Meeting With Manager

1185 Words
In the morning Alin was ready to meet the manager who contacted him yesterday, Alin went downstairs and had breakfast with his parents, "Good morning mother, father" said Alin greeting his parents, "Morning dear" said Abby. "Today you are very tidy, where are you going?" Ask Sari, "Want to meet the team manager" said Alin, "Which team manager?" Ask Sari, "Oh yeah I forgot the story, so yesterday when I was walking with Kayla I got a call from Gerry, the manager of my dream E-SPORT team, I was asked to come watch today's league, and I was asked to join my favorite team ALC," said Alin with spirit, "Wow, dear?" Ask Abby, "Yes father" said Alin, "Alin, you are a woman, in the world of E-SPORT there is no woman so how can you become an E-SPORT" said Sari, who did not agree with her daughter to be such a player from the start, "Father" Rajuk Alin asked for a defense from Abi, "Your mother is right, just listen to her" Ucao Abi and continued eating his breakfast, "Mother, please believe me I can take care of myself, I want to be a professional player" said Alin "It's up to you" Sari said and went back to eating her breakfast, Everyone had breakfast quietly after finishing breakfast. Alin said goodbye to his parents and went out because the clock showed 07:00, Alin waited for a taxi after the taxi came. Alin rushed into a taxi and drove to the competition venue. Arriving there, Alin was stopped by a group of people, more specifically fans of his favorite team, he saw members of his favorite team get off their private bus, Alin's eyes fell on a Marksman of the team, he tiptoed and kept looking until all team members entered the competition venue, Alin followed. all the fans and went to meet the manager, Alin took his cellphone and tried to contact the manager, "Hello Sis Gerry I'm already inside" said Alin, "Alin you see me at the door" said Gerry, Ain searched finally he found Gerry who was standing in front of the door, Alin rushed to him, "Good morning, Miss Alin," said Gerry, shaking Alin's hand. "Morning Sis" said Alin accepting Gerry's handshake, "I heard you are the number one professional player, I have watched your game, so I invite you to join my team" said Gerry, "Ah, you can, but thank you for trusting me" said Alin, "Okay the game will start, Miss Alin can watch our match" said Gerry, "Okay sis" said Alin, Gerry and Alin went inside and watched the match from Alin's favorite team, after the match was over Alin decided to stop by his friend Kayla's apartment, "What about the results?" Ask Kayla "Okay, I was asked to come to the headquarters tomorrow" said Alin, "Wow, this is great my friend, always success" said Kayla, "Thank you my friend" said Alin, "My friend do you want to help me?" Ask Kayla "Okay, since I'm happy I will help you, say it" said Alin, "All the groceries are gone, can you come down and buy some food and water for us?" Ask Kayla "Okay" said Ali "Thanks my friend" Kayla said. Alin went down and walked towards the supermarket, he went down and bought some food and he took 1 large bottle of water, but he took the wrong basket, he wanted to change the basket but he was afraid that the water would be taken because there was only one large size left, he finally hid The 1 large bottle of water was between the tissues and he rushed to change the basket. But without him realizing that someone was watching him, and since he needed the water, he finally took a large bottle of water that Alin had stored earlier and took it to the cashier to pay. When Alin came back and wanted to take the water he had stored earlier, it turned out that the water was no longer there, Alin looked for it but couldn't find it. Finally, Alin took a few small bottles to buy. After Alin finished the cashier and paid, he ran to the elevator. "Wait" Alin shouted and entered the elevator, Alin tried to press the elevator button but he was having a hard time besides his many shopping items, his small stature made it difficult for him to press the button, "What number?" Ask someone in the elevator "42" said Alin, "Huh? Am I not mistaken? I'm in the same elevator with Sis Sean" Alin said to himself, The man pressed the number 42, but because of Alin's sense of prestige Alin tried to explain to Sean why he couldn't press the elevator button, "I carry a lot of things, so I can't press the elevator button" said Alin but there was no answer from Sean, the elevator stopped Sean went down first then after Sean got down Alin felt very embarrassed, "How can I look stupid in front of Sean, but the man is so arrogant, just look at me I will definitely amaze you with my game" said Alin, Soon the elevator arrived at the intended floor, Alin got off the elevator and walked into Kay's apartment la, "Huh" Alin said throwing his body, "Hey what's wrong with you?" Ask Kayla "I almost lost my face" said Alin "Who dares to take this ugly face of my best friend?" Kayla asked with a chuckle, "Kayla I'm not joking" said Alin, "Hahahaha, well tell me" Kayla said, "I met the ALC marksman earlier," said Alin, "Wow, that's your team leader candidate," said Kayla, "Yes, but because I carry a lot of baggage, I don't get to press the elevator button, I feel like I'm very small in his eyes" said Alin, "You're so small," Kayla said. "Kayla!!!" shouted Alin, "Come on, then what's bothering you?" Ask Kayla "The Marksman is very arrogant, I tried to explain why I couldn't press the elevator button, but he ignored my explanation," said Alin, "Hahahahahaha, anyways why are you explaining even people who have just seen you already know that you are small" said Kayla, "Yes, long legs" said Alin, "Come on, I'll cook for you" Kayla said, "Wait, since when are you good at cooking?" Ask Ali, "Don't doubt your brother," said Kayla, "Kayla are you still in touch with the marksman from the ODG team?" Ask Alin "What are you asking for?" Ask Kayla "You guys are true love" said Alin, "Every day he just stares at the computer screen there is no time to be with me, where does true love come from?" Ask Kayla, "You should support him to become a professional player" said Alin, "I don't know, I feel like I want to take a break from a relationship like this" Kayla said "Okay, okay," said Alin. Kayla resumed her cooking program while Alin focused on watching the match on her cellphone. She observed every player's movement and studied it, so that if she played in a competition later she would be able to beat her opponent.
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