Chapter 27—The First Strike

1188 Words

Dilan fought at the entrance gate of the Tower with all the Tower guards available. He was a man built for hardship, designed for battle, made to hear the shrill cry of war, to feel the terror of aggression. And he had fought many battles under the reign of Lord Rogin and they had all been successes. What an irony that his first battle with Hardiy as king would be a failure. Most likely would. The enemy wasn't too strong but too many. The whole of South Camp was being attacked at once, eleven villages! Of course, Baalik didn't have the men he was using, most of the people attacking weren't Nothumbrans at all. They were Lamanians. Dilan knew Baalik had wanted to end the South for many years but the iconic leadership of Rogin had impeded his evil deeds. Dilan knew it was over for South Camp

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