
2947 Words

I scream. I scream so loud that I could surely pop an ear drum if the roar of the fire wasn't louder. My house. My life, burning to the ground. The heat hears my skin to the point where I have to turn my head away from it. I watch in slow motion as firefighter scramble with equipment. Why aren't they moving faster? Go faster! Suddenly, from inside the house there is an explosion, knocking out windows and sending me to the ground. "Eden!" I hear the guys say as they run to me to help me up. When I look up, the fire is blurred by my own tears. Jasper pulls me close, but I don't want closeness right now. I push him away and step forward watching as my house burns down bit by bit. As the sun begins peeking from the darkness, nothing is left of my home expect ashes and rubble. The firefight

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