wear those perp school uniforms anymore. Loki nervously looks to the side. Loki: Yup. Very, lucky. Hades looks at Psyche with utter confusion. Hades: Alright. You three can go. Psyche, stay. Bragi, Loki, and Rose stand up and leave the room, with each of them giving Psyche a clap on the shoulder as they left. Once they closed the door behind them, Loki, Bragi, and Rose walk into the waiting area of the Principal's office. The three of them look at each other with the 'You know what I'm thinking?' look. Rose spots a half-filled glass of water on top of the secretary's desk to their right. On their left was some kind of potted fern. The walls were all made of cobblestone, which was a weird choice in terms of architectural design. The door, however, was made of alder wood, from its light skin-like color. Loki rushed to get the glass and dumped the remaining water on the fern before shaking his hands back and forth, glass in hand. Loki whispered. Loki: Outta the way! Outta the way! Rose and Bragi stepped aside as Loki placed the rim of the glass against the door and started eavesdropping on the conversation. Hades props his elbows on the desk, looking at Psyche as he clasped his hands together. Hades: Again, I am terribly sorry that you were dragged into this mess. Psyche: It's fine, Mr. Hades. Hades smiled earnestly to Psyche, showing the aging lines at the corners of his eyes. He reaches from under his desk and pulls out a white folder, showing Psyche's file. He looks at Psyche, who was still standing, and chuckles as he gestures to the seat. Hades: Sit. You've had a very eventful day. You'll need every form of rest you can get. Psyche: Oh. Uh, thank you, Principal Hades. He halfheartedly raises his hand. Hades: Please. Mr. Hades is fine.  Hades browsed through her file with the eyes of intrigue, seeing something that for once, piqued his interest. He places the file on top of the desk, puts his feet up on the desk's corner, and rested his hands on his stomach. Hades: So, you came from a suburban school, and instead of going anywhere else, like the high school near your house, you chose us. Now, I've already read your essay, and it's good, not gonna lie. But, essays are em, they can be written by anyone else. So, I want to hear from you. Psyche's eyes dart around as she chuckled nervously and crossed her legs. Psyche: Like, right now? Hades turns his head to Albedo and nods. She walks towards the large window and jumps off, her wings stretching out of her back mid-jump as she flew out. He then turns his head to Psyche. Hades: Whatever is said here, is kept between us. So go. Speak your truth. Psyche sighs. Psyche: To be honest, I came here to have a fresh start. I wanted to experience more than what my neighborhood offers and see the world. And I thought this school would be great for that because it's a melting pot of different people, not just some school that everyone goes to for familiarity. I wanna explore and try out new things, and possibly, learn what I want to do with my life. Hades gave her an approving nod as he motioned her to sit down. Hades: Well, as far as reasons go, I say you're in the right place.  He picks up her file and starts flipping through. Hades: In regards to your housing, unfortunately, due to you being a late enrollee, I can't find another dorm house that has any spare living space except dorm house number 11. Psyche: It doesn't sound so bad. Who lives there? Hades pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Hades: I'm afraid you've already met them. And they're STILL HERE!! He waves his hand and the door swung open, showing Loki falling face-first into the floor with a glass cup in hand, while Rose and Bragi poke their heads out from behind the door with a smile. Rose: Eh heh, um, we were just leaving. Rose and Bragi drag Loki along the floor, as muffled groaning could be heard as he was being dragged across the floor, before getting carried out. Psyche held back her laughter as she watched and cleared her throat. Hades sneered at them as they left. Hades: Don't worry, it'll only be temporary. Once things become a little more peaceful, I'll be transferring you to a better house, with more, law-abiding housemates. Psyche: I don't think that's necessary. They're good folks anyway. Hades scoffed. Hades: Their track record says otherwise. Nevertheless, they do have two rooms vacant, so you can just claim your luggage at the lost and found right next to my door. Anyways, you may go. Psyche: Oh, thank you. As she got up and opened the door, Hades got up and looked out the window. Hades: And Psyche,- She turns her head slightly. Hades: Whatever they do or say, don't let them influence you. They're nothing but trouble, and I don't want you to get tangled into their mess. She nods. Psyche: They may be troublemakers, but at least they clean up after themselves, right? Hades shakes his head as she left. Hades: I'd prefer that there would be no mess at all.
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