61 Wellspring

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"Wait, what do you mean my magic is off the charts?" Janus asked.   "It means your ability is beyond standard measurements." Haruna said.   "Yeah I know what 'off the charts' mean. It's just, how? I've done everything in this book but I can't conjure even the most basic spells and tricks. Are you sure nothing went wrong with the ritual or anything?"   "No, certainly not. When I was an apprentice, one of my tasks was to do the Ritual of Affinity on applying novices. I've memorized the incantations and have the charts committed to muscle memory."   "Then was it true what Yvaine said? Did you really scream?"   Haruna paused.   "Hmm... that was my fault I guess. I was not prepared for what I saw when I connected with your vision. I got overwhelmed and felt lost in the vastness of it. Do you recall what you saw when I touched your forehead?"   "What I saw was a whole lot of nothing, and a thousand lights whizzing past each other. Are you sure that's what it means?"   "Okay, let me explain to you what happened. Normally the ritual would be held in a closed room in one of the colleges studies, with the surroundings cleared of any clutter. The spell puts you into a trance that traces all the arcane connections that you have accumulated during your entire life. This attraction is indicative of magical affinity, there actually is an equation from Magister Elmund Maregario that correlates the area into a coefficient----   "Sorry Lady Haruna, but could you jump to the important part? It's getting late, and I have a full day of work tomorrow." Janus said.   Haruna was taken aback, but she composed herself gracefully.   "Very well. The ritual will create an illusion that the participant is floating in a well-defined space. The area of that space can then be measured to tell us how well you can harness and control magic. Those with no power will see nothing but total darkness. Those who have a clear potential will have a square meter of space perfectly clear with lights traveling within its boundaries,  masters will cover the entire area of the room."   Janus had a thousand more questions, but she continued.   "You see, I didn't even bother finding us a large enough room to do the ritual. The recollection of your previous exposure to the test lowered my expectations. That was a rookie mistake."   "But Lady Haruna. I told you, I didn't see anything. There was no indication of space, not a room nor a square meter. Just lights swerving off into the distance. What does that mean then?"   She smiled. "Look at the lines below you, see what happened to the circle?"   Janus looked down and saw that the circles had completely transformed. It was now replaced by thinly lit lines that moved outward, it filled Haruna's guest room and moved past the furniture and the bed.   "The reason why you didn't feel a sense of space was because the lines went too far for you to perceive them. The lines should form a closed shape, like a square or a rectangle, but as you can see, the lines in here don't have an end. They must have reached outside and on to the other rooms. It's too late to trace them all right now without rousing the sleeping workers. But the fact that they all moved beyond this room is proof enough that you have the capability to cast more magic than the average professor."   Janus looked at the lines. The room had plenty of room to move around, he estimated it was around fifteen feet on all sides. He thought of the implications. Stunned.   "When you started school, how far did the lines reach?" he asked.   "It formed a shape that was ten feet around me. I was accepted immediately, but not enough to be granted scholarship for the Masters program."   "But still. I did the charms and exercises. I couldn't conjure a thing when I tried."   Haruna sighed.   "Have you ever had a teacher before?"   "Well, no but--"   Haruna laughed, she must have noticed Janus' expression, as she stopped and composed herself.   "I'm sorry your highness, but casting spells is not like a math equation or a crafting manual. It's not possible to learn it without proper tutelage, and no one in their right mind would want to learn it by themselves anyway. There are those who are well endowed with magic affinity in far off provinces that have burned down their entire village just from a slip in an incantation or a lapse in emotions. Magic is delicate, and it takes years of practice and repetition even with the right amount of instruction."   Janus took this in for a moment.   "So let's just say... That I really did have this magic affinity welling up inside me. What do you think I'm capable of?"   "Well, I'll say you're capable of anything in the Centris Arcanum's spellbook. Although you have to put in the work. There are those whose power level rose through hard work alone, but having this much affinity surely helps. With the right training you'll be able to pick up spells easier and with less effort."   "Can I move objects with my mind? Like sticks and pieces of paper?"   "Not just sticks. You could throw logs if you wanted to. You could even cut down the trees yourself, although I imagine that would take a lot of energy."   "What about the thing that you did with the water? The way you moved them across tanks and farm plots?"   "Once you are tutored in the elements. Yes, you'll be able to do that."   "Can I do healing spells? Like curing diseases and injuries?"   Haruna laughed again. This time she went all out.   "Excuse me? Did I say something funny?" Janus asked.   "Certainly not your highness. It's just that I've told you that you have the potential of leveling countries and creating massive floods with that amount of power, and yet you're here asking me if you can do chores around the village?"   Janus' lip quivered.   "Well this is my home. This is the home we built. If I can do magic, then might as well put it to good use."   "Oh, don't get me wrong your highness. It's just that the ritual is a status symbol for students in the college. They engrave their results down in rings and necklaces and wear it like a badge of honor. It is prized and coveted, and determines the pecking order within the school. Those who learn of their own power immediately think of how they can be a lead adviser for a King, or how they can learn destructive magic to gain merits into the largest Mage regiments in Mydir or earn riches under the best military companies. Immediately they search for money and power, not for sewage utilities and building methods. That's what we have peasants and serfs for."   "Well, as you may have noticed----"   "Yes I get it." She rolled her eyes. "There are no slaves in Wayward Home. Only free people work who hard and live in peace and harmony. But now you have all of this potential for magic, the kind that could get you admission to any prestigious school. Once you can get the base knowledge, let's say five to ten years. You can explore the lengths of your own power with continued practice and studies. Who knows, you might even be capable of crafting your own spells. You'll be unstoppable. Leave the village to your sister and the Elders. You have built a strong foundation here, they can carry on with their duties while you study the arcane arts. I have connections that will make the process faster. Just show up, and the College will most likely pay for you to study there."   Janus took this in for a moment. The wind blew in from the windows, a cold and misty breeze. It carried Haruna's scent of flowers and powders. The lines on the floor glowed faintly.   Magic, another possibility in this world that he could study and explore. If Haruna was right, and he can wield magic far greater than the Masters in this world...   "What's the nearest school from here? Aside from the one in Mydir?" he asked.   "Two countries away. The College of Whisperwind in Mydir is the closest one, and the strongest one at that. The best teachers are there, and if anyone can unlock your potential to the fullest, it's them."   "No, that's not possible. I'm not going. Five to ten years is too much. I have a lot of work to do here."   Haruna stared at him, her eyes glowing by the candlelight.   "Are you serious?"   "Yes I am."   Haruna was clearly perplexed, like someone explained to her that the world was up-side down and she had been looking at it wrong all her life.   "Are you out of your mind? Do you know how many kids grew up wanting to become a mage only to find out that they don't have an inch of power? Spellcasters have so much influence in this world. Every Kingdom will clamor for your your services, they would shower you with their greatest treasures. This much affinity does not only warrant a good education, it's almost your responsibility to learn it. And just so you know, magic affinity decays through time. It peaks at around adolescent to young adult age and severely dips in your mid-twenties without proper practice. So heed my advice. Go now, or lose it all for good."   Janus thought about it again. The once lively chatter from Haruna evaporated into seriousness. She was looking intently at his eyes.   She's studying me again. He thought. Well, at least now he knows the reason why.
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