1: Hidden Crush

1413 Words
Isabella I’m sitting in my sixth period history class when the bell rings. Marisol is sitting in front of me. We both always arrive at our classes early. Annabelle comes rushing in just as the bell sounds. She takes her seat behind me. Daniel walks in behind her and takes the seat next to me. I smile at him. We stare at each other for a few moments before I shyly look away. I can’t believe I just made eye contact with him for that long. I’ve been crushing on him since the first time I saw him last year. He plays football and I know he’s way out of my league, but even a nerd like me can dream about being with the hottest and most popular guy in school. He doesn’t realize how hot he is to me. His short brown hair and piercing green eyes are so captivating. His teeth are perfectly white and his dimples show when he smiles. His facial structure is like that of a model. He has a perfect jawline that goes well with his big ears and nose. His lips aren’t full but they aren’t thin either. I would love to press my lips against his. Out of all the boys in this school, none of them are as hot as Daniel Lopez, but a guy like Daniel would never give me a chance. “Bells,” Annabelle seethes as she pulls hard on one of my braids, interrupting me from my daydream. “Ouch, that hurt,” I whisper back at her. “Answer roll call,” she whispers back. “Isabella Gomez,” Mrs. Patterson calls. “Oh… uh, present,” I reply. Mrs. Patterson continues calling roll. Annabelle taps my shoulder and passes me a note. Please tell me that you did my math homework for me. I open my book bag and pull out my notebook and pass it to her. I wrote all the answers for her so she can copy them. “You’re the best, Bells,” she whispers. I shake my head and lightly laugh. I wonder does she even ever learns anything because I always do her homework for her. I’m taking calculus and she doesn’t even do her basic math homework. If it wasn’t for me I’m pretty sure she’d be failing again. She loves cheerleading and the coach already told her that if she gets anything lower than a D, she’s off the team. She only cares about having friends and being a social butterfly. Mrs. Patterson proceeds with her lesson. We are currently learning about the colonization of America. History is the most redundant class of high school. I’ve had to take history and English freshman year, sophomore year, currently taking it now, and will have to take both next year. It’s literally the same information just harder assignments. I’d rather spend more time in chemistry and biology. I keep my eye on Daniel throughout class. This is the closest we’ve ever been to each other and as bad as I want to just stare at him, I don’t and only check him out through my peripheral. He’ll periodically look at me. Could it be that he finally noticed me? No way. I shake away my thoughts and focus on Mrs. Patterson’s lesson. Daniel would never want a girl like me so why am I even thinking about it? “Alright, you have one week to write an expository essay on the colonization of America. Choose a state or city, do a little research, and explain how it was founded.” The entire class groans. “Come on, Mrs. Patterson,” Javier pouts. “It’s the weekend.” “Yes, I know how much you kids love your weekends. That’s why I’m giving you a week instead of Monday to get it done. The essays don’t have to be long and be sure to cite your sources.” The bell rings and everyone jumps up to leave. “Have a good weekend,” Mrs. Patterson yells. Marisol and I head to our lockers. I still have two more classes after lunch; AP Calculus and Biology. Daniel is also in those classes as well. I would love to get a head start on my paper so I can focus on my English homework but instead I’ll be focusing on this stupid history essay to get it over with. I ask Marisol if she wants to go to the library after school and she agrees. Annabelle passes by and gives me back my notebook. “Bells, you’re the best little sister ever. See you at home, right?” “Actually, Mari and I are going to the library after school. I’ll be home after.” “We’re going to dad’s this weekend so don’t get too lost in the books,” she teases. “He’ll be there around five.” “I’ll keep her focused,” Marisol laughs. “Well see you later, you two,” she says before being summoned by her cheer mates. After lunch, I make my way to my Biology class. Daniel is sitting in the back of the class and I sit in the front. Class proceeds as normal. Mr. Jones then assigns lab partners for a dissecting project next week. “Isabella Gomez, you’ll be partnered with Daniel Lopez,” Mr. Jones announces and continues assigning lab partners. “What,” I mumble to myself. I gulp and slowly turn around to look at Daniel, who smiles at me. I immediately turn back around and feel flustered. Class is dismissed and I go to my AP Calculus class. I expect Daniel to sit in the back but instead he sits near me. What is happening? Every time I look at him, he smiles at me. I can’t get him out of my head. When class dismisses, I hurry to my locker and find Marisol so we can go to the library. All I can do is think about being partnered with Daniel. I’ve been biting my nails the entire walk to the library. “Bella, what’s wrong,” Marisol asks. “What you mean,” I reply. “Nothing’s wrong,” I try to reassure. “You’re biting your nails.” “Oh… dead give away, right,” I sigh. “Mari, guess who my lab partner is.” “Who?” “Daniel Lopez.” “Thee Daniel Lopez?” “Yes,” I nod, grinning. “What are the odds that I get partnered with my crush? What am I going to do? I’m so nervous to be around him.“ “Just be yourself and do your work,” she smiles. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” “How am I supposed to focus on my work when I have a partner as hot as him? Today was the first day we actually interacted. He smiled at me!” “How long have you had a crush on him? Maybe this is your chance to finally let him know you like him and maybe he likes you too. That’s probably why he smiled at you!” “No way, Mari. He’s way out of my league. He- he wouldn’t want to be with a girl like me,” I stammer. “Bella, what are you talking about? Why wouldn’t he?” “Look at me! I’m darker than most pretty girls and I’m not popular. In fact, no one notices me,” I frown. “Girl please! Bella, you are beautiful! Compared to Anna & Andres, you are dark but you take after your dad. You’re still a gorgeous girl. Daniel and any other boy would be insane to not want you. You know you’re caliente,” she laughs and nudges my shoulder. “Mari, you’re too kind. Now you’re just hyping me up,” I laugh. “That’s what best friends are for. My best friend is gorgeous. Now let’s dive into our research and get you home so you can be there when your dad comes.” We find a few books and do a little research. I take a few notes and write down my sources before Marisol and I pack up our things and head to my house. I think about what Marisol said. Am I pretty to Daniel? Did he smile at me to be polite or could it be that Daniel wants me? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.
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