
2050 Words
What's hope, Sire? Is it what is swirling in your eyes right now? The hope of making me stay where I had never ever been wanted? Atarah "I am wearing the shirt you gave me, healer." Warrior Duncan said as he was sitting on the edge of the bed and I glanced at him, secretly thanking the Lord for me having the mask on which hide my blush very well. For some reason, Warrior Duncan had been coming to the infirmary quite a lot. I had never seen him coming to the infirmary three months ago. Three months ago, I would laugh at the thought of a royal visiting me in the infirmary, almost every day. I never understood what brought him here, in the infirmary. He never really talked with any patient or any of the staff but me— only me. For some reason, I was even getting used to his presence, around me. The days he didn't come to the infirmary, my eyes would occasionally gaze at the entrance of the infirmary. "I'm glad the shirt is useful to you, Sir Duncan. How may I help you today? What brought you here?" I asked as I walked a little away from his bed and he stood up, gripping his sabre on his way. "You." Was his simple answer which made me freeze. I did? I brought him here? I turned to look at him and his eyes were glowing like the lamp, I never used in my house. His lips were twitching in amusement and I shook my head, hoping he was jesting. He shouldn't be here because of me. "Why, healer? Why shouldn't I be here for you, hm?" He asked, his voice had a slightly malicious edge to it which passed a tremor down my body. He once again read my mind. Despite of me asking him to stay away me and my mind. "Because it's not right, Warrior Duncan. Someone coming for me is nothing but wrong, it's like calling the danger despite knowing the consequences of it." "And who said, I'm not ready to bear the consequences, healer?" He said, taking a step forward, towards me. And my breath hitched when he took another few steps. He stood very close to me now. So close that I could smell him. But that was the thing, he smelt different, his fragrance was different. None like I had smelled before. His eyes bored into mine, piercing down my soul and I quickly took a step back, focusing my gaze anywhere but him. He made me see my own reflection— the one I hated with all my might. I saw his jaw clenching but something inside him seemed less scary now. Less dangerous. Like for a split second he had put his guard down. "What are you scared of, healer? Looking into my eyes and seeing your own reflection, you had tried to not look for Lord knows how many years? Or how you are scared of me reading your mind and see how many broken pieces you have for a soul?" I blinked at his words. How accurate he was, scared me beyond words. Having someone who could read you like an open book wasn't something, I was delighted about. He knew about my vulnerabilities and miseries and I knew nothing about him. His eyes softened for a second, almost like I misunderstood it before a very savage look crossed his eyes and the sudden whim in him made me sigh. He changed even faster than the seasons changed in this kingdom. No-one could predict how would be his mood now. Cold? Warm? Or if he would growl like a wolf at someone. "Too eager now, are we?" He asked with his sly smile, his sabre mocking me on how powerful he was and what authority he had. If he wished, he could've kill me any moment without facing any dire consequences. "Do not worry, healer, you'll know me soon. Very soon." He mumbled the last part and my eyes jerked up to meet his and the spell his eyes had enchanted me. His dark orbs were like a passage to a parallel world, a different universe, I had been oblivious to. But something about him felt familiar too. "I don't..... wish to know you, Warrior Duncan. The only thing I wish is distance between us. A distance which needs to be maintained." I lied and he smiled. His fangs like canines protruding out of his lips, making me gulp slightly. "I don't listen to liars, healer. The day you would ask me with all your heart to leave you alone, you won't see me ever. But until you're lying, I won't listen to you. Hm?" When I didn't say anything, was just shocked beyond any boundaries, he continued. "And one more thing, healer, I am not playing you. I like to tease you, yes. I may scare you at times, intentionally but you don't need to be scared of me." My throat felt dry and my lips parted when he rose his hand, to cup my face but stopped in mid-air. A look of helplessness crossed his eyes as the distance between his fingers and my cheeks never got reduced. I was waiting for him touch, I wanted to feel it but the distance remained as thick as the tension amid us. I knew, he heard my cravings, he knew what I wanted but he was maintaining distance, making my heart to soar. "Warrior Duncan," I called out when he took a few steps away from me. He froze there for a few seconds and his eyes suddenly had a light of hope. My heart ached at the innocent emotion his eyes held, making me swallow the remorse. "Your cloak." I said, crushing all his hopes and he chuckled, his canines falling out as he grabbed his red, studded cloak in his hands before shrugging it over his shoulders before he turned to leave again. I let out a breath, I didn't knew, I was holding. "Oh and healer, enjoy reading the creatures' book. If you can't link things, call me. I'll help you out." ~~~~~~~~ "What are you cooking, daughter?" Father asked as he sat down on the chair, his eyes focusing on the books, I had recently managed to get along with the book of supernatural creatures. He had been drowning into those books for hours now. "Curry and potato sandwiches. Would you like some salad too, father?" I asked and he looked up from his book finally, smiling gently at me as he shook his head, placing his pencil down before he closed his book shut. "Nah. Curry and sandwiches are fine. How is Bailey? Did she find any job?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen, slowly, with his shaky legs and I frowned at how day by day, he was turning older than before. Weak and old. "She's trying. Though anyone hardly is recruiting people now." His eyebrows scrunched together as he sighed audibly and clutched the kitchen slab to support himself. "How is she affording to live in a house then?" He asked, worried and I sighed, shaking my head as I turned the flame on and covered the pot with a lid before I started to make sandwiches. "She is not, father. She is living in the woods until she finds an affordable house and a decent job. I asked her to come home with me but she is very proud to accept any help, father. She thinks of it as a charity." "Our mind, my child is the real home of our body. If you have a strong mind, you'll always have a roof of courage over you, protecting you; but if you're weak in mind, even a house won't be enough to protect you." He said and I never found anything as truthful as this. "And Bailey is strong, my daughter, she will embrace it all with courage and strength." He continued, making me nod my head. She is strong. Very strong. "Of course, father. Why don't you sit down while I serve us the dinner?" I said when I saw him unable to stand anymore. He was getting breathless. "I should sit now." He agreed with a laughter. "Age is a merciless devil, it makes you pay for every lie you had ever said in your life. And your father is turning into an old, useless father." He was laughing all the time but I knew how much saddening and frustrating it must be for him to go through old age, struggling to walk and stand, struggling to work. I only frowned at his jokes as I held his shoulders softly, looking at him. "You're not useless, father. You are far more worthy of your life than any of us. You teach children without money. You are working in an age, you should be resting. You are not useless, father. We are helpless..... unable to take your pain away." His eyes softened as he stroked my face gently and pat my head in affection and love. "A child like you, my daughter is blessing enough. You make me worthy. You inspire me every day. Despite all the hatred, all the judgements, you work tirelessly for people without any selfish motive. There's no one as great as you, my child. Always remember that, hm?" He said lowly and softly, making my heart stir as I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you father." I whispered against his shirt and he chuckled, softly rubbing my back and those few seconds in his embrace felt like a life and yet it felt so short. I wished to hold my father for a little longer. A fear gripping my chest. I don't know why but something inside me was scared. But what? ~~~~~~~~ The Vampire King: As old as the water in the ocean, as cold as the snowflakes. Tall like a mountain and paler than any sheet. His eyes darker than any night, a portal to another world; his smile— so predatory. His skin smoother than any velvet and his sabre— vicious than any weapon. Is serving the royals for years and yet they don't know him. The one who defeated an army alone. he iss in the kingdom to find his better half but he didn't found one yet. I read the line over and over again and only one figure kept flashing in front of my eyes. As cold as the snowflakes. He was cold, cruel and sadistic. Eyes darker than any night, a portal to another world. His eyes always made me feel like he was transporting me to a different world. His smile, so predatory. His canines made his smile scary. So scary. The one who defeated the army alone. 'I have defeated an army all alone, healer.' He had always said. He had always been boasting about his powers. Is..... is Warrior Duncan the Vampire King? Am I the girl he is trying to look for as his soulmate? His better-half. 'Are you thinking of me, healer?' His familiar voice echoed in my head and I jolted again in surprise before pursing my lips in annoyance. "Can you please leave my mind and thoughts, all alone?" I mumbled, ducking my face down and I heard him chuckling inside my head. The same dark and sinister chuckle. 'I can't when you keep on thinking of me, healer. I'm patrolling the borders but you won't let me concentrate. Did you find any conclusion out of the thick book you just read?' He asked, I could imagine his smug expression even through his impassive face. His voice, his tone was smug. "My conclusions are quite scary, Warrior Duncan. My assumptions are making you an inhumane creature." I said, my face still into the darkness of my gown and knees and I heard him sighing. "What did you grab out of that book, healer?" He asked softly; a tone, so soft, that I could never get used to it. "Something really really scary, Sir Duncan." "Nothing can be more scary than my eyes, healer. Tell me, what did you conclude?" He asked and I sighed. "That..... that you are a vampire."
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