10. Charming Leon

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  CHAPTER TEN It was exactly at sundown when we reached the palace gates. Since we got inside Varci, I had enjoyed the enriched view of the kingdom. People were gathered outside, nearly squashing each other to death as they tried to get as close as possible to the carriage I was in so they could behold with their own eyes, the bastard that was married to their king. A few people threw stones and from where I sat peeking through a little open space out of the carriage, I made out a few other spitting in the ground, merely disgusted by my presence here. They openly hated me and I could hear their curses as they tried to get close to me. If it weren’t for the soldiers flanking me on all sides, I would probably have been dead by now. A chunk of disappointment fell into the pit of my stomach but I quickly reminded myself that, if I managed to win Leon’s heart, then they would have no option but to respect me as their queen.   The palace gates were opened to let in the convoy that had been with me and the moment we were inside, they were closed to keep out the crowd that was growing rowdy by the minute. Peeking ahead, I spotted a group of well-dressed noble men which meant they were the council. Just in front of them, stepped in a man, of the same height and breathing looks like Prince Theo. The crown sat on his head authoritatively and there had never been a king that had impressed me at first glance as much as he did. I would go to any lengths to have his affection bestowed upon me, so I could finally show my father that I was more than just his bastard daughter.   “Announcing the arrival of Princess Elizabeth, the first of her name and King Leon’s consort. May we all welcome her,” The announcer said in a rather gruff tone. Just like the rest of them, he was not enthralled by my presence and soon to be officiated new position as their queen.   “Princess,” Theo called as he unfolded his palm for me to take.   Letting go of a deep breath, I gathered the side of my dress in my left hand before accepting his help out of the carriage. The palace of Varci was quiet as eye-catching as the man who ruled in it. In well-calculated steps, I walked towards my husband with Theo and my handmaids right behind me. Gathering the side of my dress with both hands, I bowed respectfully before him.   “My King,”   I felt his hand on my cheek, raising my face so I could look at him. There was no anger traceable in his gaze except for open charisma.   “I see you brought quiet the war with you. The citizens that have been camping outside just to see you are way more than those that were at my coronation,” I felt suddenly at ease around him even though it was impossible to understand why.   “What can I say, Your Majesty? I’m quite the character for attracting trouble and wrong attention,” I answered with a smile.   “That is quite clear. Don’t change on my account because I like a little bit of trouble,” He linked his arm with mine as the council paved way, though I did not miss the mischievous wink.   Some of them were burning in the inside while charming up their faces with phony smiles but a few had not bothered to hide their scowls and open resentment for me. Trumpets were blown as we walked inside the palace and there was nothing that mattered more to me right now. I needed to enjoy this moment when everything felt at peace.   “You must have hard quite the journey and I know you crave rest. I’ll have your handmaids settled you in and brief you on the seven days that will follow, starting tomorrow. Also to be noted, the feast of your arrival will be tomorrow, starting at last light, “He then turned to Theo, placing a hand on his younger brother,” I trust you to deliver her safely to her chambers and only put sentry guards that you can trust. She is my Queen,”   “Of course brother,” Theo was not half thrilled by the idea and so was I. I had already had enough of his arrogance and annoying attitude for the past few days.   “Now, I’ll take your leave, Queen,” He kissed the back of my palm and I could not help following him with my eyes.   “I’m quite tired Princess and I would appreciate it if we actually start walking to your chambers,”   “Of course,” I followed him with my handmaids on my tail, very much aware of the hard, judging glances being thrown towards me by everyone we walked by.   My chambers were decorated in the most lavish way but as King Leon had said, all I really craved was rest. The few past days had been quite eventful; from getting married to my sister’s betrothed to an attempt being made on my life.   Later that night as I lay in bed, I made a resolution. I was going to change what people thought of me and when I finally get power, I would show them that I could be a good Queen for the people. In fact, I could be a better queen than those legal royal Queens. I would change the game.
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