
1224 Words
It was a quiet and peaceful night. The sky was dark and enveloped by a sea of tranquility. The dimly lit street below was mainly deserted. And a cold breeze of wind accompanied anyone still awake so deep into the night. One such person was Yumeko, a young schoolgirl living alone in her apartment room. Her long dark hair was let loose while her coal-black eyes showed an intense focus on what she was doing. After sitting in front of her desk for hours, Yumeko finally let out a sigh. She leaned back onto her chair and stretched her stiff body. The young girl’s school book was laid open before her. And her phone was right next to it, blasting music ever since she opened the book.  When she finished her brief session of stretching, she took a glance at the clock. It was already 11 pm. And she was still not finished. The homework she was working on was not in any way complicated. But she spent most of that day lazing around. And when she looked at the clock, it was already noon. The young girl let out another, but longer, sigh. She was starting to feel drowsy, as she usually doesn’t wake up so late into the night. But she had to push on. Her homework must be finished, no matter what. Just as she was about to return her focus to her book, the sound of an explosion briefly deafened her left ear, followed by a gushing wind that was strong enough to push her off her chair. Her room was also filled with smoke, obscuring her vision.  While still laying on the ground with her side aching, a voice grabbed Yumeko’s attention. Her whole body tensed up as she listened to a voice speaking from inside the smoke. She didn’t understand what the person was saying, but she was sure it was the voice of a man, considering how deep it was. Yumeko cautiously stood up, making sure she didn’t make a single sound. Her eyes were focused on observing the silhouette of a man in the smoke. He kept talking to himself while frantically looking around the room. It seemed like he hadn’t realized her presence yet, but not for long. The smoke was rapidly dissipating, leaving her little time thinking about what to do, let alone act.  Out of the corner of her eyes, Yumeko noticed her phone. The wind had pushed it to the edge of her table, just about to fall to the floor. The thought of calling the cops crossed her mind. So slowly but surely, she extended her hand to the phone. But a strong hand grabbed her by the wrist and stopped her fingers millimeters away from her phone. The man now stood in front of her. With the surrounding smoke gone for good, Yumeko could clearly see the man’s features. He was tall, much taller than her, around 7 feet tall or maybe more. He was sporting some sort of black body armor that covered his chest and shoulder, accompanied by a red cape. Furthermore, he had bright red hair that was kept short and messy. The man’s sharp yellow eyes bore into her own as if his gaze was penetrating her very soul. In his mouth, she could see fangs poking out under his lips, small yet still noticeable. His ears were pointy. And, to top it all off, two sharp horns were resting on top of his head. Yumeko’s body was shaking like a leaf. She wanted to scream out for help. But as if something was stuck in her throat, she couldn’t let out a single sound from her mouth. The man started talking to Yumeko, half growling. But she didn’t even know what language he was talking in, let alone how to reply. Frustrated, the man raised his other hand. She saw before her very own eyes when the nails on that hand slowly transformed into sharp claws. Yumeko’s eyes widened, and her stomach dropped. “L-Let me go!” she finally begged as she desperately punched his hand that was gripping her own. In response, the man lifted her up until she was hovering a foot above the ground. After seeing his nails transform and how easy it was for him to lift her 5-foot body off the ground, she could only come up with one conclusion. The person before her was a mage. And there was nothing she could do to fight back against him. “Please don’t hurt me! I-I will do anything!” she pleaded with her eyes closed. Tears started rolling down her cheeks as her other hand struggled to hold on to his hand to support her weight.  Suddenly, the man’s eyes widened. Whatever crossed the man’s mind, it saved her. His tone of speaking softened, and his expression got calmer. But Yumeko still couldn’t decipher what the man said afterward. She could only wish that he would put her down and hope he wouldn’t hurt her. Snapping her neck into two would be an easy feat for someone like him. “What is your name, weakling?” the man suddenly spoke in her language. His free hand caressed her pale cheek. Each one of his nails was long and sharp, grazing across her soft skin. Had the man applied a bit more pressure, he would’ve torn her skin open. “Y-Y-Yumeko,” she stuttered meekly. “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl... Yes, I could make do with you. Then, it is decided. I’m going to live here, and you shall be my slave,” the man said with a wide grin on his face, sending a chill down Yumeko’s spine. Before she could protest or even react, the man ripped open her shirt, creating a hole wide enough to reveal the top part of her chest. She could do nothing more than yelped. Then, his free hand turned flaming hot, emitting visible steam. “I, Yagrazeel the Demon Prince, am now the master of Yumeko!” the man roared before placing his burning hand onto the top of her left chest. The feeling of her skin being burnt caused Yumeko to scream out in pain. She dug her nails into his hand, but the horned man seemed unaffected. She tried using her free hand to push his burning hand away, but of course, she failed. The young girl was powerless against his overwhelming strength. All Yumeko could do was scream at the pain and hope for it to be over soon. When he lifted his hand back up, something was burned onto her skin. But the shock from the pain prevented her from admiring it as it shut her brain off. She heavily gasped, and her body went limp, completely under the mercy of her assailant “With that, you are now marked as my slave.” Hearing that, Yumeko realized her life was never going to be the same anymore. It was the start of her new life.  A life with a demon prince as her master...
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