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Deep in the woods, a group of people is fighting near a certain carriage, having a mark of a four-legged dragon. Usually, people tend to avoid causing trouble to anyone hosting this kind of mark as it symbolizes the Kingdom of Camelot. But now, a dozen well-equipped bandits are surrounding the said carriage, having already killed all of its guards with only their leader left standing. "How dare you lowly bandits target Prince Arthur, the rightful heir to the throne of Camelot." said the leader of the guard. “We dare, what can you do about it? Hehehe” A bandit said tautly. “You bandits scum! I, White the leader of Prince Arthur's royal guard, will send you all to hell.” White said as he raised his sword to the sky a bright beam of light descended from the cloud, engulfing his body with blinding light and as if angels were giving him their blessings, the sky echoed with a soothing melody.  [Holy Blessing Activated!] +100 to all stats +Status Immunity +99% damage reduction  For 15 seconds White body brims with power as he bravely dashes forward, eager to send the group of lowly bandits to hell but before he can get close to any of them. One who seemed to be the leader of the bandit stepped forward, throwing some kind of bomb at him. Believing in the effect of his Holy Blessing, White continued moving forward, ignoring the strange bomb. “Booom!” The bomb exploded but it didn’t cause White any damage.  -0 -0 -0 -0 Smiling he said, “Prepare to d-”.  but before he can finish his sentence, he starts tumbling down, his whole body starts to weaken. The light that fills his body with strength suddenly replaced by a purplish black. The voice that gives him a soothing feeling turns to a wail of agony. The leader of the bandit looked at White with a grin on his face. On the ground White is giving it his all to stand up, his face showing a sign of disbelief. “Impossible, Unholy grenade”  Unholy grenade is one of the rarest items in the world. There are only a handful of people known to be able to make it and the ingredients needed for it can only be found in one place, the underworld. No mere mortal can go there and live to tell the tale. Obtaining Unholy grenades is difficult even for a king, not to mention a mere bandit. “Who hired you!!!!?” White roared The leader of the guard ignored White questions as he pressed his foot on the latter’s head "Hehehe, you chunni bastard better hand the brat over. This is just a job, no reason to make it personal." "Hehehe" "Hehehe" "Hehehe, Nice one boss"  The rest of the bandits laugh at White's agony. This mission is not only one of the easiest jobs they ever pull, it's also their highest-paid yet. They don’t know how their boss managed to do it but everything happened as he said it was going to happen, even the skill that the leader of the guard uses doesn’t escape their boss' eyes.  With White remaining strength, he pushes the foot that's pinning him to the ground. His body feels heavy and his mind feels weak. There's a voice telling him to just lay down and sleep, everything will be over soon but he knows deep down, he can’t give up with every ounce of strength he has left, he reaches for his sword. “No!” He roared. With sword in hand, he slashes with all he has toward the leader of the bandit. His sword may lack power, his movement may be sloppy but his eyes never lack conviction.   "Taste my blade!". Seeing White futile struggle, the leader of the bandit just shook his head, seemingly not incline to intercept  "Some people don’t know when to quit." He said as an arrow pierces through the back of White’s head. "Thud!"  White’s body falls flat to the ground seemingly dying. The bandit leader looked at White corpses and started kicking it repeatedly "That's…. what you…. get for acting…. like a hero!"  "Longtooth checks the carriage and drags our little prince here" He ordered one of his subordinates. "Got it boss"  A bandit with no teeth said with a big smile on his face. Longtooth is but a simple man with only one desire, seeing the hopeless face of his victim as they die in front of him. The face full of despair put a big smile on his face. "Hehehe come here little prince, don’t be shy," Longtooth said  He starts knocking on the door slowly. In his experience, the people on the other side will try everything in their power to keep the door closed but eventually, they will realize that their effort is futile and they will fall into despair.  Longtooth heart beats faster and faster, he started to picture the look on the young prince's face when he finally saw his creepy smile. ‘Hehehe let see that beautiful face full of despair’  After a while, the door finally opens but much to Longtooth dismay, what welcomes him is not the face of a hopeless boy he expected but a sword. Caught unprepared he wasn’t able to react as the sword pierces through his head.  The door in the carriage once again closed, as Longtooth's body fell to the ground with his big smile still glued on his face.  Thud! Seeing one of their comrades die, the bandits didn’t get angry. In contrast, they laughed merrily as if they were celebrating. In the eyes of this bandit, the death of their comrade only means one thing, one more piece of pie for them to share. "Hehehe, what a brave boy," They said sarcastically “hehe, Longtooth is stupid”  "Ok, that's enough. You two go over there and get the boy but avoid killing him or you will not get your cut" The leader of the bandit once again ordered. "We got it boss" Two muscle man bandits walked to the carriage, they didn’t knock on it like long tooth did but started punching it. Every punch they threw is like an explosive, dismembering the carriage. “Boom! Boom!” The carriage quickly fell apart, if not for Arthur rushing out, he would have been severely injured.   The young prince quickly found his footing and didn't waste any time. He brandishes his sword toward the two enormous bandits. His every s***h contains his strong will. Despite being only five years old, Arthur's already showing the dignity of the king. His effort however is pointless as his s***h didn’t contain enough strength to even leave a shallow mark on the bandit's tough skin.  The two enormous bandits just stand there and let Arthur hit them with his sword. "hehe, over here boy" "No me hit me" They toyed with Arthur, flexing their muscle, and continuously tripping him. Arthur's whole body quickly filled up with wounds due to the number of times he fell over but even still he always stood up.  Licking his lips, one of the bandits said "Come on now, is that all the mighty prince Arthur got? I’m extremely disappointed" Sick of being toyed at, Arthur is furious "You bastard! I'll kill you!" he rushed toward the bandits like an angry bull, wanting to hack them to pieces. "With what? your tiny sword hahaha" The bandit said, kicking the approaching Arthur on the stomach, sending him flying.  “Oops! I accidentally used 2% of my strength hahaha” “cough! cough! When Merlin gets here you're dead! '' With blood flowing in his lips Arthur said not losing his determination. "Hehehe, who's that your mommy?" One of the bandits interjects. "Hahahahha" All the bandits laughed "That's enough, you might end up killing the kid. Stop messing around and bring him here. Our employer will arrive any minute now." The leader of the bandit said looking at the sky. “Boss is such a killjoy,” One of the enormous bandits said, dragging Arthur by the hair.  Breathing heavily, Arthur struggled to break free "Ha, ha, ha, Let me go! Let me go! Merlin will kill you! She will kill you all!"   The leader of the bandit stared Arthur closely in the eye "If you're waiting for that legendary mage Merlin to save you. Better stop she’s not coming.” Squeezing the word out his mouth Arthur said calmly "He will come"  "Is that so? You think she will come Hahahaha. You know being a legendary mage if she wanted to come here no one can stop her, she just has to snap her finger and poof! she can instantly teleport here but she’s not here is she? Do you get where I'm going here?” The leader of the bandit paused for a second and said. “She already abandons you kid hahaha" "You're lying! you’re lying! she will never betray me!" Arthur struggled, tears falling through his face. "Maybe, maybe not but the truth remains, she’s not here," the leader of the bandit said taunting Arthur.  Arthur's eyes started to lose hope. He started to doubt if Merlin did abandon him ‘Did she betray me?’   Seeing Arthur’s will is already broken, the leader of the bandit lost interest in him.  …... "Boss the employer is late. He is not bailing on us is he?"  "I don't think that's the case. He orchestrated all of this and even provided us with rare items, not to mention the price he has to pay just to stall a Legendary Mage such as Merlin. I don’t think he’s that stupid to back out now." The leader of the bandit said.  It was at this moment that arrows came firing towards the group of bandits. “The f*ck!” The leader of the bandit is surprised, there is nothing like this in the plan. "Reinforcement?" He wondered as he pulled the arrow stuck in his back.  "Hehehe, No boss, it's a double-cross," said one of the bandits carrying a crossbow. "Labo and Rechee you s*n of a b*tch! you dare double-cross me, I'll kill you! You hear me, I'll kill you”  "Hehe, Like you said boss this is only a job, there is no need to make it personal" Rechee said shaking his head. The leader of the bandit dashed toward Rechee and Labo. With his strength, it was easy for him to dispatch these two traitorous bastards but before he could get close to any of them, however, his body stopped listening to him.  "Bluecoral goblin poison?"  "Oh? you’re quite knowledgeable for someone so stupid"  Someone said. The leader of the bandit body shook as he heard a familiar voice, using all his strength, he turned his head trying to find its source.  "How is this possible, you are already dead?" The leader of the bandit said stunned as he saw the leader of the royal guard White slowly walking towards him completely unharmed.  He was completely startled, he even kicked White corpse repeatedly, he was 100% sure that the man walking toward him is dead.  Seeing his confused expression White smile "Jelly Snail poison, it stops the heart for a short period, resulting in something akin to a fake death" “I’d say, you truly are a bad guy, you even tortured a kid,” White said looking at prince Arthur, the latter looked at him stunned but He just smiles at him and continues walking toward the leader of the bandit. “Me, I prefer a swift death, kill them all '' Hearing White command, Rechee and Labo started massacring the twitching bandits paralyzed by the blue coral goblin poison. “Any last word?” White said unsheathing his sword “I’ll come for you-” Before the leader of the bandit can finish his sentence, White cut off his head. “Ahhh! I’m…. so… scared ….” He said while repeatedly kicking the leader of the bandit headless corpse.  “Revenge, Asshole”  “Nicely done boss, so we will get all their shares as promised right?” Lobo and Rechee said approaching White.  “No problem I’ll always keep my word” “Hehehe, Thank B--”  Lobo’s head rolled to the ground. “Why are y---” Before Rechee can recover from the shock, White thrusts his sword through his heart. “Well like I said, I always keep my word. I did say I sent you all to hell” White said nonchalantly as he cleaned his sword.  Arthur looks at White with horror in his eyes. He knew him for two years. He was kind and caring to the degree of spoiling him. Never once he saw him act like that. He always has these eyes full of love but now Arthur can only see someone who lacks emotion. Arthur feels like he was looking at a completely different person. A demon! “Now, now no need to look at me like that young prince, I'll get hurt,”  White said as he caressed Arthur's face. “I’m the leader of your royal guard, aren’t I?” He said with a smile  “No, no is not you, you're not White. He will never act like that.”  “But I am,  so you can now rest my little prince,” White said. hugging Arthur as he thrust his sword through his heart. Arthur with shock, fear, and disbelief finally closes his eyes as he dies.
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