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It's been almost 3 months of having him at the firm and true to Melissa's word, he was a hard ass. There were many times when I was tempted to tell him to shove it up his tight ass but since he was my acting boss, I couldn't. I also didn't want my working here for almost nine months to mean nothing and so, for the umpteenth time this month, I collected the file he shoved towards me and not too kindly, walked out. Fucking asshole. "Danny!" I suppressed my eye roll as I stepped off the elevator onto the ground floor and tried my best to walk past the secretary currently calling my name. "Danny!" Andrea called again and I sighed deeply before stopping and turning to her as she hurried after me. "What is it? I'm late in delivering something for that ass of a man and I really don't have the time to chit chat." I none too politely stated. "He giving you a hard time again?" I continued to stare at her as she smiled up at me. "Right, your brother is in your office... I sent him up after you didn't answer and Melissa gave me permission to do so." "Awesome. I'll deal with him when I get back." I walked away from her before she had a chance to say anything else and watched at my wrist. It was ten past twelve and I'm yet to have any lunch. I swear, the day that I bed Jon Crawford is the day I finally go insane. Sighing deeply, I hurried across the busy street towards The City State Bank, the thick parcel of papers to be handed over, stuck underneath my arm. The rain had eased to a light drizzle and I ground my teeth as the biting cold seeped into my coat. Ignoring the security guards at the front, I stomped out the water from my shoes and hurried into the elevator after swiping my card. 10 floors and two secretaries later, I was finally inside Mr. Dundee's office. "Ah, Mr. McPherson you're finally here." "Sorry I'm late Mr. Dundee. Mr. Crawford... the son, just gave me the files and I tried to be here as quickly as possible." I explained as I handed the parcel over to him and watch him quickly scan through it. When he was satisfied with whatever it is he was looking for, he touched a button on his desk phone and called a Ms. Suzette who seconds later, came bustling in. Handing the papers to her, she hurried out and I turned my attention back to the middle aged man who was now writing something down on a sheet of paper. "This envelope goes directly to Jon. Tell him I'll have the rest ready when he comes to visit later on in the week but this should be able to suffice until then." I nodded my thanks as I stood and shook his hand and without haven to be told, I was shooting out of his office and towards my own as my tummy was literally screaming for food. I barely made it towards the elevator, anxiously waiting for it to open when I saw Andrea running towards me, her hands filled with more documents. Groaning, I banged my head against the wall near the elevator and she panted for breath as she smirked up at me. "Before you hate me, know that it is Jon Crawford and not me who enjoys torturing his employees." "What does he want now?!" I snapped impatiently. "These were sent up from accounts. They are some files he needed reviewed and other documents that came in for him are also apart of this pile. I didn't know if you wanted me to sort through them and discard the charity or fundraiser ones. I mean, it would certainly make work more easier for you but I-" I cut her off then as the elevator opened and just collected the heap full of papers before hurrying in. As soon as it reopened, I was once more hurrying to his office and without waiting, barged in. The sound of loud arguing should have been my cue to retreat but with the only thought of food on my mind, every other voice went right over me. "- how dare you dismiss him without me being present there?! I'm the boss here, not you and if I say we're partnering with another company, we damn well are." Mr. Crawford shouted as I entered. "You wanna work with him, then go right ahead! I'm not going to be apart of some s**t show when this all goes bad. Nothing good or profitable will come from working with a snake like him but I guess snakes work in groups." Mr. Crawford turned from the window towards his son at that moment and I was too late in retreating as our eyes connected. When he just stood silent, eyebrows knitted, his son turned hard eyes towards the door to see me frozen, envelope and a desk full of documents in hand. "Well don't just stand there!" He snapped, storming over to me and snatching the envelope out of my hands. He ripped it open, discarding the handwritten note without even reading it and hastily scanned the document within. "Hmm." He looked up at me, snatched the remainder of the files before his once blank face turned up into a glare. "Get out." My string of explicits were directed to the shut door as he literally shoved me out and slammed the door in my face and once more I could hear the two men going at it from the other side. Good. You both could beat each other to death so I wouldn't have to plot it myself. I stated on my way towards the elevator. In no time I was walking into my office and my smirk finally made an appearance as my twin held a styrofoam box filled with food opened towards me. "I come in peace." Rolling my eyes, I collected the food and in two seconds looked up at him as I was done. "Damn bro, you didn't even take a seat. I almost wanna cry for that poor box of food. They had no idea what was coming." "Haha, very funny Rick. You got anything else?" I asked hopefully. "Don't call me that, and no. That was all I got." He sat on the edge of my desk as I took a seat and looking across I noticed the desk across from me empty. "She left for some doctor's appointment. Said she'd be back tomorrow and not to miss her too much." "Are you serious? She left me to deal with s**t face all by myself." "Your boss still giving you a hard time?" "Can pigeons fly?" Derek chuckles as he runs a hand through his overgrown hair and that's when I noticed something was off. He looked a bit nervous about something and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Spit it out." "What?" He asked innocently. Or as innocent as he could. "Whatever it is you came here to tell me." "I just came to see my favourite brother-" "I'm your only brother and you've only ever visited me once since I started here." "Hey! Damon's not gonna like be excluded like that and I was busy." "You know what I mean, so stop beating around the bush and just tell me." Sighing, Derek wrings his hands before finally looking at me again. "Mom wants us to come visit." "And?" "I'm getting to that, sheesh." He rolls his eyes before rubbing the back of his neck. "And dad's coming too." "f**k no."
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