Lunch With Emma's Parents

1160 Words
“Alright, Mrs. Stewart. Introducing, I'm Richard Karl. From today onwards, I will be in charge of looking after Miss Emma Stewart," said Richard. Fera looked Richard up and down. Pay attention to every inch of this man's body. Richard was indeed extraordinary. His body is so strong, like someone who works in a special military division. "Are you a soldier?" asked Fera. "Before being a bodyguard, ma’am," replied Richard. He did not want to give more details about his job before becoming a bodyguard. "That's right," said Fera. Enter the dining room. Before you guys go, we have to eat and talk," said Fera. Fera guided Richard to enter the dining room of her house. While Emma was still sitting in front of her father, crying. Richard watched Emma and her father as they walked. But Fera asked him to ignore them. "Leave them alone. They will make up again," said Fera. Richard and Fera entered the dining room. Even though this house is tiny, it feels hot in this house. Richard looked at some family photos on the living room wall. He also saw pictures of Emma from childhood. The girl has been talented since childhood. So no wonder, when she remembers now, almost no one questioned her acting skills. "Please, sit down. Don’t be so stiff in this house. You're not at war, young man," said Fera. Since then, Fera's attention had missed Richard's movements, who were always looking for something. "It's my job, Mrs. Stewart, to protect Miss Emma. I have to be professional," said Richard. He's never relaxed at work. "You are at Emma's parents' house. We can't harm our daughter," said Fera. Fera pulled out a chair and motioned for Richard to sit down. Fera is excellent. She never had any suspicions about other people. Even when her daughter gets into trouble like this. Fera never blamed anyone. She is the best mother in the world. Because Richard didn't want to sit down either, Fera had to push Richard's body a little to quickly approach the chair that had been prepared. And finally, Richard sat down. "You're so strong, Richard," said Fera. "Richard?" Richard muttered. "Why? You don't want me to call your name like that?" asked Fera. "Alright, I'll call you Mr. Karl…." "No, Mrs. Stewart. You may call me that," said Richard. "Well," Fera pulled a chair beside Richard. She then moved her feet forward and sat down on the chair. "Let's talk about your duties. You are a former soldier. Does that mean you have basic martial arts?" "Yes, I have," replied Richard. "Do you have a wife?" Richard did not understand the meaning of Fera's question, which led to his personal life. "I am sorry, Mrs. Stewart. I don't want to talk about my privacy," said Richard. No one cared about the status of a single or married bodyguard. Who will care? "This is important for my daughter. Because she is single," said Fera. "Oh, yes? But what's the problem?" When Fera wanted to continue her speech, Emma and John came in. Instantly, Fera no longer continued her conversation with Richard. Emma looked suspiciously at the two of them. She was even more suspicious as Richard sat down in the chair. "Why is he sitting here?" Emma asked her mother. "Where do you think he will sit? He will have lunch with us. Sit down. We will eat. I have cooked a lot of food," said Fera as she changed seats. She gave her chair to Emma. While she sat by her husband, Emma glanced slightly sarcastically at Emma. Her tears were not dry because she had to apologize to her father. But this one man was able to make his sad feelings instantly become irritated. Emma pulled out a chair roughly and sat down beside Richard. Meanwhile, Richard was paying attention to how Emma was sitting. He was trying to make sure that nothing could harm Emma. "You can guarantee that you can take care of my daughter, Mr... " John started the discussion, but he forgot to ask Richard's name. "Richard Karl, Mr. Stewart. My name is Richard Karl," Richard replied. John coughed for a while. Actually, I can be a little insecure about Richard's awe-inspiring appearance. But John is the host. He had to show his authority to Richard in front of his wife and daughter. "Are you all right, Mr. Karl?" asked Richard. Emma also found her father a little strange. He doesn't usually look nervous in front of other people. But maybe this is the result of the disturbances in their lives since the Claudia case. Her father had thrown a rotten egg when he went to a cake shop. And this kind of thing doesn't just happen once or twice. It had been a few times in the past six months and paid for her father's slightly disturbed mental state. "You needn't worry, Mr. Stewart. Your daughter will be safe with me. I have a special duty to be her bodyguard. And I will be responsible for my work," said Richard. It turned out that Emma wasn't the only one who was impressed with Richard. John couldn't stop staring at Richard either. The way he spoke was utterly different. Not relaxed or too formal. As if talking to his boss. "Are you always like this, Mr. Karl?" asked John. "I mean, why are you so stiff? You're not in the military. You're talking to civilians. Please, speak casually." Richard didn't understand. According to him, the way he spoke was like his usual self. It was Richard who felt strange about the warm situation in this family. Emma noticed Richard's attitude. It seems that Richard is a person who is the exact opposite of her. "Never mind. Let's eat. Think of him as a robot. Let him do whatever he wants," said Emma. After lunch, Emma is in her empty room, leaving only a mattress. While Richard was in front of his room on guard. This kind of situation was extraordinary for him. Richard's careful attention to his movements made Emma feel that her privacy was disturbed. "Can't you just stand in front of my room? You can relax outside or on the couch in the living room. Don't monitor me like that. There's no danger in my house!" shouted Emma from inside her room. "I am sorry, Miss Emma. I was just doing my job," Richard replied. Emma did not accept Richard's answer. She hastily got up from her bed, then exited the room. Unfortunately, Richard was standing right in front of the room, so that when Emma came out. She could see the sight of a handsome man, tall and straight with his blue eyes. For a moment, Emma's heart seemed to stop beating. She was not ready for the beautiful scenery in front of him. Her heart was beating fast, and her cheeks were flushed red. "Damn, he's so handsome," Emma thought.
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