17. I could get used to it

1330 Words

-Chris P. O. V.- It's been a week since Mel came back to me, and I couldn't be happier. My wolf is no longer driving me crazy, actually he is very proud as a father to be. I took some time off Pack work to spend that time with Mel. Everything that is normal for us for her is new and unknown. I showed her our everyday life and she seems to find it appealing. We often go on walks to our woods because that's what makes her feel safe. When she's getting anxious or overwhelmed I show her one of my special places. Cece has returned to her Pack which is a good thing because one overbearing family member is more than enough. Yup, my Father isn't warming up to Mel as fast as I'd like him to. He is suspicious and tends to ask her questions she simply didn't want to answer. He is very curious ab

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