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"Are we names on a tattoo or just a number on a hand? Are we last call kisses or will we be reminiscing with each other for the next thirty years... are we written in the stars baby or are we written in the sand-" "Hey!" My eyes shot open as my boombox went from playing my loud heartbreak music-which consisted of tons of NF and Luis Calpaldi songs and my favourite Old Dominion jam, written in the sand- to being more silent than a cemetery. A body jumped onto my bed, wrinkling my sheets even further as well as staining them with mud. Jessie knew I hated people wearing shoes in my apartment, not to mention my bedroom but still she continued to constantly discard my rule. For someone who was a sucker for making rules and abiding by them she sure was good at breaking mine. "You look like shit." stated my close friend as she crossed her legs and faced me. I grimaced at the sight of brown scuff marks on my white sheets, I hoped that the stains would come out when I eventually brought myself to doing my laundry. I really liked these sheets. "My heart has been-" "Yeah not about that life." said Jessie as she waved her hand around almost as if she was warding off evil spirits or in this case the spirit of love. Ah Jessie, the most cynical person I had ever had the pleasure of meeting. My girl Jessie had never and I mean never dated in her life, the girl attracted boys like she was a magnet but somehow managed to repel all of them as if she had a built in man-repellent spray. She was 29 and freaking gorgeous but refused to believe in love or even give it a try. The girl was all work and no action and that worried me. Books sure weren't going to keep her warm on a cold winter's night, nor was it going to make love to her. Home girl needed a man pronto! Or even just a little fun, after all a little fun never killed nobody. "Get up, we're going out." Said my ever forward and no nonsense older- by approximately 7 months- friend. Her words had me blinking in disbelief, surely I hadn't heard her right. My broken heart was starting to mess with my hearing. "Did you just say what I think you just said?" I asked wanting to ensure that I had indeed heard her correctly. Jessie nodded and stood up," yep. Let's go clubbing! I want to celebrate." she said with a smile. I snorted and laid down in my bed, relaxing against my mountain of pillows. I loved having a ton of pillows on my bed, not only did they make my bed look great they also provided me with comfort when I was lonely. Nothing felt better than snuggling into your pillow late at night while watching a movie, well a man's chest felt better but the last man whose chest I had laid upon had left me high and dry. Asshole. "I'm not going anywhere Jess, sorry but not sorry." I said turning away from her and pulling my blanket over my head. "Oh stop being a poop." Jessie pulled my blanket away causing me to groan,"I got into the writing programme that I've been dreaming about for the past few months and I really want to celebrate. Please." Jessie made the puppy face and I groaned in frustration. There were a few things that I couldnt say no to in my life and those included the puppy face and the cute smile that belonged to my ever innocent looking but devious friend. The sneaky witch! "Fine but only for three hours, I-" I said as I slowly sat up. "Boo hoo, go shower or something. You stink." she commented while pinching her nose and creating some distance between us. I smelt my armpits and gagged, maybe not showering for a few days hadn't been a good idea after all. "I was in too much pain to bathe." I said as an excuse causing Jessie to snort in amusement. I had never in my life skipped personal hygiene for any reason, even when I was sick I would make sure I took a shower but ever since Travis had up and left me I had forgone my usual routine and resided myself to eating junk food, listening to sad music and watching old sitcoms like Will and Grace. Oh what a great show, every episode had me in stitches! "Dude get up we dont have all day." "Yeah yeah I'm getting up." I stated as I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to my bathroom. It was time to clean up and party! I rolled my eyes at the thought, any other day I would love to party and dance the night away but the love of my life had left me without even an excuse. All he had said was: ' it's over' before leaving me in the middle of a cafe. Do you know how hard it was to push back the tears and make my way home without breaking down? The least he could have done was to do it at home. And why had he dumped me? Everything was fine between us, it was great and we were in love or at least I had thought so until he discarded me like a used tissue. It wasn't fair. It really wasn't fair. °•°•° "Oh my word! This is f*****g amazing." I amusedly watched as Jessie gushed over the classy and exquisite interior of Club Peach, one of the biggest and most baddest clubs in the city. Jessie hadn't ever been to the club, the girl was an ambivert that preferred books over people, her bed and pillows over socialising and food over anything and everything else. We were total opposites but made a perfectly imperfect match and I think that's why our friendship had lasted so long. We had our differences and that's what made our bond even stronger. I nodded at a few people who waved at us as they walked past us and towards the stairs.I was a regular at the club and had formed a friendship with the owner, a friendship that greatly benefitted my friends and I. And said friends were currently occupying a section of the private VIP lounge that was situated upstairs near the DJ's booth. The only reason I had agreed to go out was because I had thought that it would only be the two of us out tonight,but Jessie had invited the whole group and as much as I loved my friends I was in no mood to socialise with them or anyone for that matter. My mind just wasn't in the right space but one look at Jessie's excited face had me plastering on a fake smile and putting on my best act. I was doing this for my girl. "I want a drink." Said Jessie as she pulled her dress down a bit. She looked a tad bit uncomfortable in the body-hugging blood-red dress that I had talked her into wearing. If it wasn't for the fact that the club had a strict dress code, I knew that Jessie would have definitely been wearing an oversized hoody,skinny jeans and her trademark flip flops. She looked really beautiful and I wished that she wore outfits that showcased her body once in a while. The girl was a babe and needed to own it! I on the other hand wore a gorgeous black dress that accentuated my curves,and at the same time concealed the tummy rolls that often annoyed me despite how much I loved my body. My breast stood up nicely in the tight bodice, and I knew that any man speaking to me tonight would find it difficult to look me in the eyes. But I didn't mind, Mama had given me this chest and I was going to flaunt it. Heck this was the same chest that Travis had been crazy about during our year and a half long relationship. "Go to the others, I'll go get the drinks." I said already looking past the large crowd and at the bar. Jessie opened her mouth to protest no doubt wanting to go with me and being terrified of being left alone, she knew how to handle herself but hated being left alone at events or places. She hated standing around awkwardly and watching people around her having fun. But sometimes she didn't mind being left alone, it all depended on her mood. Sometimes you would leave and find her chatting to random strangers others you would find her standing in a corner either looking around or scrolling on her phone. As I said,it all depended on her mood. "Jessie you'll be okay,"I assured her,"just go upstairs and you'll find the gang." I said patting her on the arm before walking away. She was going to be fine, I knew people around here and if anyone tried anything funny I would find out about it and sort them out. I was more than just a pretty face and a sexy set of breast. •°•° "Can I get a coke with-" "A shot of vodka." Said the bartender, completing my sentence and whipping out a vodka bottle and a closed can of coke."Come on Mia, you know that I know your order very well by now. You look amazing by the way. But then again when do you not look f*****g drop dead gorgeous?" Asked Jace the most smoothest talking barman I had ever met. I watched as he expertly mixed my drink while another female watched him with heart eyes, she was practically drooling. Jace was a good looking man and I had to admit that at some point in my life I had harboured a deep attraction for him. The attraction however had died down the moment I had heard that he was dating a colleague of mine. He finished making my drink and slid it over. "Thanks and can you also get me another coke without the vodka." I asked," it's for my friend Jessie," I added when he raised his brow. Jessie wasn't a fan of alcohol, growing up she had been forced to witness the negative effects of liquor on people and that had led her to swearing off of alcohol. My dear bestie had never had a drop of alcohol, not even a sip. "Oh Jessie, she's here?" he asked looking behind me at the dance floor," I don't see her." he mumbled as his eyes scanned the floor. "Yeah I sent her upstairs to the gang." I said as he brought out another can of coke and moved to open it when I stopped him," she prefers it closed." Jessie was very careful about these things, she never and I mean never drank from a bottle or can that she did not open. Even if you were her friend she would have to watch you pour the drink and take the first sip of your own glass before she even touched her own glass. My girl was really uptight but in this case I understood where she was coming from, a female could never be too careful these days. Not even your own family could be trusted. "Now why would you do that knowing full well that I would love to see Jessie in something other than her trademark jeans and hoody." said Jace emphasising the word 'love' before pouting dramatically. I laughed,"does your lady know how you wish to see other females in dresses?" I teased as I took the can of coke from him. "My lady and I broke up a week ago." he stated placing his elbows on the counter. "Oh sorry about that." I said placing my hand on his for a second before pulling away. He shrugged," don't be it wasn't going to work out anywhere. She was too jealous." He confessed with a sad smile. Boy did I know just how green Jace's ex-girlfriend could be. The woman had cornered me one day after work and told me how she didn't like how close I and Jace were,before telling me to back off of her man. Bitch what! I had told her in a very kind tone to jump off a cliff and stop being a helicopter girlfriend before leaving her standing,like the fool she was,in the elevator. If you didn't trust your man then that was your problem, don't make it mine. I would never ever make a move on a taken man, never! I wasn't the type to break up a relationship and bring another woman pain. It just wasn't within me to be that cruel. I thought about telling Jace about what had transpired between his ex and I but thought better of it. They had broken up and it wouldn't matter anyway. "Well I'm still sorry, you looked like you really liked her." Jace nodded," yeah I did but onward we move. Heard about you and Travis, I'm sorry." he said with an apologetic smile. Mia nodded,"thanks," Just the mention of his name had my heart deflating," I have to go, I'll see you later?" Jace nodded," I'll be hurt if you don't." Mia smiled as she took out some bills from her purse. "It's on the house." He said refusing to take the money. "Jace..." "Just make sure that you bring Jessie over later." I raised a suspicious brow. "There's this book I'm looking for and I think she might have it." He said in rushed voice. I took note of his tinted cheeks and snorted before putting my money away. A book my foot, those two had always had a thing for each other and maybe it was time they acted on it, if they didn't I was going to appoint myself as their personal matchmaker. "Word of advice, Jessie is a hard egg to crack." Jace lifted up his arm and flexed," I can handle her." he said with a wink. I laughed and took my drinks. "Whatever you say hot stuff. I'll see you later and thanks for the drinks." With one last smile I walked away leaving him to do his job. I made my way upstairs and to the table where all my friends where seated at. "Finally! I was about to send out a search party." exclaimed my dramatic best friend as I handed her a drink before sitting down. "Sorry I was chatting with Jace." I greeted my friends who all greeted back before going off at me for being MIA. They didn't utter a word about the break up and I was grateful, it was an unspoken rule that unless you brought up the topic of break up, no one asked questions. "Did you guys hear about the break up?" asked Stella, a friend I had made in college and whom had ended up being crazier than I was. She was pansexual and loved to travel. She came from a rich family but girlfriend had left tht trust fund and decided to make a name for herself. She was a really talented interior designer and had opened her own company where she did interior design for clients but manufactured and sold furniture and other household knicknacks. "Yeah heard that she saw him with a woman in a restaurant and went berserk." answered Matt, her boyfriend of four years. He had become a part of the group a few years back when he and Jessie had been placed in the same group for a school project. They had hit it off and anyone who could hit it off with Jessie was automatically cool in our books. He was now a chartered accountant working at his uncle's firm. "No she didn't." I gasped before taking a sip of my drink. "Yes she did." said Stella from her seat in Matt's lap. And just like that we delved into the story of Jace's ex girlfriend and how crazy she was. It seemed everyone had a bad encounter story to tell about Jace's woman. Especially Jessie, it seemed as if though she had gotten most of the hate and I had a feeling I knew why but the look Jessie gave me told me that she wasn't interested in a talk about Jace and a potential relationship. Too bad I wasn't the friend who let things go easily, she had Jace were going to end up together. I would make sure of it, just because some guys liked to screw girls over *cough* Travis *cough* didn't meant that all men were bad. I had a good feeling about Jace and I wasn't going to rest until they ended up married and living in a white picket fenced house. "Enough about Jace." Jessie put down her empty can and stood up," let's dance!" she quickly pulled down her dress that had riled up just a little before grabbing my hand and pulling me up," I want to dance Mia let's go!" Everyone laughed but followed us to the dance floor. Jessie danced next to me, her hands in the air and her hips moving side to side. She couldn't dance, she literally had no rythmn in her body but she didn't seem to care right now. She was having fun and that made me smile, this writing programme must have really been her dream if getting accepted into it made her this happy. "I love you bestie!" she screamed over the loud music. I grabbed her hand and told her I loved her too before continuing to dance. It was nice hanging out with my gang, they made me happy and they helped me to forget about my broken heart. It felt nice to smile and laugh for the first time in weeks. A few drinks and dances later I was both extremely happy and in need of the bathroom. I told my friends were I was going before getting up and making my way downstairs to the bathrooms. Jessie offered to come with me but I refused, she looked quite comfortable sitting on Jace's lap, whose shift had ended a half hour ago, and I didn't want to disturb their little love bubble that they had surrounding them. "I'll be fine." I sent her a reassuring smile before making my way to the loo, I really needed to pee. "Excuse me do you have a light?" Asked a voice on my way out of the ladies bathroom. My brows furrowed as I turned around to face the owner of the voice. "Sorry I..." My voice trailed off as my eyes met those of the most handsome guy I had ever met. His grey eyes bore into mine as he leaned in, enabling me to smell his Creed cologne that instantly made her n*****s harden, I had always been a sucker for a good sleeping man. And that voice finally registered in my head, I was pretty sure that I had wet my panties just at the sound of him repeating his question. "I... I don't smoke." I managed to say as I not so discreetingly checked him out. He had a good body and nice thick arms that would probably be able to handle all of my curves unlike a man whose name shall no longer be named. The stranger was sexy as f**k and I knew that if he suggested a quickie in the bathroom I wouldn't think twice before letting him dive into my throbbing p***y. "I know." Said the man with a smirk that should have been f*****g illegal. Fucccccckk I was going to jump him if I didn't move away soon. I really needed to get laid. "What makes you say.." My words trailed off once again as I watched him move his hand onto my neck and move a bit closer. He removed the cigarette from between his lips and placed it behind his ear before leaning in until our lips were just a hairsbreath away. I wasn't gonna lie, if he kissed me now I was going to fight it. My lips parted to say something when I felt pressure on my neck and then lights out. Everything turned black.
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