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He punches me and my head swings to the right from the impact. From my partially swollen eyes I can see some of my teeth on the floor, lying there mocking me. I spit the blood that fills my mouth and turn to look at him, trying to express all my anger and hate towards him, hoping he would shrivel up and die a very painful death. “Are you finally going to confess to your f*****g crimes?” He glares at me. “I already told you, I didn’t do s**t, neither of us did but you are too thick headed to f*****g listen” I snap Every word that leaves my mouth takes effort. We have been at this for almost two weeks and my body is beginning to bear the consequences of the torture it has been subjected to. “And I already told you, I don’t believe you…so it is either you tell me, or prepare to face Alpha Axel, we both know he is not as merciful as I am.” I chuckle at that but then wince at the pain that slashes across my stomach, if this is him being merciful then I’d hate to see how he is when he is being hard, but hearing the name of Alpha king Axel, sends an involuntary shiver down my spine. And it is not the good kind of shiver, no, it is the total opposite. The one that you get when you are face to face with evil or the personification of evil. “By the way you just shivered, I bet you are reliving his personal visits. We can avoid all that if you would just confess” sneering he begins to wipe my blood from his knuckles. “And why would I confess to a crime I didn’t do? You should be out there looking for the real murderer you freaking prick” I yell at him, frustrated. It honestly gets tiring repeating the same thing over and over again. No matter what I say, they just don’t believe me. I was tired and filthy. I hadn’t eaten in close to two weeks. My whole body was black and blue and purple from the multiple injuries I had. I have been punched, kicked, sliced, electrocuted, burned…you name it. I have endured every torture you could think of. I am still wondering how the hell I am still alive. I was in pain, my entire body was aching but most of all, I was worried about my family. I had not seen them since we were accused of the murder and taken into custody by the elite guards. “You know for someone who is facing death for killing the royal family, you sure have balls” he mocks but beneath it I can tell there is something more…it is almost as if he finds me intriguing. I go to retort but my words are interrupted. “And I plan to chop and grind said balls into nothing but a pulp of meat” Standing at the door of my torture chamber as I have come to think of it as, is none other than the alpha of all alphas and currently the devil in my fairytale. He slams the door behind him while he enters. His face is granite, jaw is clenched and his voice is hard and angry, it’s almost as if he has to force the words out through his teeth. In his eyes I see nothing but hatred but that doesn’t bother me because mine reflect the same damn thing. I hate this man in front of me with everything I am and I wish him nothing but an eternity burning in the fires of hell. “Has she said anything Luke?” the Alpha king turns to his beta, to which beta Luke just shakes his head and takes a seat that is nearby with legs spread open as if he is about to watch the most interesting movie. “Well, let’s get to business shall we?” Alpha asshole as I like to call him continued. He removes his coat and begins to unbutton first his cuffs then the rest of his shirt, he then removes it leaving him shirtless, it’s like he doesn’t want to get blood on it and trust me when I say when he is done with me, there is sure to be a lot of blood. If it wasn’t for the fact that I hated this man with every fiber of my being, I would have appreciated how freaking hot he is. His well curved body made from pure granite, his washboard abs, and all that golden skin. There was no denying that he was a fine specimen but I also could not forget he is a total jerk. He walks towards me with an emotionless face and I take a step back only to be prevented from going further by the chains holding me in place. The first hit leaves me breathless and again not in the good kind of way. Beta Luke was right, compared to the alpha, his was actually mercy. Then more come, he punches me as if he is punching a full grown six foot giant and not a five foot nothing, defenseless woman, each punch leaving in agonizing pain. “I could go on and on Vanya, and trust me when I say that I am really enjoying this” I have heard of the fearsome lycan king, the one everybody is afraid to cross, the one who’s wolf is a complete beast and I had even admired his attributes ones, but never in my life had I ever though that I would ever be the center of his hatred. I breathe in through the pain and turn to look at him “Does it turn you on to beat me senselessly? Give you a hard on?” I blurted out. I know I shouldn’t be baiting him given the predicament I am in but damn it, sometimes it’s hard to keep my sassy attitude at bay, even in the face of certain deaths. Beta Luke just snickers at me, “You really have no sense of self preservation" Considering I can’t keep my f*****g mouth shut, I would have to agree with him. “Tell me what I want to know, and maybe just maybe…I’ll make your death and that of your family quick instead of dragging it out. Forget about confessing to your crimes, I want to know why you did it and who is behind it. Given how insignificant you and your family are, you must have been working for someone.” He bitingly says, his voice a mixture of pain and anger. “I already told you asshole, that we are innocent…we didn’t kill anyone, why won’t you f*****g believe me?” I asked frustrated and desperate this time because I can’t imagine my family being killed for something that wasn’t their fault. “Because I caught your scent just before you tried burying a silver dagger in my heart, then you escaped when you were unable to finish the job and let’s not forget that your family’s scents were in the royal family’s room when they were found dead, so how the hell do you explain that?” In all honesty I couldn't explain that because I was truly at a loss on what was going on and why anybody would frame us. We were just Omegas. “I want a fair trial…for me and my family” That was the only hope I had. I knew that our friends and pack mates would be able to prove our innocence and tell everyone else that we are not capable of doing such a thing. He barks out a laugh but it’s humorless, “Fine, tomorrow you’ll get your damn trial but let me just tell you that when you are proven guilty you will die by my hands” The threat is clear and I know he would enjoy every f*****g minute of it. I note that he said when not if but I chose not to comment on that. Just like his beta, he wipes his hand and then takes his coat and shirt. “I can’t wait to put your filthy body to the ground, where you deserve to be” he says just before he and Luke leave. I don’t understand how my life went to s**t. Just a few weeks ago I was happy and content. I had an amazing boyfriend, a kickass best friend and the best parents and sister I could ever ask for. So where the hell did I go wrong? Or more to the point, who did we wrong to get this kind of fate? The next day couldn’t come quickly enough. I was nervous but at the same time I was confident that the one we know and love will come through for us. I hadn’t heard a thing about my parents or my sister and I was beginning to get worried. Once we were arrested we were separated and placed in different dungeons across the pack. The door to my cell opens and two guards enter, they don’t say anything to me just look at me with a look of pure disgust. They unceremoniously free my hands and given how long I have been chained to the wall, I fall in a heap before them. Without even giving me a chance to recover, they start dragging me by the chains towards the door. I knew where we were headed and I have never been as humiliated as I was right then. My clothes were torn and exposing parts of my body I would prefer to remain private for everyone who had lined up on the side of the road to see. I could hear their angry insults as I was dragged towards the open field where important pack businesses were being held. People spat at me and threw rotten tomatoes and eggs at me. A child even hit me with a rock, but no one cared, for them I was one of the monsters who murdered the family of their Alpha king. In no time we reached our destination. I was relieved to see my family even though they were in the same state I was in. I was brought before the elders and forced to kneel before them. “As we have already concluded the sentencing of three of the culprits, it is time for the final one” one of the elders said. His voice emotionless. Then another continues “Vanya Hart, you are accused of the poisoning and murdering the Alpha king’s family, the royal lycan family how do you plead?” “Not guilty” I say confidently since it’s the truth. I wasn’t guilty, none of us were. I tried to look around to find a familiar face but there was none. “Very well, we will ask the first witness to step forward” Hope flared inside me when Jason stepped forward, but I didn’t anticipate what would happen next. “Jason Davis you are here to tell the truth in the sight of our moon goddess, knowing full well that should you give false testimonies you will be punished. You may begin” The elder looks at Jason. "You may begin" he states and then motions for him to do just that. “Vanya and I were dating but it is because of the fact that she is unhinged that I broke up with her a few months ago. She is crazy and it’s not once or twice she has attacked me in her crazy fits. She has often complained about the royal family being unfair and that one of these days she and her family were going to do something about it” After hearing that I tuned out. I couldn’t believe it, that he would betray me and say things that were absolutely not true. This was they guy I was going to spend the rest of my life, the same one I gave my body, soul and heart. I trusted him, I loved him and he stabbed me in the back. The next scenes were the same. I had to watch people I had cared about and loved turn against me. I knelt there numb as one by one they shattered my hope. The last straw was Becca telling everyone that she saw me mixing something into the food and later seeing me heading to top floors where the royal family slept but she didn't think anything of it until the next morning when it was announced that the Alpha king's family had been murdered. With that my fate was sealed. After literally destroying my life she went to Jason and kissed him straight on the lips, right in front of me. How could I have been so blind? So stupid and foolish? They were cheating behind my back and I hadn’t even suspected a thing. “With all the evidence provided, I declare the Hart family guilty of murder and they shall be sentenced to death by execution. I hung my head too numb to look at all the people who betrayed us. There is a chorus of gasps and I slightly turn to look at what the commotion is only to find Alpha Axel walking towards me next to him is his beta. “Alpha king, we didn’t think you would want to come” I don’t recognize who the elder that speaks is. “How could I miss the chance to avenge my family…” he tells the elder then turns to the guards near my parents and sister “Round them up, start with her mother…I want her to watch her family die before I end her. I want to see the pain in her eyes as I kill them one by one” My mum is brought before him and pushed to kneel while he unsheathes the sword that was handed to him by Beta Luke. “No, no, no please no…I swear we are innocent, we didn't kill anyone…p-please don’t execute them, I'll do anything you want just let them go” I plead with him, tears falling down my face, but I know by the set and determined look he wouldn't spare them, begging won’t do anything to move him. My mum is crying while my dad begs him. The tears that run down her face are breaking my heart. She looks at me then Casey and finally dad. She is about to tell him something when in one swing Alpha Axel beheads her. A scream tears its way out of my throat, my cries uncontrollable and I can’t stop the shakes that rack through my body. I try going to her but I am held back by the guards. I can hear the wails of my sister and the painful howls of my father and his wolf, for having lost their mate. I kneel there with tears running down my face as I watch as he kills my family one by one. I am numb, purely and utterly numb. “I’ve been waiting for this for two week, any final word?” he asked with a cruel smirk. I can clearly see he is enjoying this. I look at the people gathered there, the ones I thought were on our side and I feel nothing but hatred towards them. “Rot in hell you bastard” I spat at him, all the fight finally leaving me. “I’ll gladly meet you there b***h” he growls right before he swings the sword. The last thing I see before everything goes black is Becca’s happy face. I swear they will pay, one way or another.
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