Same Delinquents, Different Boss

1180 Words
In the Principal's office... Hades was sitting behind his desk, looking at the report on his hands, television to the right, and paging mic to his side. His office was orderly but musty. It was as if he never had anyone clean the place, so dust bunnies and cobwebs lined the stone walls. The floorboards creaked eerily every time anyone shifted their weight. The grey walls were lined with certificates of excellence for the school. Behind Hades was a large rectangular window that illuminated the entire room, but also gave a menacing shadow to Hades and his throne. Hades' desk was made of pure gold, the edges studded with rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. Its four legs were styled like horse legs, while the walls of the desk had engravings of the journey to the Underworld: At the left side was a depiction of souls crossing a river through a boat, being ferried by a man in robes. In front is a depiction of a trial court, with three masked judges. On the right, are three layers of engravings, depicting eternal judgment: The top layer had engravings of people dancing, eating, and drinking in a feast hall, the middle had people wandering an empty field, and the bottom had people being whipped and tortured as they are worked to death.  In the middle of the desk, was a black helmet, lined with gold. around the crown of the forehead, were bonelike spikes that protruded like a crown. The black shiny paint showed images of famine, oppression, torture, and, you guessed it, death.  His throne was another thing entirely. It was a big, obsidian chair, sculpted and engraved to perfection. The backrest was shaped like a tombstone, engraved in gold with the symbol of a Spartan helmet and a two-pronged pitchfork behind it. The arms were shaped like growling rottweilers, from neck to growling teeth. The bottom front and bottom sides of the throne were adorned with silver and copper designs of skulls and roses. As Hades kept tapping his finger on the desk, he pulled out three white folders from underneath, each with the name of one of the three, written in bold black. He tosses it on the desk and sighed, taking his helmet and tossing it up in the air repeatedly like a basketball while the three approach and took their respective ones. Hades: Rose, Loki, and Bragi. El Tres Caballeros. Rose: Uh, are movie rights out of the question, cuz' that sounds like a cool name. Hades gave them a confused look, as Loki peeked at Bragi's file and smirked. Loki: Bike theft? Bragi took a peek at Loki's file as well and sneered. Bragi: Mind your own. Loki tries to take a look at Rose's, but the file was yanked away from his eyes. Hades stopped throwing the helmet and slammed it on the left side of his desk, catching their attention. He continued talking in a calm manner. Hades: I've been informed by our daughter-school that you three are infamous for causing trouble. So much so that they briefed me on your past shenanigans. Loki: With all due respect sir, I have nothing to do with this. I don't even know them. Bragi folds his arms and chuckles as he muttered. Bragi: Convincing nobody. Hades pointed at Rose with a chopping gesture, as he got up and circled the three. Hades: Rose, you have had multiple cases of vandalism, violence in and outside campus, acting as a courier for prohibited paraphernalia, which you- He ruffles Loki's hair as he walked past him, like a ghost. Hades: supply. Loki gulped. Loki: You can't prove that was me. Where's your proof of work? Hades hands Loki a clear Ziplock bag from his blazer with a gambling chip inside, with a rune drawn on the back before returning to his seat, putting his feet up and crossing them. He smiled like 'I got you now!' Hades: Thought I won't find anything? Heh. They confiscated this from another student while he was taking a Math test. Now, the only people in the school who can create a runestone of intelligence this powerful is you, isn't it? Not to mention the usage of a Sharpie for etching the runes. Loki: Uh, well, it's like this- Hades cuts him off as he does a chopping action towards Rose. Hades: Let's not forget you. And before you pull the innocent act, let us replay your best hits, shall we? Hades then walks up to the TV and presses the 'on' button. The TV shows clips of Rose placing caltrops on a chariot lane a day before a big race, Rose burning the ballots of last year's elections before the final counting, and Rose in the gym, knocking out another student with a question mark kick. Rose stares at the screen with a soft smirk on his face before looking at the principal. Rose: Stalking me, hmm? And here I thought my only admirers were girls. Hades sneers at Rose. Hades: Don't flatter yourself. Bragi threw the file on the desk and jabbed his finger at it. Bragi: Hey wait, if they're here for all that, what am I in for?! Hades: You're here for assisting Rose in his endeavors, not to mention your record of destructive behavior, sudden outbursts against schoolmates and personnel. Your guidance counselor informed me of this. Bragi then threw his hands up. Bragi: Unbelievable! Of course, he did. Hades gives them a beaming smile as he spreads his arms. Not that any of it was inviting. He smiles the same way a sickly dog does. Hades:  But, that's all in the past! You're here in Pantheo High, and I just want you to enjoy your stay while giving your best! Loki sighed in relief, Bragi arched his right eyebrow and Rose scoffed at the comment before Hades switched to a darker, more bitter look, clasping his hands back together. Hades: That is, what you expected, right? Rose: Aaaand, there it is. What's the condition? Hades' voice went dark and grim. The natural light that came into the room started to darken from the grey clouds surrounding the sky of the campus. Hades: If I have a problem that needs solving, I'll call you. If you choose not to, I will nullify your enrollment and transfer you to another school. I hear the Nergal Prep School is still accepting recruits. Bragi clenched his fist underneath the sleeves of his black leather jacket, while Loki clenched his teeth. Even Rose cleared his throat when he heard the name.  Rose: Hmm, and if we help you? He goes palms up. Hades: I don't transfer you three. Do I make myself clear? Loki nods shakily. Loki: Yes, sir. Bragi exhales as if he was holding his breath. He sneers at the principal. Bragi: Yeah. Alright. Rose cracks his knuckles outward and looks him dead in the eye as he clasps his hands together, left hand over right. Rose: So, when do we start? Hades smiled and leaned forward. Hades: Now. He said, nonchalantly.
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