Chapter 1

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“Elly, your father is waiting for you, you can’t hide in your room dear, it’s time to go.” my mother is knocking on my door none stop. “Elly, open this door. You have less than an hour to get to the palace for the initiation.” I know my mother does not approve of this. She never stops crying, ever since my father came home with the letter signed by the Queen. “Elly, don’t make me call your father.” I let out a tremendous sigh. I’m sitting flat on the wooden floor, my face covered in my palms. Three suitcases are standing right in front of me, ready to go to the palace. They look more ready than I will ever be. “ELLY?” my mother yelled again. “Mother, please just go away.” “Elly, don’t make your father come up here.” “I don’t want to go, mother.” she leaned her head against the door. I can hear by how she breathes, she is heartbroken. “Elly, go my sweet girl. I know you don’t want to, neither do I, let me in.” I opened the door for my mother. Her vision looks tired. Her long grey hair greasy, and her dress pale from all the hard work. My Father loves my mother, there is no doubt about it, but sometimes I would wonder why she married him? My Father is not a wealthy man, neither is he romantic. now he is using me to marry a prince to fill his pocket with wealth and land. “Come, your Father will drive you to the palace.” Mother took two of my suitcases, leaving the other one for me to carry out. Daisy is eating an apple on the concrete platform in front of the front door and my father is waiting for me by the car. “Daisy,” I called, and she runs into my arms. “You be a good girl, yes? I will be back soon.” Mother’s eyebrows pull into a frown. Yes, Mother, I have no intention to marry the prince, and I will do whatever I have to, for him not to choose me. I kissed daisy on her forehead. Bella is standing on the other side of the yard, busy feeding the cows. Father only has three cows and five pigs, which four of them, he still owes money for. Bella is the only young girl in the entire town that will come and help on the farm. Father can’t afford more workers and is paying Bella little to nothing. She waved at me, sadness covering her face. “Goodbye, Mother.” “Goodbye, my sweet little girl, be careful Elly.” I nodded and placed my suitcases in the trunk. “Let’s go, we have to be there before dark.” Daisy, we’re running after the car crying and screaming for me to come back and mother is trying to stop her. I looked in front of me, tears rolling down my cheek, and anger stirring inside me, anger towards my father for taking me away from my sister and beloved Mother. I just have to come up with a plan, a plan that will ruin my father’s. I will make the prince hate me and sent me back to the farm in no time. My father is quiet, probably already thinking about how he would spend the money if I get chosen by the Prince. I closed my eyes and try to think back to the days when Mother and Father were happy. When Daisy was still just a baby and Father used to sing to us before bed. Minutes passed by without me and my father talking. “Were here,” My Father announced while driving through the front gate of the palace. The Queen opened the gates for its annual summer opening and they will introduce the four girls to the crowd. Prince Edward will choose then one girl to spend with for a week. Every week the girls will rotate until he chooses his bride. “Please fix up your hair,” Father says, looking in the rear mirror. I took out my brush from my bag and comb my hair to near perfection. My heart started beating faster when Father stopped the car in front of the palace. The footmen open the door for me and bowed his head. They already lined the other three girls up, so are Queen and Prince Edward waiting at the front door. Of course, we would be late. I was still hoping for a miracle to happen we’re Father changed his mind, and don’t sell me to the Royal family. The Master of the household’s department cleared his throat behind me. He handles everything involved in the official and private entertaining across all the Royal residences. “Bend, Miss.,” he whispered and all eyes are on me, including the Prins and Queen. “Elly?” Father scowled, bending a knee himself. I put one leg behind my other and bend my knees and bow my head slightly. I would’ve never learned how to do it if Mother didn’t show me a hundred times. Prince Edward looks more disgusted by the event than what I do. He doesn’t even look at the girl standing in front of him. All of them dressed in beautiful dresses. Father didn’t have money for me to buy a new dress, so mother took one of her old dresses and fixed it up to look more elegant. Still, it doesn’t look as elegant as the other girls. “Can all of you please stand in one line to introduce yourself to the Queen and Prince when they pass by each one of you?” The Master of the household announced. “Sir, if you don’t mind, please wait with the other visitors?” he said to my father and my father nodded. My heart pained for the 100th time today when I saw my father disappear into the crowd. I knew there was no turning back now. He left me here and doesn’t even look back to see if I’m okay. The girls got lined up. First, a young lady called Emma, then Alison, then me, and lastly, Arizona. The music of Behold, O God our Defender is playing in the background as the Queen and Prince walk closer to us. “Your majesty, Ma’am,” Emma greeted and bents her knee. Prince Edward took her hand and kissed it as they both bent. Next in line is Arizona. She did the same as Emma and next in line is me. My hands started sweating and my heart jumping up and down like a horse that is in pain. “Good day.” I greeted and bent a knee. The surrounding girls started laughing. Did I say something wrong, the Queen is not moving to the next girl, instead she is scowling at me like a lion waiting for its prey. “Miss, say, Your Majesty, Ma’am, and then bent a knee.” a servant corrects me. Mother didn’t teach me this. Clearly, she didn’t know. She would’ve never let me embarrass myself like this. “Your Majesty, Ma’am,” I said while bending a knee. Prince Edward took my hand and kissed it while we both are still bent. Our eyes meet for the first time when looking up. A smile is playing on his face. Clearly, he finds it funny. His eyes are ocean clear blue, his hair perfectly styled, and I can see my reflection in his black boots. “Are you ok Miss, you look pale,” he asked, still holding my hand. I can see why the girls all over town want to marry him. He is handsome and charming. ‘don’t fall for him, don’t fall for him you have a plan, remember.’ I reminded myself silently. “I’m great, thank you.” I cleared my throat, avoiding eye contact. Finally, the last girl introduced herself by bending a knee. The prince kissed her hand, but direct his head towards me, the moment he stepped away from the last girl. I quickly looked away, but nervous is spelling all over my forehead. “Now that the introductions has been made, you can all follow me to the dining room where we will serve supper, and then Prince Edward will choose to dance with one of you to start the summer opening. Edward stared at me. I can feel the color draining out of my face. This is the last thing I want. I cannot fall for him, and he cannot fall in love with me. It will ruin my plans.
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