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Prologue Saqqâra Egypt, circa 2,700 BC The tail end of the sandstorm that had lasted for nearly a week faded far off into the western horizon at sunset. Turning to face the nearly completed edifice, Imhotep said a prayer of gratitude to Re and proceeded toward the pyramid. We were fortunate, he thought, that only the draft animals perished during the storm. Nevertheless, he knew his army of workers were close to starvation and would thus require several days of feeding to recover their health before they’d be fit enough to resume their labours. Thankfully, the supply caravan carrying much-needed provisions would arrive from Memphis in the morning. Upon entering his tent at nightfall, he sat down at his desk. Papyrus scrolls littered the entire surface. He unrolled one and began to read. Several minutes later his chief engineer entered. “My Lord.” “Yes, Meni.” “Pharaoh’s messenger just arrived bearing this scroll.” He handed it to him. “Thank you, Meni.” The old man exited the tent. After reading the scroll, he directed his servant boy to bring him his supper. He would dine alone and turn in early for the evening. Tomorrow, Pharaoh would arrive with the supply caravan to inspect his mausoleum. He fell into a deep slumber the moment his head settled on the sleeping mat. His unconscious mind soon felt a familiar pull on his spirit to travel to another time and space. He looked down at his sleeping body as his spirit departed and began to soar to the stars. In an instant the starlight shining all around him coalesced into a tunnel of light as he accelerated through space-time toward his final destination. He had grown accustomed to the experience as he had been there many times before in his life. He always assumed that he would never return to his body on Earth after each time his spirit passed through the Celestial Gate. And this time was no exception. As he passed through the Celestial Gate, the scene all around him took on a truly heavenly form. He hovered in a sea of blue ether populated by wisps of clouds transporting angels and cherubs. His spirit expanded as he once again became one with Creation. Although he sensed the presence of others, most of whom were several times or more powerful than himself, they never revealed themselves to him. It had always been that way each time he visited the Celestial Realm to commune with Creation about earthly matters. This was his role as the High Priest of Re at Heliopolis. Suddenly, a form began to take shape in his mind’s eye. At first the outline appeared to be nothing other than a common lizard with wings. As the shape took clearer definition, which displayed a glorious golden dragon of immense proportions, a tinge of fear began to creep into his being. There was no mistaking its intention. He shuddered with fear for all beings in this universe. He realised that the natural order of this universe had experienced an abrupt and everlasting change with the intrusion of the malevolent deity from another universe. He awakened from the dream as usual with no apparent ill effects. After breakfast, he walked to the pavilion that had been erected to receive Pharaoh. The thunder of hundreds of chariots charging toward him from the northern horizon disturbed the serenity of the construction site. Thirty minutes later the horde reached the mausoleum. Scouting parties were immediately dispatched to reconnoitre the surrounding countryside. As Djoser stepped off his chariot, the throng surrounding him prostrated themselves on the ground. A Nubian slave quickly brought an ostrich feather parasol over Pharaoh’s head to shade him from the intense mid-morning sun. “Arise, my children, and greet the new day of Re.” The assemblage stood and bowed before him as he made his way to the pavilion where Imhotep awaited him. Upon entering, he sat down in the throne in the middle of the pavilion. “You may gaze upon me now Imhotep, my brother.” Imhotep looked up to see Djoser smiling at him. He returned the brotherly smile. “May Pharaoh always bestow Divine Blessings and Providence upon your humble and unworthy servants.” He briefly bowed. “Of that you may always invite and receive, Lord Imhotep.” His countenance changed to one of solemnity. “Be away with you all, except Lord Imhotep.” He waved the Was sceptre he held in his right hand across his chest to signify for everyone to exit the pavilion at once. “Come closer, Lord Imhotep,” he said as the last of the assemblage exited the pavilion. “I fear that my time as Pharaoh is at an end. Last night Osiris came into my sleep and breathed into my mouth. What does that portend?” “Pharaoh the omen does indeed portend that Osiris has begun to prepare your Divinity for the afterlife by bonding your Ba to your Divine Consistence.” “How much time do I have to dwell in Egypt?” “I must first consult the stars this evening for Providence, Pharaoh.” He paused for a moment before resuming. “I myself communed with Amun last night during my sleep. It was revealed to me that Nut has been invaded by a malevolent deity.” “Where did the deity come from?” “I know not, Pharaoh, but it possesses the power of Amen-Re” “What is the deity’s purpose in invading Nut?” “It can only have one, Pharaoh; that is, to rend the heart and soul from Nut and Geb and destroy Duat.” “Then the prophecy is fulfilled, Lord Imhotep.” “What prophecy?” A magnificent eagle flew into the pavilion and alighted on the ground between Pharaoh and Imhotep whereupon it instantly shape-shifted into a tall young man dressed in a silk robe. “Don’t be alarmed, Imhotep.” “Is this Horus?” He dropped to his knees and covered his eyes. His sheer terror of the sight of the apparition before him seized his psyche and body as a paroxysm. The man took Imhotep by the arm and lifted him to his feet as though he were nothing more than an ordinary scarab beetle. “Uncover your eyes, Lord Imhotep, and look into mine. I am only known as Eagle.” Imhotep stared into his eyes for several seconds. He suddenly closed them again. Eagle then took an object from the fold of his robe and placed it on his forehead. After he ceased convulsing and reopened his eyes, he returned the object to the robe. Imhotep stood before him with a sanguine expression on his face. “You see, Lord Imhotep, you and I are from different worlds. Though we share essentially the same physical form and spirit as men, mine hails from this world whilst yours hails from another.” Pharaoh interjected: “Eagle first presented himself to me just before I began my reign as Pharaoh. As you recall, I was then an innately strong and quintessentially noble at that time. My only weakness in achieving my goals for Egypt laid upon my innate youth and inexperience. Had it not been for him, my reign would have been short and unremarkable. “This Was sceptre that I hold in my hand is my only memento of the time when I wielded the power of the Sword of Destiny that rendered me invincible during most of my reign.” “But where is it now, Pharaoh?” “Eagle, the Guardian of the Sword of Destiny, has it in his possession.” “Why did he withdraw it from you?” “I had grown vainglorious with my success as ruler and thus became unsuited to wield it any longer ages ago.” “Eagle, what is its purpose?” “Its sole purpose is to preserve and protect mankind and all creatures on this planet.”
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