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Mykel’s POV Everyone had taken their assigned seats and the meeting was about to begin. I could feel Lilith’s unease through the bond. She had hoped other Lunas would have made the trip, however only two had come. We spent the next hour introducing ourselves when a scent had my mouth watering. It smelt like warm vanilla with a hint of spice. My wolf began to stir and for the first time ever he tried to take control. ‘Mykel is everything ok?’ Lilith mind linked me clearly feeling my frustration. ‘Yeh Lil everything is fi…’ my words lodged in my throat as the door was pulled open. A small but well-built man entered the room. By his aura I knew he was an Alpha so wracking my brain I tried to remember the name of the absent alpha but came up empty. “I do apologise for my tardiness. I had to wait for someone to sort themselves out” his angry eyes fell on the door as a dark-haired woman walked in. “Mate” I growled realising that breath taking scent was coming from her. The audible gasp that left a few visitors became the only sound in the now silent room. Before I knew it, I had stood from my chair with such a force that it fell backwards. The man just smirked at my words, his smile making him look evil. Those dark green eyes that held tiny specs of orange… I remembered seeing them before but found myself unable to place the when and where. So, deeming the thought unimportant I pushed it away. My eyes shifted back to the brunette however she refused to look at me, her eyes remaining on the floor. I could feel the rage building within me. There was no way she couldn’t sense I was her mate just as she was mine. “Your mistaken young alpha. She is spoken for” I went to step towards her, to force her to acknowledge me, but she was ripped out of my reach causing her to trip and fall. I wanted to tear his arms from his body. The woman I could tell was terrified, the smell of her fear just as potent as her breath-taking scent. It had me wondering just who this man was to her, and the horrific thoughts of what he could have done to have her feeling this scared unsettled me. I watched as he yanked her with brute force from the ground, tears brimming her eyes as she was pushed into a vacant seat. My eyes fell on her fair skin and the fingerprints that had been left behind. Feeling my wolf once again stir I stormed out of the meeting and into my office. I needed to breathe, to think and to calm down. My gifts were to be kept secret from those not a part of our pack. Each silver wolf in existence living in fear that they would be hunted for their unique gift only to be torn away from their homes and family. I feared that if I truly lost control that I would do something I’d quickly come to regret. Just as I went to pour myself a scotch Lilith entered the room. I could see the worry in her eyes, a sadness she was trying hard to hide. I explained how this mysterious woman was my mate not that it made any sense because Lilith was my mate. We both felt those sparks when we turned eighteen. When Lilith mentioned stepping back my heart began to hurt. Yes I may be fated to another, but that didn’t mean I would think or feel any less of her. If anything, I loved her more. No woman I had ever met would willingly surrender a part of their happiness so long as their mate got there’s. Lil however would. ***** The meeting was beginning to drag yet all I could think about was my mate. So when it hit time to break, I couldn’t be more grateful. I needed to bring Lilith in on my plan before confronting my new mysterious mate. Calling Elijah into my office I told them my idea. “That is an insanely good idea. He won’t see it coming. You have to do it Lil” Elijah was with me, but Lilith just sat there looking at me as if I had two heads. “You can’t be serious?” I didn’t even answer her, instead I just raised my eyebrow. “Oh, s**t you are aren’t you. Mykel I’m not an Alpha. He’s stronger than me let alone heavier” “Lil you are just as strong if not stronger. Add that to you being a woman and you’ve got it hands down. If you challenge him, he will accept immediately. He will expect you to be weak, to give in quick. That isn’t you. Your strong, you’re a fighter and I know you won’t lose. If even the slightest part of me thought you would then I wouldn’t have even mentioned it. That’s how much I believe in you. Get your revenge for what he tried to do to you, to Amy and to countless other women” “Fine but if I lose…” “You won’t lose. When the meeting continues, and we get to asking each pack who they wish to treaty with Benjamin will ask for an alliance with us. That will be your que. You’ll tell him no and challenge him. Trust me he will not turn it down out of fear of looking weak” “Ok… now that’s sorted is it too early for me to ask what the f**k all that was about with the whole ‘grr mate’ thing” classic Elijah, never a serious moment with him. Lilith however began to shift in her seat. “I honestly don’t know. Lil, I swear if this makes you too uncomfortable, I won’t act on it” taking her hand across the table I gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Mykel you know where I stand. You’ve been blessed with a second mate for a reason. Just don’t get any funny ideas about me and her. I mean don’t get me wrong she’s gorgeous but I’m all about the sausage” I couldn’t help the laugh as she raised her hands in defence. I knew she was straight so I never would have expected anything remotely like that. Lilith and Elijah left me alone in my office as she wanted to find Luna Ruth needing that drink now more than ever. I could feel she was scared about me being with the brunette. Once a wolf was marked and mated if we were even remotely intimate with another our mates would feel an excruciating pain. I didn’t want that for Lilith. I didn’t want her to feel any pain, whether it be caused by me or anyone else. That’s half the reason I refused to let her leave the pack house without an escort. Walking over to the bookcase on the far wall I picked up the one on wolf history. All the books were incredibly old, but this one was by far the oldest. They belonged to my grandfather which were then passed down to my father and now, I guess to me. Pouring myself a scotch I began to carefully flick through the pages stopping halfway when I came upon a chapter about mates. ‘Mates can be both a blessing and a curse. Our beloved Moon Goddess believed we deserved to be truly happy and created another soul that would when together make us complete. A love so pure and true is often forged through the mate bond. Though often there are times when either the female or the male are unfaithful. To punish the sinful party a curse in the form of pain was created. Should either mate be unfaithful the other would suffer. There have however been incidents of wolves having multiple mates. The highest number recorded was a female in the early 1800’s having three. Should this happen to a mated wolf their other half would not feel any pain as they are also a piece of them automatically becoming a piece of the other mate whether marked or not.’ Having read that I made my decision. I knew now Lilith wouldn’t suffer. I however would. It was well known that if fated mates didn’t want to be together they would need to reject each other. I wasn’t going to do that, not when I knew she was being forced to be with another. Pouring another scotch to build my courage, I made my way to her room.
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