Chapter 5

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Raina The sun has set and it's now time for the clan to run with their guests. It's a tradition that allows wolves to learn the smell of their allies. So, in the case of battle, you are only fighting a foe and not a friendly one. I’ve seen many clans run and this is no different other than I was hoping I could participate. But as I stood under the moonlight, I felt nothing different. All I can think is I trust the universe and its decisions. I watched Wes change into Zephyr and he is such a beautiful wolf. Grey wolf with gold eyes. While he waits for his friends, Zephyr comes and presses his forehead to mine. I rub his ears and tell him to have a good time. With a howl from our Alpha, they are off on the run. I stand with my mom and watch them go. I turned to mom and told her I was going for a walk. She gives me a hug and I leave her to wander off. My feet lead me to my happy place. The barn. My solace. There is nothing quite like barn time. I walked down the aisle to TinMan. Remember I told you about my dream that brought him into my life. Well, now I will tell the rest. After that dream, I did not openly look for another horse. I figured it would just happen. And it did one day while scrolling through social media, I saw a page for a horse sale in Southern Ohio. I liked the page. I mean why there isn't always room for another horse. One day while out to dinner with my family, I was looking at the page and saw the sales catalog. In that catalog was a three-year-old unbroke Appendix Quarter Horse. His sire is a famous racehorse and his Great Grandsire is Bold Ruler. Every horse knows who Bold Ruler's greatest foal was. Then the Dam goes back to Potential Investment. Like the all-time leading Quarter Horse. No pictures or anything and yet I was hooked. I did finally see a picture and a video of this horse posted on the page. He was a cute plain bay color and had a small white lightning bolt on his upper lip. Yet I had to have him. The day of the sale comes around and it's a dreary March day in 2019. I arrived at the sale. Get a bidder number and then go find this horse. I walked right into the stall and he walked up and just rubbed his head all over me. He won’t leave me alone. The owner walks over and calls her husband over. They just watch and then she proceeds to tell me he has never done that with anyone before. We talked a bit and then I went and sat in the bleachers to bid on this horse. Bid I made and I was the winning bid, at $900. I pay for my horse and go load him up to take him home. The owner asks if she can hug me because she was afraid he would go to slaughter. I told her to friend me on my social media and she would see his progress there. I get him home and he doesn't even know how to back off the trailer. We had to remove the divider and turn him around to get him off the trailer. I called and scheduled the Vet to come out for an exam and started groundwork in the meantime. When the vet arrives, he proceeds to tell me that it is one of his client's client's horses and he talked her into taking him to that sale. The horse kicked the vet and one of the older horses on her farm, so he told her to sell him. As the vet finishes, he asks if I kept his name, Storm. I said no, he is now TinMan. That is how I got my heart horse. I entered TinMan’s stall and he was lying down. He doesn’t get up so I just curl up next to him. I proceed to tell Tin how I didn't get my greatest wish, but I’m sure the Great Spirit, The Moon Goddess and the Witch Goddess have a plan. So I will wait for their plan for me. As I drift off, I hear the howl of the wolves and feel such envy for them. For now, I will cuddle with my horse and tell him all my problems. Which I do as I fall asleep. I’m walking in a beautiful meadow and I see three people off in the distance. As I make my way toward them, I realize who they are and I don’t know the protocol. Do I stand, kneel, bow?” What do you do in the presence of the Spirit and Goddesses? “Relax child, just be yourself” is what I hear. “Why am I here?” I wondered. “For Answers, of course.” The Moon Goddess answers. Oh Lord, she heard me and I didn't even speak. Well, she is the Moon Goddess. It goes without saying she probably reads minds. “You will have a wolf spirit, Raina. She is not ready to come forth quite yet, but once she does you will understand the reason for the wait. She is a special wolf and has a great destiny and for this, you will need to continue to prepare as you have been already. There are some challenges coming. Some from your past and some from the future. We are always here with you and for you. Trust your Alpha Unit. They are special and they will always be there for you. I hand-picked them and their wolves to aid you in the challenges to come. Everything you receive will be to assist you in this endeavor. More will come. Accept them and love them. “Rain, Rain come on Rain, wake up”. I jerk awake and as I come to full awareness I realize I’m in the barn and it's Wes waking me. “There she is, now she's back with me. Where were you?” “I dreamed I was with the Great Spirit and the Moon and the Witch Goddess”. I answer. “You want to talk about it?” Wes asks. I shake my head no. It’s a lot to take in and I think my family and friends should be present. “Okay, you wanna come to see the present I got you?” He asked me. I nod and Wes helps me stand. He brushes the shavings from my dress and picks some from my hair. I just giggle and say “This is why I’m not meant for a dress.” Wes just grins and shakes his head at me. He really does have a great smile. His whole face lit up. So handsome. As Wes leads me from the stall, but before I can get out, Wes makes me close my eyes. He turns me so my back is to his chest and tells me to open my eyes. “You got me a saddle?” I asked as I looked back at him over my shoulder. He responds not “just any saddle, a custom-made saddle specifically for TinMan.” I smile and, without thinking, reach up on my toes and give Wes a kiss on the lips. . It takes us both by surprise, but Wes recovers quicker. “What do you think about your saddle?” Wes says as he clears his throat. I finally really looked at it. It’s dark leather. The saddle seat has a Wolf howling at the moon and The Tree of Life. The tooling is the different phases of the moon, instead of normal tooling. It's absolutely gorgeous. “Wes, it's gorgeous,” I said. “Thank you!” “Only the best for my Rain,” he says. We just stood there for a moment looking at each other. The moment is broken when we hear others coming. My family, Alpha, and Luna, along with the Alpha Unit come in to see what Wes got me. Everyone loves it. I just wish I wasn’t in this dang dress so I could try it out. Tomorrow I’m breaking it in. Wes puts the saddle away in the tack room and we head back to the clan house to finish up for the evening. As I headed home, I said a ‘thank you’ to the sky. I guess I did get that miracle. It may not be exactly what I wanted but thy will be done. I go to bed thinking about the kiss I gave Wes. I hope it doesn’t make things weird between us. I have no idea what I was thinking.
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