The Neighbor

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Mike Dunner struggled with body issues ever since he was a little child. He felt insecure at school and the other kids bullied him mercilessly especially after he became a teenager. Over the years he learnt how to deal with life and he became more thick skinned overtime. but he realised that he had never really overcome the loneliness and the empty feeling inside him no matter how much time passed. Today was yet another empty day for him as he continued with the same routine at his workplace which he was now so very familiar with. He did know his work very well by now having spent nearly 10 years in the same company but there was hardly anyone in that place who knew the real him. He booked a bike on Uber and went back to the small house where he lived alone all by himself. As he was about to open the front door he heard the sound of wheels that came from the house adjacent to his own. As he turned his head towards the noise he saw a black Altis moving into the driveway of the next door house which had been vacant ever since he had moved to the neighbourhood. The woman must have been in her 30s, she was tall and muscular and she had a firm and confident air about her while wearing an attractive black t-shirt and tight black jeans. Mike had always been afraid of making eye contact with Women so he immediately felt scared and turned his face away quickly. All he could hear now was the firm noise of the Woman's feet moving on the smooth gravel and a clicking sound as She locked Her front door behind Her. Mike had only seen a couple of glimpses of the Woman's face but he clearly knew from those brief moments that She was stunningly beautiful and if you added Her hot body figure along with a gorgeous face She clearly seemed like a real life Wonder Woman. Mike usually never had enough grocery items in his refrigerator and there was clear evidence of that as he peered inside it after closing his front door behind him. He took out a chocolate bar and a small bottle of pepsi eager to start quickly since he hadn't eaten all day. He knew he would still be hungry so he decided to throw caution to the wind and order a large pizza all for himself. After placing the order he started feeling uneasy and went out quickly to sit outside in his little garden. Each Villa in the small town where he lived had a date palm tree that stood in the middle of a garden. He drew his chair a little further from the tree and close to the black Altis of the new Woman who had just moved in. He couldn't deny that he had an intense feeling in his heart after seeing Her and he wanted to be close to Her even if it was just sitting near to Her car. The rider came soon enough on a black motorbike. he had been to Mike's home on a couple of occasions which is why they both met each other a little informally. Mike could see the beautiful cluster of glittering golden lights and a large illuminated pink and purple Ferris wheel just a little further from where he sat on his chair. He ate the scrumptious pepperoni pizza in silence gazing intently at the ferris wheel and the golden lights all the while. He must've been lost in deep thought because he didn't hear the click of a door and the faint rustle of leaves just next to where he was sitting. 'Ahm..Ahm... sorry I hope I didn't disturb you'. his new neighbor looked down on him with a wide smile on her attractive face. 'No.. its totally okay. I am sorry for placing my chair into your side of the garden. I didn't realise.. the woman forced him to cut his sentence short as she put a hand in front of his face as a motion to silence him. Mike was feeling both frazzled and surprised at himself for being a lot more outspoken than he expected himself to be. 'It's okay.. don't apologise so much. My name is Ayesha. It's nice to meet you'. She said in a more dominant voice as she drew out her hand confidently and stared at him with a wry smile. ' name is Mike...Dunner... Nice to meet You too'. Mike replied awkwardly. Ayesha could tell by now that the poor guy was clearly overwhelmed by her strong presence and that he seemed to be struggling to show his male ego to hide it. 'Likewise' Ayesha replied with a short sultry laugh that sent even more shivers down Mike's spine who was clearly feeling puzzled by all that had happened within the past few minutes. He wanted to ask Ayesha why she had suddenly come to him like that. Had she sensed that he already had a crush on her when she parked her car? What reason would she really have to walk up to him like that? As he pondered over those thoughts he saw her bringing a chair from her house and putting it down right next to him. He couldn't say anything the whole time this was happening, his throat was hoarse and his stomach was in multiple knots. Ayesha didn't look at him until the chair had been put down. When she gazed at him again with an intense captivating look he found himself melting before her and the satisfied smile on her face confirmed that she already knew that. 'I..I was actually kind see You come here'. 'Why? she laughed deeply with a curious frown on her face. 'I.. I thought that perhaps you would at this time'. Ayesha gave him an amused look and opened the pizza box on the little table which he had kept in front of him in the garden. 'Yum...this pizza looks delicious... She said as she opened the box and took a slice. Mike was feeling a strong wave of submission flooding through his body. As he had grown up he had slowly realised that he was naturally submissive and that he craved to be under the loving domination of an Alpha Woman. He guessed that perhaps that was why he felt frozen next to Ayesha who had the whole pizza box in her lap. Normally he would've devoured all the eight large slices within a short period of time but on this occasion Ayesha had five out of those eight slices in her lap and he couldn't even take one of them from her. In fact what was even more surprising to him was the idea that he probably would've gone hungry without a single slice if Ayesha had showed up sooner. They both sat in silence for a while, Mike stared into the distance for most of that time pretending to be a little too interested in the glittering golden lights and the mesmerising view of that large ferris wheel and stole a few nervous glances at Ayesha who was browsing some stuff on her mobile as She slowly ate the remaining pizza slices. 'Mike do you want some?' Ayesha said as She brought the box forward towards him. There was only one slice left and while Mike was still considerably hungry Ayesha could see a conflict within his eyes. 'No. I am already full. You can have this one too. I would've brought an extra box if You'd come a bit sooner'. All this talk was really surprising him since he felt like he had no control over his voice and that those words were just gushing out from his heart like a water flood. Ayesha was now giving him a really intense and chilling stare, the stare continued for a few moments before She placed the box into his lap a little forcefully and stood up from the chair. 'Thanks for the pizza. It was delicious. I also had a great time enjoying the view and... knowing that I have you wrapped around my little finger'. She slowly whispered in his ears in a low sultry voice. She gave him a sexy wink after saying that and had an amused smile after seeing how he was totally failing right now to hide his vulnerability from her. 'Okay. I guess I will see you around then'. She said smiling down at him. 'Can we talk to each other soon'. Mike said in a somewhat choking voice. 'Oh yes we will. Of course. I will be attending a dance party at one of my friends tomorrow night so we can meet over there'. 'Be punctual okay? I know you'll be there'. She said with a sensual little laugh as She stroked his cheek and tapped his shoulder twice before leaving for the night. Mike had a particularly hard time to get to sleep that night. He had seen it before, the sweat and the trembling need for closure as he lay in bed visualing his fantasies. He had a butler in the house, an honest young man who kept the whole place neat and organised and also gave him a calm sense of security especially during the time for sleep. However despite the presence of another human sharing the house with him he still struggled without the presence of any human affection which was all the more relevant during that night. ' there anything I can get you'? Bashir asked as he took his eyes away from the Netflix series he was watching on his mobile. 'Just fetch me some Pepsi and get a glass for yourself as well'. Mike replied. 'Sir, you should get some exercise in the morning. You know like you discussed with the doctor earlier'. 'Yes. I will do it with you in the evening. Just make sure all your chores are done by the time I get back home'. Mike was surprised to be able to sleep much earlier than he predicted. Bashir really was a source of comfort for him as a companion whether he fully realised it or not. It was getting close to midnight and Bashir also slept rather easily after Mike had already gone to sleep. Bashir had been working around the house and had also been to another one in the neighbourhood where he used to work as a driver during the day. The entire neighbourhood was now nestled in an eerie silence. It presented an enchanting spectacle during the late hour with the entire landscape glorified by the dazzling golden street lights spread all across it along with a long line of date palm trees which added further to its beauty. A light breeze spread across the landscape causing a faint rustling noise to occurr from the trees. In the distance a group of stray dogs could be heard barking and playing around with each other other than that the only other sounds were the chirping noise of crickets and the faint hooting noise of an owl from a cluster of trees which were far across the main highway. In the midst of this idyllic atmosphere a slight whirring noise of a hi-tech car engine could be heard a fair distance from Mike and Ayesha's houses. The car was an elegant brand new Sportage which whizzed across the adjacent highway and slowed down considerably as it got closer. Ayesha was standing next to a large cupboard starring at a pair of silver black gauntlets which gleamed from the white light behind her. She was dressed in a black t shirt and casual white pyjamas as She gently touched the gauntlets turning her head momentarily to see a large majestic looking black robe with a dark hoodie attached to it. She kept gazing for a while until the sound of the door bell snapped her out of her reverie. She closed the cupboard and headed down the hall looking just as majestic as when Mike had last seen her. A man in a black jacket stood outside her door after she opened it to see who was crazy enough to visit at this hour. 'What are you doing here?' She asked with a look of surprise on her face.
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