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“D-Dana what h-happened?!” she asked.   She freaked out when she saw Dana slowly loosing her consciousness, that made her rushed to Dana more closer.   “Dana! Dana!” she called to Dana with a panic voice.   But, Dana didn’t respond anymore and her eye wide more when Dana’s hand that is holding her stomach fell lifeless.   No! she screamed on her head, and look on Ian who was on her back.   “C-Call t-the a-ambulance, p-please w-we n-need to s-save h-her.” She stutter as her eyes begin to water.   But Ian move to call the instead, he told Elena that Dana is now gone, that only made Elena mad.   “What are you saying, she’s gone?!” she asked madly, “Dana isn’t gone!”   “We can still save her, p-please Ian c-call a doctor.” Elena pleaded, but Ian didn’t move.   “Call a doctor now!” she madly ordered when Ian didn’t do what she was asking.   Ian still just apologized and tried to convince that Dana is now gone. Her wounds was too severe and she already lost lots of blood, and he don’t know how the girl was able to survive even it that wounds, and how did she find and reach them.   Ian saw Elena getting up in madness and without thinking she went to took his phone, that he immediately stop.   “What do you think you are doing?! Let me go and let me call a doctor if you don’t want to do it!” Elena said.   “No! She is gone Elena, can’t you see it, she’s gone!” Ian said raising his voice.   He is trying Elena to come to her sense. She saw Elena seemed realizing it now and slowly let go of the phone she was about to grab and so he did.   Elena felt her knees weakened as she realize what is happening, and let herself collapse on the floor while facing Dana’s dead body.   What the heck is happening?! She screamed question on her head as she stared at Dana. She feel tears fell freely but her mind became completely blank. She can’t accept that Dana is dead and she died uttering her name even for the last minute of her life.   The regret and happiness on Dana’s eyes was the one that is currently lingering on her mind, and that made Elena’s tears flow heavily, and wept.   As the information came to Mr. Vaughn, they immediately took Dana’s body to take care of it, and held a funeral for her.   Elena, became silent from the whole duration of Dana’s funeral and even until now and its was one week ago since Dana buried, that made the people around her worried sick for her.   Ms. Estrella had barely went in her own home and not leaving Elena, even Dr. Monte who was coming by to check her more frequently than before and Mr. Vaughn who had visiting Elena everyday.   They don’t know what’s on Elena’s mind, but her silence bothered them, even to Ian that he starting to regret not to do what Elena ordered to him back then.   “Elena.” Ms. Estrella called as she slowly opened Elena’s room to pick what Elena is doing.   She entered Elena’s room and saw her just silently seating her bed, that made her reminded the past when Dan and Alfred died. Elena was like this silent and just isolating herself in her room.   Ms. Estrella just gently seated beside Elena, hoping Elena would finally open up and let her console her.   3 hours had passed Ms. Estrella didn’t notice that she dozed off and was awaken by Elena’s sob, that made her bulge and hurriedly scoop Elena into a tight hug while whispering its okay, its okay.   “S-She called m-me.” Elena said between her sobs.   “She keep on apologizing to me, but never told me what are those for.” She added.   Weeks ago, she received a call from the unknown number, and find out that it was Dana who is the one who is calling. Dana called her and started to apologize from about something that she didn’t even know what for and end the called all of a sudden without even letting her saying a word, and decided not to tell anyone about the call, not evet to Ian who was with her all the time.   And seeing Dana that day was a big surprise on her, hearing her saying her name even in her last breath, broke her heart big time, for even before Dana died she can see regret in her eyes, and what happened and how Dana end up like that was a big conclusion on her and who did that to her.   Anyone might know it, but Dana is secretly dear to her, and seeing her died was too painful for her, for she had lost a precious friend even Dana doesn’t know that she is considering her a friend.   Dana doesn’t know it, but she knew everything that she had done for her when they were still schoolmates and at the same time classmates. Dana may had been harsh on her but she was depending her secretly.   She remembered the day that Candice started to pick out on her, and put something on her back and because of that, other students started to throw her a crumpled paper. It is where Dana had approach her for the first time and rolled her eyes on her and took the paper plastered behind her that has note and told her i***t. But on the same day, on her way to her favorite spot, she saw Dana talking to Candice to stop picking out on her, but when Candice mock and laugh at her Dana slapped her. She didn’t mean to eavesdropped nor witness it but she did.   And what Dana done for her wasn’t that alone, and she know it all, and now she regret of not even told her how grateful she is to her, at the same time apologize that she had dragged her and endangering her and her Mom’s lives in her chaotic life.   Elena started to share to Ms. Estrella what Dana had done for her when they were still attending the same school, how Dana helped her and depend her in a discreet way.   And as for Ms. Estrella, it also pained her to lost such a good student like Dana. After all the years that she had Dana as her student, she can say that the child was good as a student and as a daughter to her mother.   Dana is a quiet, cold student of her whom barely participating school activities yet was able to get a good grade, and a loving kid to her mother that she witness when they were still hiding together    
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